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synced 2025-03-09 08:52:32 +00:00
Found cases where testing code was doing try: whatever except (some excption type): self.fail("exception shouldn't be thrown") replaced it with just whatever as this makes the unexpected errors easier to debug, and the tests would fail just as much and aren't rendered less readable. Thanks Markus Holtermann for review
339 lines
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339 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import unittest
from copy import copy
from decimal import Decimal
from unittest import skipUnless
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import HAS_GDAL
from django.contrib.gis.geos import HAS_GEOS
from django.db import connection
from django.test import TestCase, override_settings, skipUnlessDBFeature
from django.utils._os import upath
from django.contrib.gis.utils.layermapping import (LayerMapping,
LayerMapError, InvalidDecimal, InvalidString, MissingForeignKey)
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource
from .models import (
City, County, CountyFeat, Interstate, ICity1, ICity2, Invalid, State,
city_mapping, co_mapping, cofeat_mapping, inter_mapping)
shp_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(upath(__file__)), os.pardir, 'data'))
city_shp = os.path.join(shp_path, 'cities', 'cities.shp')
co_shp = os.path.join(shp_path, 'counties', 'counties.shp')
inter_shp = os.path.join(shp_path, 'interstates', 'interstates.shp')
invalid_shp = os.path.join(shp_path, 'invalid', 'emptypoints.shp')
# Dictionaries to hold what's expected in the county shapefile.
NAMES = ['Bexar', 'Galveston', 'Harris', 'Honolulu', 'Pueblo']
NUMS = [1, 2, 1, 19, 1] # Number of polygons for each.
STATES = ['Texas', 'Texas', 'Texas', 'Hawaii', 'Colorado']
@skipUnless(HAS_GDAL, "LayerMapTest needs GDAL support")
class LayerMapTest(TestCase):
def test_init(self):
"Testing LayerMapping initialization."
# Model field that does not exist.
bad1 = copy(city_mapping)
bad1['foobar'] = 'FooField'
# Shapefile field that does not exist.
bad2 = copy(city_mapping)
bad2['name'] = 'Nombre'
# Nonexistent geographic field type.
bad3 = copy(city_mapping)
bad3['point'] = 'CURVE'
# Incrementing through the bad mapping dictionaries and
# ensuring that a LayerMapError is raised.
for bad_map in (bad1, bad2, bad3):
with self.assertRaises(LayerMapError):
LayerMapping(City, city_shp, bad_map)
# A LookupError should be thrown for bogus encodings.
with self.assertRaises(LookupError):
LayerMapping(City, city_shp, city_mapping, encoding='foobar')
def test_simple_layermap(self):
"Test LayerMapping import of a simple point shapefile."
# Setting up for the LayerMapping.
lm = LayerMapping(City, city_shp, city_mapping)
# There should be three cities in the shape file.
self.assertEqual(3, City.objects.count())
# Opening up the shapefile, and verifying the values in each
# of the features made it to the model.
ds = DataSource(city_shp)
layer = ds[0]
for feat in layer:
city = City.objects.get(name=feat['Name'].value)
self.assertEqual(feat['Population'].value, city.population)
self.assertEqual(Decimal(str(feat['Density'])), city.density)
self.assertEqual(feat['Created'].value, city.dt)
# Comparing the geometries.
pnt1, pnt2 = feat.geom, city.point
self.assertAlmostEqual(pnt1.x, pnt2.x, 5)
self.assertAlmostEqual(pnt1.y, pnt2.y, 5)
def test_layermap_strict(self):
"Testing the `strict` keyword, and import of a LineString shapefile."
