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import re
from django.contrib.gis import forms
from django.contrib.gis.forms import BaseGeometryWidget, OpenLayersWidget
from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.test import SimpleTestCase, override_settings
from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango51Warning
from django.utils.html import escape
class GeometryFieldTest(SimpleTestCase):
def test_init(self):
"Testing GeometryField initialization with defaults."
fld = forms.GeometryField()
for bad_default in ("blah", 3, "FoO", None, 0):
with self.subTest(bad_default=bad_default):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_srid(self):
"Testing GeometryField with a SRID set."
# Input that doesn't specify the SRID is assumed to be in the SRID
# of the input field.
fld = forms.GeometryField(srid=4326)
geom = fld.clean("POINT(5 23)")
self.assertEqual(4326, geom.srid)
# Making the field in a different SRID from that of the geometry, and
# asserting it transforms.
fld = forms.GeometryField(srid=32140)
# Different PROJ versions use different transformations, all are
# correct as having a 1 meter accuracy.
tol = 1
xform_geom = GEOSGeometry(
"POINT (951640.547328465 4219369.26171664)", srid=32140
# The cleaned geometry is transformed to 32140 (the widget map_srid is 3857).
cleaned_geom = fld.clean(
"SRID=3857;POINT (-10615777.40976205 3473169.895707852)"
self.assertEqual(cleaned_geom.srid, 32140)
self.assertTrue(xform_geom.equals_exact(cleaned_geom, tol))
def test_null(self):
"Testing GeometryField's handling of null (None) geometries."
# Form fields, by default, are required (`required=True`)
fld = forms.GeometryField()
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "No geometry value provided."):
# This will clean None as a geometry (See #10660).
fld = forms.GeometryField(required=False)
def test_geom_type(self):
"Testing GeometryField's handling of different geometry types."
# By default, all geometry types are allowed.
fld = forms.GeometryField()
for wkt in (
"POINT(5 23)",
"MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0)))",
"LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)",
with self.subTest(wkt=wkt):
# to_python() uses the SRID of OpenLayersWidget if the
# converted value doesn't have an SRID.
GEOSGeometry(wkt, srid=fld.widget.map_srid), fld.clean(wkt)
pnt_fld = forms.GeometryField(geom_type="POINT")
GEOSGeometry("POINT(5 23)", srid=pnt_fld.widget.map_srid),
pnt_fld.clean("POINT(5 23)"),
# a WKT for any other geom_type will be properly transformed by `to_python`
GEOSGeometry("LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)", srid=pnt_fld.widget.map_srid),
pnt_fld.to_python("LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)"),
# but rejected by `clean`
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
pnt_fld.clean("LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)")
def test_to_python(self):
to_python() either returns a correct GEOSGeometry object or
a ValidationError.
good_inputs = [
"POINT(5 23)",
"MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0)))",
"LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)",
bad_inputs = [
"MULTI POLYGON(((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0)))",
"BLAH(0 0, 1 1)",
'{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": ['
'{"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [508375, 148905]}, '
'"type": "Feature"}]}',
fld = forms.GeometryField()
# to_python returns the same GEOSGeometry for a WKT
for geo_input in good_inputs:
with self.subTest(geo_input=geo_input):
GEOSGeometry(geo_input, srid=fld.widget.map_srid),
# but raises a ValidationError for any other string
for geo_input in bad_inputs:
with self.subTest(geo_input=geo_input):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_to_python_different_map_srid(self):
f = forms.GeometryField(widget=OpenLayersWidget)
json = '{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 5.0, 23.0 ] }'
GEOSGeometry("POINT(5 23)", srid=f.widget.map_srid), f.to_python(json)
def test_field_with_text_widget(self):
class PointForm(forms.Form):
pt = forms.PointField(srid=4326, widget=forms.TextInput)
form = PointForm()
cleaned_pt = form.fields["pt"].clean("POINT(5 23)")
self.assertEqual(cleaned_pt, GEOSGeometry("POINT(5 23)", srid=4326))
self.assertEqual(4326, cleaned_pt.srid)
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "Invalid geometry value."):
point = GEOSGeometry("SRID=4326;POINT(5 23)")
form = PointForm(data={"pt": "POINT(5 23)"}, initial={"pt": point})
def test_field_string_value(self):
Initialization of a geometry field with a valid/empty/invalid string.
Only the invalid string should trigger an error log entry.
class PointForm(forms.Form):
pt1 = forms.PointField(srid=4326)
pt2 = forms.PointField(srid=4326)
pt3 = forms.PointField(srid=4326)
form = PointForm(
"pt1": "SRID=4326;POINT(7.3 44)", # valid
"pt2": "", # empty
"pt3": "PNT(0)", # invalid
with self.assertLogs("django.contrib.gis", "ERROR") as logger_calls:
output = str(form)
# The first point can't use assertInHTML() due to non-deterministic
# ordering of the rendered dictionary.
pt1_serialized = re.search(r"<textarea [^>]*>({[^<]+})<", output)[1]
pt1_json = pt1_serialized.replace(""", '"')
pt1_expected = GEOSGeometry(form.data["pt1"]).transform(3857, clone=True)
self.assertJSONEqual(pt1_json, pt1_expected.json)
'<textarea id="id_pt2" class="vSerializedField required" cols="150"'
' rows="10" name="pt2" hidden></textarea>',
'<textarea id="id_pt3" class="vSerializedField required" cols="150"'
