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import inspect
from functools import partial, wraps
from asgiref.local import Local
from django.template import Context, Template, TemplateSyntaxError
from django.templatetags.l10n import LocalizeNode
from django.test import SimpleTestCase, override_settings
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import trans_real
from ...utils import setup as base_setup
from .base import MultipleLocaleActivationTestCase, extended_locale_paths
def setup(templates, *args, **kwargs):
translate_setup = base_setup(templates, *args, **kwargs)
trans_setup = base_setup(
name: template.replace("{% translate ", "{% trans ")
for name, template in templates.items()
tags = {
"trans": trans_setup,
"translate": translate_setup,
def decorator(func):
def inner(self, *args):
signature = inspect.signature(func)
for tag_name, setup_func in tags.items():
if "tag_name" in signature.parameters:
setup_func(partial(func, tag_name=tag_name))(self)
return inner
return decorator
class I18nTransTagTests(SimpleTestCase):
libraries = {"i18n": "django.templatetags.i18n"}
@setup({"i18n01": "{% load i18n %}{% translate 'xxxyyyxxx' %}"})
def test_i18n01(self):
"""simple translation of a string delimited by '."""
output = self.engine.render_to_string("i18n01")
self.assertEqual(output, "xxxyyyxxx")
@setup({"i18n02": '{% load i18n %}{% translate "xxxyyyxxx" %}'})
def test_i18n02(self):
"""simple translation of a string delimited by "."""
output = self.engine.render_to_string("i18n02")
self.assertEqual(output, "xxxyyyxxx")
@setup({"i18n06": '{% load i18n %}{% translate "Page not found" %}'})
def test_i18n06(self):
"""simple translation of a string to German"""
with translation.override("de"):
output = self.engine.render_to_string("i18n06")
self.assertEqual(output, "Seite nicht gefunden")
@setup({"i18n09": '{% load i18n %}{% translate "Page not found" noop %}'})
def test_i18n09(self):
"""simple non-translation (only marking) of a string to German"""
with translation.override("de"):
output = self.engine.render_to_string("i18n09")
self.assertEqual(output, "Page not found")
@setup({"i18n20": "{% load i18n %}{% translate andrew %}"})
def test_i18n20(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string("i18n20", {"andrew": "a & b"})
self.assertEqual(output, "a & b")
@setup({"i18n22": "{% load i18n %}{% translate andrew %}"})
def test_i18n22(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string("i18n22", {"andrew": mark_safe("a & b")})
self.assertEqual(output, "a & b")
"i18n23": (
'{% load i18n %}{% translate "Page not found"|capfirst|slice:"6:" %}'
def test_i18n23(self):
"""Using filters with the {% translate %} tag (#5972)."""
with translation.override("de"):
output = self.engine.render_to_string("i18n23")
self.assertEqual(output, "nicht gefunden")
@setup({"i18n24": "{% load i18n %}{% translate 'Page not found'|upper %}"})
def test_i18n24(self):
with translation.override("de"):
output = self.engine.render_to_string("i18n24")
self.assertEqual(output, "SEITE NICHT GEFUNDEN")
@setup({"i18n25": "{% load i18n %}{% translate somevar|upper %}"})
def test_i18n25(self):
with translation.override("de"):
output = self.engine.render_to_string(
"i18n25", {"somevar": "Page not found"}
self.assertEqual(output, "SEITE NICHT GEFUNDEN")
# trans tag with as var
"i18n35": (
'{% load i18n %}{% translate "Page not found" as page_not_found %}'
"{{ page_not_found }}"
def test_i18n35(self):
with translation.override("de"):
output = self.engine.render_to_string("i18n35")
self.assertEqual(output, "Seite nicht gefunden")
"i18n36": (
'{% load i18n %}{% translate "Page not found" noop as page_not_found %}'
"{{ page_not_found }}"
def test_i18n36(self):
with translation.override("de"):
output = self.engine.render_to_string("i18n36")
self.assertEqual(output, "Page not found")
@setup({"template": "{% load i18n %}{% translate %}A}"})
def test_syntax_error_no_arguments(self, tag_name):
msg = "'{}' takes at least one argument".format(tag_name)
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({"template": '{% load i18n %}{% translate "Yes" badoption %}'})
def test_syntax_error_bad_option(self, tag_name):
msg = "Unknown argument for '{}' tag: 'badoption'".format(tag_name)
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({"template": '{% load i18n %}{% translate "Yes" as %}'})
def test_syntax_error_missing_assignment(self, tag_name):
msg = "No argument provided to the '{}' tag for the as option.".format(tag_name)
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({"template": '{% load i18n %}{% translate "Yes" as var context %}'})
def test_syntax_error_missing_context(self, tag_name):
msg = "No argument provided to the '{}' tag for the context option.".format(
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({"template": '{% load i18n %}{% translate "Yes" context as var %}'})
def test_syntax_error_context_as(self, tag_name):
msg = (
f"Invalid argument 'as' provided to the '{tag_name}' tag for the context "
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({"template": '{% load i18n %}{% translate "Yes" context noop %}'})
def test_syntax_error_context_noop(self, tag_name):
msg = (
f"Invalid argument 'noop' provided to the '{tag_name}' tag for the context "
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({"template": '{% load i18n %}{% translate "Yes" noop noop %}'})
def test_syntax_error_duplicate_option(self):
msg = "The 'noop' option was specified more than once."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({"template": '{% load i18n %}{% translate "%s" %}'})
def test_trans_tag_using_a_string_that_looks_like_str_fmt(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string("template")
self.assertEqual(output, "%s")
class TranslationTransTagTests(SimpleTestCase):
tag_name = "trans"
def get_template(self, template_string):
return Template(
template_string.replace("{{% translate ", "{{% {}".format(self.tag_name))
def test_template_tags_pgettext(self):
"""{% translate %} takes message contexts into account (#14806)."""