# When the `strict` keyword is set an error encountered will force
# the importation to stop.
with self.assertRaises(InvalidDecimal):
lm = LayerMapping(Interstate, inter_shp, inter_mapping)
lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)
# This LayerMapping should work b/c `strict` is not set.
lm = LayerMapping(Interstate, inter_shp, inter_mapping)
# Two interstate should have imported correctly.
self.assertEqual(2, Interstate.objects.count())
# Verifying the values in the layer w/the model.
ds = DataSource(inter_shp)
# Only the first two features of this shapefile are valid.
valid_feats = ds[0][:2]
for feat in valid_feats:
istate = Interstate.objects.get(name=feat['Name'].value)
if feat.fid == 0:
self.assertEqual(Decimal(str(feat['Length'])), istate.length)
elif feat.fid == 1:
# Everything but the first two decimal digits were truncated,
# because the Interstate model's `length` field has decimal_places=2.
self.assertAlmostEqual(feat.get('Length'), float(istate.length), 2)
for p1, p2 in zip(feat.geom, istate.path):
self.assertAlmostEqual(p1[0], p2[0], 6)
self.assertAlmostEqual(p1[1], p2[1], 6)
def county_helper(self, county_feat=True):
"Helper function for ensuring the integrity of the mapped County models."
for name, n, st in zip(NAMES, NUMS, STATES):
# Should only be one record b/c of `unique` keyword.
c = County.objects.get(name=name)
self.assertEqual(n, len(c.mpoly))
self.assertEqual(st, c.state.name) # Checking ForeignKey mapping.
# Multiple records because `unique` was not set.
if county_feat:
qs = CountyFeat.objects.filter(name=name)
self.assertEqual(n, qs.count())
def test_layermap_unique_multigeometry_fk(self):
"Testing the `unique`, and `transform`, geometry collection conversion, and ForeignKey mappings."
# All the following should work.
# Telling LayerMapping that we want no transformations performed on the data.
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False)
# Specifying the source spatial reference system via the `source_srs` keyword.
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, source_srs=4269)
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, source_srs='NAD83')
# Unique may take tuple or string parameters.
for arg in ('name', ('name', 'mpoly')):
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique=arg)
# Now test for failures
# Testing invalid params for the `unique` keyword.
for e, arg in ((TypeError, 5.0), (ValueError, 'foobar'), (ValueError, ('name', 'mpolygon'))):
self.assertRaises(e, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique=arg)
# No source reference system defined in the shapefile, should raise an error.
if connection.features.supports_transform:
self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, co_mapping)
# Passing in invalid ForeignKey mapping parameters -- must be a dictionary
# mapping for the model the ForeignKey points to.
bad_fk_map1 = copy(co_mapping)
bad_fk_map1['state'] = 'name'
bad_fk_map2 = copy(co_mapping)
bad_fk_map2['state'] = {'nombre': 'State'}
self.assertRaises(TypeError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, bad_fk_map1, transform=False)
self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, bad_fk_map2, transform=False)
# There exist no State models for the ForeignKey mapping to work -- should raise
# a MissingForeignKey exception (this error would be ignored if the `strict`
# keyword is not set).
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique='name')
self.assertRaises(MissingForeignKey, lm.save, silent=True, strict=True)
# Now creating the state models so the ForeignKey mapping may work.
State(name='Colorado'), State(name='Hawaii'), State(name='Texas')
# If a mapping is specified as a collection, all OGR fields that
# are not collections will be converted into them. For example,
# a Point column would be converted to MultiPoint. Other things being done
# w/the keyword args:
# `transform=False`: Specifies that no transform is to be done; this
# has the effect of ignoring the spatial reference check (because the
# county shapefile does not have implicit spatial reference info).
# `unique='name'`: Creates models on the condition that they have
# unique county names; geometries from each feature however will be
# appended to the geometry collection of the unique model. Thus,
# all of the various islands in Honolulu county will be in in one
# database record with a MULTIPOLYGON type.
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique='name')
lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)
# A reference that doesn't use the unique keyword; a new database record will
# created for each polygon.
lm = LayerMapping(CountyFeat, co_shp, cofeat_mapping, transform=False)
lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)
# The county helper is called to ensure integrity of County models.
def test_test_fid_range_step(self):
"Tests the `fid_range` keyword and the `step` keyword of .save()."
