mirror of https://github.com/django/django.git synced 2025-03-11 01:42:35 +00:00
Malcolm Tredinnick 369d9ffa3d Fixed #2906 -- Added documentation about HTTP error code returns and the
default 404 and 500 code error handlers. Based on a patch from Marc Fargas.

git-svn-id: http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk@4534 bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
2007-02-17 04:59:49 +00:00

509 lines
19 KiB

Request and response objects
Quick overview
Django uses request and response objects to pass state through the system.
When a page is requested, Django creates an ``HttpRequest`` object that
contains metadata about the request. Then Django loads the appropriate view,
passing the ``HttpRequest`` as the first argument to the view function. Each
view is responsible for returning an ``HttpResponse`` object.
This document explains the APIs for ``HttpRequest`` and ``HttpResponse``
HttpRequest objects
All attributes except ``session`` should be considered read-only.
A string representing the full path to the requested page, not including
the domain.
Example: ``"/music/bands/the_beatles/"``
A string representing the HTTP method used in the request. This is
guaranteed to be uppercase. Example::
if request.method == 'GET':
elif request.method == 'POST':
A dictionary-like object containing all given HTTP GET parameters. See the
``QueryDict`` documentation below.
A dictionary-like object containing all given HTTP POST parameters. See the
``QueryDict`` documentation below.
It's possible that a request can come in via POST with an empty ``POST``
dictionary -- if, say, a form is requested via the POST HTTP method but
does not include form data. Therefore, you shouldn't use ``if request.POST``
to check for use of the POST method; instead, use ``if request.method ==
"POST"`` (see above).
Note: ``POST`` does *not* include file-upload information. See ``FILES``.
For convenience, a dictionary-like object that searches ``POST`` first,
then ``GET``. Inspired by PHP's ``$_REQUEST``.
For example, if ``GET = {"name": "john"}`` and ``POST = {"age": '34'}``,
``REQUEST["name"]`` would be ``"john"``, and ``REQUEST["age"]`` would be
It's strongly suggested that you use ``GET`` and ``POST`` instead of
``REQUEST``, because the former are more explicit.
A standard Python dictionary containing all cookies. Keys and values are
A dictionary-like object containing all uploaded files. Each key in
``FILES`` is the ``name`` from the ``<input type="file" name="" />``. Each
value in ``FILES`` is a standard Python dictionary with the following three
* ``filename`` -- The name of the uploaded file, as a Python string.
* ``content-type`` -- The content type of the uploaded file.
* ``content`` -- The raw content of the uploaded file.
Note that ``FILES`` will only contain data if the request method was POST
and the ``<form>`` that posted to the request had
``enctype="multipart/form-data"``. Otherwise, ``FILES`` will be a blank
dictionary-like object.
A standard Python dictionary containing all available HTTP headers.
Available headers depend on the client and server, but here are some
* ``HTTP_REFERER`` -- The referring page, if any.
* ``HTTP_USER_AGENT`` -- The client's user-agent string.
* ``QUERY_STRING`` -- The query string, as a single (unparsed) string.
* ``REMOTE_ADDR`` -- The IP address of the client.
* ``REMOTE_HOST`` -- The hostname of the client.
* ``REQUEST_METHOD`` -- A string such as ``"GET"`` or ``"POST"``.
* ``SERVER_NAME`` -- The hostname of the server.
* ``SERVER_PORT`` -- The port of the server.
A ``django.contrib.auth.models.User`` object representing the currently
logged-in user. If the user isn't currently logged in, ``user`` will be set
to an instance of ``django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser``. You
can tell them apart with ``is_authenticated()``, like so::
if request.user.is_authenticated():
# Do something for logged-in users.
# Do something for anonymous users.
``user`` is only available if your Django installation has the
``AuthenticationMiddleware`` activated. For more, see
`Authentication in Web requests`_.
.. _Authentication in Web requests: ../authentication/#authentication-in-web-requests
A readable-and-writable, dictionary-like object that represents the current
session. This is only available if your Django installation has session
support activated. See the `session documentation`_ for full details.