trans_real._active = Local()
trans_real._translations = {}
with translation.override("de"):
# Nonexistent context...
t = self.get_template(
'{% load i18n %}{% translate "May" context "nonexistent" %}'
rendered = t.render(Context())
self.assertEqual(rendered, "May")
# Existing context... using a literal
t = self.get_template(
'{% load i18n %}{% translate "May" context "month name" %}'
rendered = t.render(Context())
self.assertEqual(rendered, "Mai")
t = self.get_template('{% load i18n %}{% translate "May" context "verb" %}')
rendered = t.render(Context())
self.assertEqual(rendered, "Kann")
# Using a variable
t = self.get_template(
'{% load i18n %}{% translate "May" context message_context %}'
rendered = t.render(Context({"message_context": "month name"}))
self.assertEqual(rendered, "Mai")
t = self.get_template(
'{% load i18n %}{% translate "May" context message_context %}'
rendered = t.render(Context({"message_context": "verb"}))
self.assertEqual(rendered, "Kann")
# Using a filter
t = self.get_template(
'{% load i18n %}{% translate "May" context message_context|lower %}'
rendered = t.render(Context({"message_context": "MONTH NAME"}))
self.assertEqual(rendered, "Mai")
t = self.get_template(
'{% load i18n %}{% translate "May" context message_context|lower %}'
rendered = t.render(Context({"message_context": "VERB"}))
self.assertEqual(rendered, "Kann")
# Using 'as'
t = self.get_template(
'{% load i18n %}{% translate "May" context "month name" as var %}'
"Value: {{ var }}"
rendered = t.render(Context())
self.assertEqual(rendered, "Value: Mai")
t = self.get_template(
'{% load i18n %}{% translate "May" as var context "verb" %}Value: '
"{{ var }}"
rendered = t.render(Context())
self.assertEqual(rendered, "Value: Kann")
class TranslationTranslateTagTests(TranslationTransTagTests):
tag_name = "translate"
class MultipleLocaleActivationTransTagTests(MultipleLocaleActivationTestCase):
tag_name = "trans"
def get_template(self, template_string):
return Template(
template_string.replace("{{% translate ", "{{% {}".format(self.tag_name))
def test_single_locale_activation(self):
Simple baseline behavior with one locale for all the supported i18n
with translation.override("fr"):
self.get_template("{% load i18n %}{% translate 'Yes' %}").render(
def test_multiple_locale_trans(self):
with translation.override("de"):
t = self.get_template("{% load i18n %}{% translate 'No' %}")
with translation.override(self._old_language), translation.override("nl"):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), "Nee")
def test_multiple_locale_deactivate_trans(self):
with translation.override("de", deactivate=True):
t = self.get_template("{% load i18n %}{% translate 'No' %}")
with translation.override("nl"):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), "Nee")
def test_multiple_locale_direct_switch_trans(self):
with translation.override("de"):
t = self.get_template("{% load i18n %}{% translate 'No' %}")
with translation.override("nl"):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), "Nee")
class MultipleLocaleActivationTranslateTagTests(MultipleLocaleActivationTransTagTests):
tag_name = "translate"
class LocalizeNodeTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_repr(self):
node = LocalizeNode(nodelist=[], use_l10n=True)
self.assertEqual(repr(node), "<LocalizeNode>")