mirror of https://github.com/django/django.git synced 2025-03-09 17:02:43 +00:00
Tim Graham c9ae09addf Replaced use of TestCase.fail() with assertRaises().
Also removed try/except/fail antipattern that hides exceptions.
2016-06-28 11:21:26 -04:00

272 lines
11 KiB

import os
import unittest
from unittest import skipUnless
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import HAS_GDAL
from ..test_data import TEST_DATA, TestDS, get_ds_file
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource, Envelope, OGRGeometry, GDALException, OGRIndexError, GDAL_VERSION
from django.contrib.gis.gdal.field import OFTReal, OFTInteger, OFTString
# List of acceptable data sources.
ds_list = (
'test_point', nfeat=5, nfld=3, geom='POINT', gtype=1, driver='ESRI Shapefile',
fields={'dbl': OFTReal, 'int': OFTInteger, 'str': OFTString},
extent=(-1.35011, 0.166623, -0.524093, 0.824508), # Got extent from QGIS
'dbl': [float(i) for i in range(1, 6)],
'int': list(range(1, 6)),
'str': [str(i) for i in range(1, 6)],
'test_vrt', ext='vrt', nfeat=3, nfld=3, geom='POINT', gtype='Point25D',
driver='OGR_VRT' if GDAL_VERSION >= (2, 0) else 'VRT',
'POINT_X': OFTString,
'POINT_Y': OFTString,
'NUM': OFTString,
}, # VRT uses CSV, which all types are OFTString.
extent=(1.0, 2.0, 100.0, 523.5), # Min/Max from CSV
'POINT_X': ['1.0', '5.0', '100.0'],
'POINT_Y': ['2.0', '23.0', '523.5'],
'NUM': ['5', '17', '23'],
fids=range(1, 4)
'test_poly', nfeat=3, nfld=3, geom='POLYGON', gtype=3,
driver='ESRI Shapefile',
fields={'float': OFTReal, 'int': OFTInteger, 'str': OFTString},
extent=(-1.01513, -0.558245, 0.161876, 0.839637), # Got extent from QGIS
bad_ds = (TestDS('foo'),)
@skipUnless(HAS_GDAL, "GDAL is required")
class DataSourceTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test01_valid_shp(self):
"Testing valid SHP Data Source files."
for source in ds_list:
# Loading up the data source
ds = DataSource(source.ds)
# Making sure the layer count is what's expected (only 1 layer in a SHP file)
self.assertEqual(1, len(ds))
# Making sure GetName works
self.assertEqual(source.ds, ds.name)
# Making sure the driver name matches up
self.assertEqual(source.driver, str(ds.driver))
# Making sure indexing works
with self.assertRaises(OGRIndexError):
def test02_invalid_shp(self):
"Testing invalid SHP files for the Data Source."
for source in bad_ds:
with self.assertRaises(GDALException):
def test03a_layers(self):
"Testing Data Source Layers."
for source in ds_list:
ds = DataSource(source.ds)
# Incrementing through each layer, this tests DataSource.__iter__
for layer in ds:
# Making sure we get the number of features we expect
self.assertEqual(len(layer), source.nfeat)
# Making sure we get the number of fields we expect
self.assertEqual(source.nfld, layer.num_fields)
self.assertEqual(source.nfld, len(layer.fields))
# Testing the layer's extent (an Envelope), and its properties
self.assertIsInstance(layer.extent, Envelope)
self.assertAlmostEqual(source.extent[0], layer.extent.min_x, 5)
self.assertAlmostEqual(source.extent[1], layer.extent.min_y, 5)
self.assertAlmostEqual(source.extent[2], layer.extent.max_x, 5)
self.assertAlmostEqual(source.extent[3], layer.extent.max_y, 5)
# Now checking the field names.
flds = layer.fields
for f in flds:
self.assertIn(f, source.fields)
# Negative FIDs are not allowed.
with self.assertRaises(OGRIndexError):
with self.assertRaises(OGRIndexError):
if hasattr(source, 'field_values'):
fld_names = source.field_values.keys()
# Testing `Layer.get_fields` (which uses Layer.__iter__)
for fld_name in fld_names:
self.assertEqual(source.field_values[fld_name], layer.get_fields(fld_name))
# Testing `Layer.__getitem__`.
for i, fid in enumerate(source.fids):
feat = layer[fid]
self.assertEqual(fid, feat.fid)
# Maybe this should be in the test below, but we might as well test
# the feature values here while in this loop.
for fld_name in fld_names:
self.assertEqual(source.field_values[fld_name][i], feat.get(fld_name))
def test03b_layer_slice(self):
"Test indexing and slicing on Layers."