.. _`session documentation`: ../sessions/
The raw HTTP POST data. This is only useful for advanced processing. Use
``POST`` instead.
Returns the GET/POST value for the given key, checking POST first, then
GET. Raises ``KeyError`` if the key doesn't exist.
This lets you use dictionary-accessing syntax on an ``HttpRequest``
instance. Example: ``request["foo"]`` would return ``True`` if either
``request.POST`` or ``request.GET`` had a ``"foo"`` key.
Returns ``True`` or ``False``, designating whether ``request.GET`` or
``request.POST`` has the given key.
Returns the ``path``, plus an appended query string, if applicable.
Example: ``"/music/bands/the_beatles/?print=true"``
Returns ``True`` if the request is secure; that is, if it was made with
QueryDict objects
In an ``HttpRequest`` object, the ``GET`` and ``POST`` attributes are instances
of ``django.http.QueryDict``. ``QueryDict`` is a dictionary-like
class customized to deal with multiple values for the same key. This is
necessary because some HTML form elements, notably
``<select multiple="multiple">``, pass multiple values for the same key.
``QueryDict`` instances are immutable, unless you create a ``copy()`` of them.
That means you can't change attributes of ``request.POST`` and ``request.GET``
``QueryDict`` implements the all standard dictionary methods, because it's a
subclass of dictionary. Exceptions are outlined here:
* ``__getitem__(key)`` -- Returns the value for the given key. If the key
has more than one value, ``__getitem__()`` returns the last value.
* ``__setitem__(key, value)`` -- Sets the given key to ``[value]``
(a Python list whose single element is ``value``). Note that this, as
other dictionary functions that have side effects, can only be called on
a mutable ``QueryDict`` (one that was created via ``copy()``).
* ``__contains__(key)`` -- Returns ``True`` if the given key is set. This
lets you do, e.g., ``if "foo" in request.GET``.
* ``get(key, default)`` -- Uses the same logic as ``__getitem__()`` above,
with a hook for returning a default value if the key doesn't exist.
* ``has_key(key)``
* ``setdefault(key, default)`` -- Just like the standard dictionary
``setdefault()`` method, except it uses ``__setitem__`` internally.
* ``update(other_dict)`` -- Takes either a ``QueryDict`` or standard
dictionary. Just like the standard dictionary ``update()`` method, except
it *appends* to the current dictionary items rather than replacing them.
For example::
>>> q = QueryDict('a=1')
>>> q = q.copy() # to make it mutable
>>> q.update({'a': '2'})
>>> q.getlist('a')
['1', '2']
>>> q['a'] # returns the last
* ``items()`` -- Just like the standard dictionary ``items()`` method,
except this uses the same last-value logic as ``__getitem()__``. For
>>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3')
>>> q.items()
[('a', '3')]
* ``values()`` -- Just like the standard dictionary ``values()`` method,
except this uses the same last-value logic as ``__getitem()__``. For
>>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3')
>>> q.values()
In addition, ``QueryDict`` has the following methods:
* ``copy()`` -- Returns a copy of the object, using ``copy.deepcopy()``
from the Python standard library. The copy will be mutable -- that is,
you can change its values.
* ``getlist(key)`` -- Returns the data with the requested key, as a Python
list. Returns an empty list if the key doesn't exist. It's guaranteed to
return a list of some sort.
* ``setlist(key, list_)`` -- Sets the given key to ``list_`` (unlike
* ``appendlist(key, item)`` -- Appends an item to the internal list
associated with key.
* ``setlistdefault(key, default_list)`` -- Just like ``setdefault``, except
it takes a list of values instead of a single value.
* ``lists()`` -- Like ``items()``, except it includes all values, as a list,
for each member of the dictionary. For example::
>>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3')
>>> q.lists()
[('a', ['1', '2', '3'])]
* ``urlencode()`` -- Returns a string of the data in query-string format.
Example: ``"a=2&b=3&b=5"``.