# Function for clearing out all the counties before testing.
def clear_counties():
State(name='Colorado'), State(name='Hawaii'), State(name='Texas')
# Initializing the LayerMapping object to use in these tests.
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique='name')
# Bad feature id ranges should raise a type error.
bad_ranges = (5.0, 'foo', co_shp)
for bad in bad_ranges:
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lm.save, fid_range=bad)
# Step keyword should not be allowed w/`fid_range`.
fr = (3, 5) # layer[3:5]
self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, lm.save, fid_range=fr, step=10)
# Features IDs 3 & 4 are for Galveston County, Texas -- only
# one model is returned because the `unique` keyword was set.
qs = County.objects.all()
self.assertEqual(1, qs.count())
self.assertEqual('Galveston', qs[0].name)
# Features IDs 5 and beyond for Honolulu County, Hawaii, and
# FID 0 is for Pueblo County, Colorado.
lm.save(fid_range=slice(5, None), silent=True, strict=True) # layer[5:]
lm.save(fid_range=slice(None, 1), silent=True, strict=True) # layer[:1]
# Only Pueblo & Honolulu counties should be present because of
# the `unique` keyword. Have to set `order_by` on this QuerySet
# or else MySQL will return a different ordering than the other dbs.
qs = County.objects.order_by('name')
self.assertEqual(2, qs.count())
hi, co = tuple(qs)
hi_idx, co_idx = tuple(map(NAMES.index, ('Honolulu', 'Pueblo')))
self.assertEqual('Pueblo', co.name)
self.assertEqual(NUMS[co_idx], len(co.mpoly))
self.assertEqual('Honolulu', hi.name)
self.assertEqual(NUMS[hi_idx], len(hi.mpoly))
# Testing the `step` keyword -- should get the same counties
# regardless of we use a step that divides equally, that is odd,
# or that is larger than the dataset.
for st in (4, 7, 1000):
lm.save(step=st, strict=True)
def test_model_inheritance(self):
"Tests LayerMapping on inherited models. See #12093."
icity_mapping = {'name': 'Name',
'population': 'Population',
'density': 'Density',
'point': 'POINT',
'dt': 'Created',
# Parent model has geometry field.
lm1 = LayerMapping(ICity1, city_shp, icity_mapping)
# Grandparent has geometry field.
lm2 = LayerMapping(ICity2, city_shp, icity_mapping)
self.assertEqual(6, ICity1.objects.count())
self.assertEqual(3, ICity2.objects.count())
def test_invalid_layer(self):
"Tests LayerMapping on invalid geometries. See #15378."
invalid_mapping = {'point': 'POINT'}
lm = LayerMapping(Invalid, invalid_shp, invalid_mapping,
def test_charfield_too_short(self):
mapping = copy(city_mapping)
mapping['name_short'] = 'Name'
lm = LayerMapping(City, city_shp, mapping)
with self.assertRaises(InvalidString):
lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)
def test_textfield(self):
"Tests that String content fits also in a TextField"
mapping = copy(city_mapping)
mapping['name_txt'] = 'Name'
lm = LayerMapping(City, city_shp, mapping)
lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)
self.assertEqual(City.objects.count(), 3)
self.assertEqual(City.objects.get(name='Houston').name_txt, "Houston")
def test_encoded_name(self):
""" Test a layer containing utf-8-encoded name """
city_shp = os.path.join(shp_path, 'ch-city', 'ch-city.shp')
lm = LayerMapping(City, city_shp, city_mapping)
lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)
self.assertEqual(City.objects.count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(City.objects.all()[0].name, "Zürich")
class OtherRouter(object):
def db_for_read(self, model, **hints):
return 'other'
def db_for_write(self, model, **hints):
return self.db_for_read(model, **hints)
def allow_relation(self, obj1, obj2, **hints):
return None
def allow_migrate(self, db, app_label, **hints):
return True
@skipUnless(HAS_GDAL, "LayerMapRouterTest needs GDAL support")
class LayerMapRouterTest(TestCase):
@unittest.skipUnless(len(settings.DATABASES) > 1, 'multiple databases required')
def test_layermapping_default_db(self):
lm = LayerMapping(City, city_shp, city_mapping)
self.assertEqual(lm.using, 'other')