# Using the first data-source because the same slice
# can be used for both the layer and the control values.
source = ds_list[0]
ds = DataSource(source.ds)
sl = slice(1, 3)
feats = ds[0][sl]
for fld_name in ds[0].fields:
test_vals = [feat.get(fld_name) for feat in feats]
control_vals = source.field_values[fld_name][sl]
self.assertEqual(control_vals, test_vals)
def test03c_layer_references(self):
Ensure OGR objects keep references to the objects they belong to.
source = ds_list[0]
# See ticket #9448.
def get_layer():
# This DataSource object is not accessible outside this
# scope. However, a reference should still be kept alive
# on the `Layer` returned.
ds = DataSource(source.ds)
return ds[0]
# Making sure we can call OGR routines on the Layer returned.
lyr = get_layer()
self.assertEqual(source.nfeat, len(lyr))
self.assertEqual(source.gtype, lyr.geom_type.num)
# Same issue for Feature/Field objects, see #18640
self.assertEqual(str(lyr[0]['str']), "1")
def test04_features(self):
"Testing Data Source Features."
for source in ds_list:
ds = DataSource(source.ds)
# Incrementing through each layer
for layer in ds:
# Incrementing through each feature in the layer
for feat in layer:
# Making sure the number of fields, and the geometry type
# are what's expected.
self.assertEqual(source.nfld, len(list(feat)))
self.assertEqual(source.gtype, feat.geom_type)
# Making sure the fields match to an appropriate OFT type.
for k, v in source.fields.items():
# Making sure we get the proper OGR Field instance, using
# a string value index for the feature.
self.assertIsInstance(feat[k], v)
# Testing Feature.__iter__
for fld in feat:
self.assertIn(fld.name, source.fields.keys())
def test05_geometries(self):
"Testing Geometries from Data Source Features."
for source in ds_list:
ds = DataSource(source.ds)
# Incrementing through each layer and feature.
for layer in ds:
for feat in layer:
g = feat.geom
# Making sure we get the right Geometry name & type
self.assertEqual(source.geom, g.geom_name)
self.assertEqual(source.gtype, g.geom_type)
# Making sure the SpatialReference is as expected.
if hasattr(source, 'srs_wkt'):
# Depending on lib versions, WGS_84 might be WGS_1984
g.srs.wkt.replace('SPHEROID["WGS_84"', 'SPHEROID["WGS_1984"')
def test06_spatial_filter(self):
"Testing the Layer.spatial_filter property."
ds = DataSource(get_ds_file('cities', 'shp'))
lyr = ds[0]
# When not set, it should be None.
# Must be set a/an OGRGeometry or 4-tuple.
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
# Setting the spatial filter with a tuple/list with the extent of
# a buffer centering around Pueblo.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
filter_extent = (-105.609252, 37.255001, -103.609252, 39.255001)
lyr.spatial_filter = (-105.609252, 37.255001, -103.609252, 39.255001)
self.assertEqual(OGRGeometry.from_bbox(filter_extent), lyr.spatial_filter)
feats = [feat for feat in lyr]
self.assertEqual(1, len(feats))
self.assertEqual('Pueblo', feats[0].get('Name'))
# Setting the spatial filter with an OGRGeometry for buffer centering
# around Houston.
filter_geom = OGRGeometry(
'POLYGON((-96.363151 28.763374,-94.363151 28.763374,'
'-94.363151 30.763374,-96.363151 30.763374,-96.363151 28.763374))'
lyr.spatial_filter = filter_geom
self.assertEqual(filter_geom, lyr.spatial_filter)
feats = [feat for feat in lyr]
self.assertEqual(1, len(feats))
self.assertEqual('Houston', feats[0].get('Name'))
# Clearing the spatial filter by setting it to None. Now
# should indicate that there are 3 features in the Layer.
lyr.spatial_filter = None
self.assertEqual(3, len(lyr))
def test07_integer_overflow(self):
"Testing that OFTReal fields, treated as OFTInteger, do not overflow."
# Using *.dbf from Census 2010 TIGER Shapefile for Texas,
# which has land area ('ALAND10') stored in a Real field
# with no precision.
ds = DataSource(os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'texas.dbf'))
feat = ds[0][0]
# Reference value obtained using `ogrinfo`.
self.assertEqual(676586997978, feat.get('ALAND10'))