Here's an example HTML form and how Django would treat the input::
<form action="/foo/bar/" method="post">
<input type="text" name="your_name" />
<select multiple="multiple" name="bands">
<option value="beatles">The Beatles</option>
<option value="who">The Who</option>
<option value="zombies">The Zombies</option>
<input type="submit" />
If the user enters ``"John Smith"`` in the ``your_name`` field and selects both
"The Beatles" and "The Zombies" in the multiple select box, here's what
Django's request object would have::
>>> request.GET
>>> request.POST
{'your_name': ['John Smith'], 'bands': ['beatles', 'zombies']}
>>> request.POST['your_name']
'John Smith'
>>> request.POST['bands']
>>> request.POST.getlist('bands')
['beatles', 'zombies']
>>> request.POST.get('your_name', 'Adrian')
'John Smith'
>>> request.POST.get('nonexistent_field', 'Nowhere Man')
'Nowhere Man'
Implementation notes
The ``GET``, ``POST``, ``COOKIES``, ``FILES``, ``META``, ``REQUEST``,
``raw_post_data`` and ``user`` attributes are all lazily loaded. That means
Django doesn't spend resources calculating the values of those attributes until
your code requests them.
HttpResponse objects
In contrast to ``HttpRequest`` objects, which are created automatically by
Django, ``HttpResponse`` objects are your responsibility. Each view you write
is responsible for instantiating, populating and returning an ``HttpResponse``.
The ``HttpResponse`` class lives at ``django.http.HttpResponse``.
Passing strings
Typical usage is to pass the contents of the page, as a string, to the
``HttpResponse`` constructor::
>>> response = HttpResponse("Here's the text of the Web page.")
>>> response = HttpResponse("Text only, please.", mimetype="text/plain")
But if you want to add content incrementally, you can use ``response`` as a
file-like object::
>>> response = HttpResponse()
>>> response.write("<p>Here's the text of the Web page.</p>")
>>> response.write("<p>Here's another paragraph.</p>")
You can add and delete headers using dictionary syntax::
>>> response = HttpResponse()
>>> response['X-DJANGO'] = "It's the best."
>>> del response['X-PHP']
>>> response['X-DJANGO']
"It's the best."
Note that ``del`` doesn't raise ``KeyError`` if the header doesn't exist.
Passing iterators
Finally, you can pass ``HttpResponse`` an iterator rather than passing it
hard-coded strings. If you use this technique, follow these guidelines:
* The iterator should return strings.
* If an ``HttpResponse`` has been initialized with an iterator as its
content, you can't use the ``HttpResponse`` instance as a file-like
object. Doing so will raise ``Exception``.
``__init__(content='', mimetype=DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE)``
Instantiates an ``HttpResponse`` object with the given page content (a
string) and MIME type. The ``DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE`` is ``'text/html'``.
``content`` can be an iterator or a string. If it's an iterator, it should
return strings, and those strings will be joined together to form the
content of the response.
``__setitem__(header, value)``
Sets the given header name to the given value. Both ``header`` and
``value`` should be strings.
Deletes the header with the given name. Fails silently if the header
doesn't exist. Case-sensitive.
Returns the value for the given header name. Case-sensitive.
Returns ``True`` or ``False`` based on a case-insensitive check for a
header with the given name.
``set_cookie(key, value='', max_age=None, expires=None, path='/', domain=None, secure=None)``
Sets a cookie. The parameters are the same as in the `cookie Morsel`_
object in the Python standard library.
* ``max_age`` should be a number of seconds, or ``None`` (default) if
the cookie should last only as long as the client's browser session.
* ``expires`` should be a string in the format
``"Wdy, DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS GMT"``.
* Use ``domain`` if you want to set a cross-domain cookie. For example,
``domain=".lawrence.com"`` will set a cookie that is readable by
the domains www.lawrence.com, blogs.lawrence.com and
calendars.lawrence.com. Otherwise, a cookie will only be readable by
the domain that set it.
.. _`cookie Morsel`: http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/morsel-objects.html
``delete_cookie(key, path='/', domain=None)``
Deletes the cookie with the given key. Fails silently if the key doesn't
The ``path`` and ``domain`` arguments are new in the Django development version.
Due to the way cookies work, ``path`` and ``domain`` should be the same
values you used in ``set_cookie()`` -- otherwise the cookie may not be deleted.
Returns the content as a Python string, encoding it from a Unicode object
if necessary. Note this is a property, not a method, so use ``r.content``
instead of ``r.content()``.
``write(content)``, ``flush()`` and ``tell()``
These methods make an ``HttpResponse`` instance a file-like object.
HttpResponse subclasses
Django includes a number of ``HttpResponse`` subclasses that handle different
types of HTTP responses. Like ``HttpResponse``, these subclasses live in
The constructor takes a single argument -- the path to redirect to. This
can be a fully qualified URL (e.g. ``'http://www.yahoo.com/search/'``) or an
absolute URL with no domain (e.g. ``'/search/'``). Note that this returns
an HTTP status code 302.
Like ``HttpResponseRedirect``, but it returns a permanent redirect (HTTP
status code 301) instead of a "found" redirect (status code 302).
The constructor doesn't take any arguments. Use this to designate that a
page hasn't been modified since the user's last request.
Acts just like ``HttpResponse`` but uses a 404 status code.
Acts just like ``HttpResponse`` but uses a 403 status code.
Like ``HttpResponse``, but uses a 405 status code. Takes a single,
required argument: a list of permitted methods (e.g. ``['GET', 'POST']``).
Acts just like ``HttpResponse`` but uses a 410 status code.
Acts just like ``HttpResponse`` but uses a 500 status code.
Returning Errors
Returning HTTP error codes in Django is easy; there are the
``HttpResponseNotFound``, ``HttpResponseForbidden``,
``HttpResponseServerError``, etc. subclasses mentioned above which, when
returned by a view, will make the Web server return the corresponding error
codes (404, 403, 500, ...) and HTTP headers.
The Http404 exception
When you return an error such as ``HttpResponseNotFound``, you are responsible
for returning the error page and everything yourself. Since this extra
information will normally be fairly uniform across your site and because you
often want to bail out of the middle of a view with a quick "content not
found" error, Django provides the ``Http404`` exception. This exception is
caught by Django and results in the standard error page for your application
being returned along with a 404 error code (although this behavior can be
customised, as described below).
Using this exception in your code would look something like::
from django.http import Http404
# ...
def detail(request, poll_id):
p = Poll.objects.get(pk=poll_id)
except Poll.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404
return render_to_response('polls/detail.html', {'poll': p})
In order to use the ``Http404`` exception to its fullest, you should create a
template that is displayed when a 404 error is raised. This template should be
called ``404.html`` and located in the top level of your template tree.
Customing error views
The 404 (page not found) view
When you raise the ``Http404`` exception, Django will load a special view
devoted to handling 404 errors. It finds it by looking for the variable
``handler404``, which is a string in Python dotted syntax -- the same format
the normal URLconf callbacks use. A 404 view itself has nothing special: It's
just a normal view.
You normally won't have to bother with writing 404 views. By default, URLconfs
contain the following line::
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
That takes care of setting ``handler404`` in the current module. As you can see
in ``django/conf/urls/defaults.py``, ``handler404`` is set to
``'django.views.defaults.page_not_found'`` by default.
Three things to note about 404 views:
* The 404 view is also called if Django doesn't find a match after checking
every regular expression in the URLconf.
* If you don't define your own 404 view -- and simply use the default,
which is recommended -- you still have one obligation: To create a
``404.html`` template in the root of your template directory. The default
404 view will use that template for all 404 errors.
* If ``DEBUG`` is set to ``True`` (in your settings module) then your 404
view will never be used, and the traceback will be displayed instead.
The 500 (server error) view
URLconfs may also define a ``handler500``, which points to a view to call in
case of server errors. Server errors happen when you have runtime errors in
view code.