' rows="10" name="pt3" hidden></textarea>',
# Only the invalid PNT(0) triggers an error log entry.
# Deserialization is called in form clean and in widget rendering.
self.assertEqual(len(logger_calls.records), 2)
"Error creating geometry from value 'PNT(0)' (String input "
"unrecognized as WKT EWKT, and HEXEWKB.)",
class SpecializedFieldTest(SimpleTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.geometries = {
"point": GEOSGeometry("SRID=4326;POINT(9.052734375 42.451171875)"),
"multipoint": GEOSGeometry(
"(13.18634033203125 14.504356384277344),"
"(13.207969665527 14.490966796875),"
"(13.177070617675 14.454917907714))"
"linestring": GEOSGeometry(
"-8.26171875 -0.52734375,"
"-7.734375 4.21875,"
"6.85546875 3.779296875,"
"5.44921875 -3.515625)"
"multilinestring": GEOSGeometry(
"(-16.435546875 -2.98828125,"
"-17.2265625 2.98828125,"
"-0.703125 3.515625,"
"-1.494140625 -3.33984375),"
"(-8.0859375 -5.9765625,"
"8.525390625 -8.7890625,"
"12.392578125 -0.87890625,"
"10.01953125 7.646484375))"
"polygon": GEOSGeometry(
"(-1.669921875 6.240234375,"
"-3.8671875 -0.615234375,"
"5.9765625 -3.955078125,"
"18.193359375 3.955078125,"
"9.84375 9.4921875,"
"-1.669921875 6.240234375))"
"multipolygon": GEOSGeometry(
"((-17.578125 13.095703125,"
"-17.2265625 10.8984375,"
"-13.974609375 10.1953125,"
"-13.359375 12.744140625,"
"-15.732421875 13.7109375,"
"-17.578125 13.095703125)),"
"((-8.525390625 5.537109375,"
"-8.876953125 2.548828125,"
"-5.888671875 1.93359375,"
"-5.09765625 4.21875,"
"-6.064453125 6.240234375,"
"-8.525390625 5.537109375)))"
"geometrycollection": GEOSGeometry(
"POINT(5.625 -0.263671875),"
"POINT(6.767578125 -3.603515625),"
"POINT(8.525390625 0.087890625),"
"POINT(8.0859375 -2.13134765625),"
"6.273193359375 -1.175537109375,"
"5.77880859375 -1.812744140625,"
"7.27294921875 -2.230224609375,"
"7.657470703125 -1.25244140625))"
def assertMapWidget(self, form_instance):
Make sure the MapWidget js is passed in the form media and a MapWidget
is actually created
rendered = form_instance.as_p()
self.assertIn("new MapWidget(options);", rendered)
self.assertIn("map_srid: 3857,", rendered)
self.assertIn("gis/js/OLMapWidget.js", str(form_instance.media))
def assertTextarea(self, geom, rendered):
"""Makes sure the wkt and a textarea are in the content"""
self.assertIn("<textarea ", rendered)
self.assertIn("required", rendered)
ogr = geom.ogr
self.assertIn(escape(ogr.json), rendered)
# map_srid in openlayers.html template must not be localized.
def test_pointfield(self):
class PointForm(forms.Form):
p = forms.PointField()
geom = self.geometries["point"]
form = PointForm(data={"p": geom})
self.assertTextarea(geom, form.as_p())
invalid = PointForm(data={"p": "some invalid geom"})
self.assertIn("Invalid geometry value", str(invalid.errors))
for invalid in [geo for key, geo in self.geometries.items() if key != "point"]:
self.assertFalse(PointForm(data={"p": invalid.wkt}).is_valid())
def test_multipointfield(self):
class PointForm(forms.Form):
p = forms.MultiPointField()
geom = self.geometries["multipoint"]
form = PointForm(data={"p": geom})
self.assertTextarea(geom, form.as_p())
for invalid in [
geo for key, geo in self.geometries.items() if key != "multipoint"
self.assertFalse(PointForm(data={"p": invalid.wkt}).is_valid())
def test_linestringfield(self):
class LineStringForm(forms.Form):
f = forms.LineStringField()
geom = self.geometries["linestring"]
form = LineStringForm(data={"f": geom})
self.assertTextarea(geom, form.as_p())
for invalid in [
geo for key, geo in self.geometries.items() if key != "linestring"
self.assertFalse(LineStringForm(data={"p": invalid.wkt}).is_valid())
def test_multilinestringfield(self):
class LineStringForm(forms.Form):
f = forms.MultiLineStringField()
geom = self.geometries["multilinestring"]
form = LineStringForm(data={"f": geom})
self.assertTextarea(geom, form.as_p())
for invalid in [
geo for key, geo in self.geometries.items() if key != "multilinestring"
self.assertFalse(LineStringForm(data={"p": invalid.wkt}).is_valid())
def test_polygonfield(self):
class PolygonForm(forms.Form):
p = forms.PolygonField()
geom = self.geometries["polygon"]
form = PolygonForm(data={"p": geom})
self.assertTextarea(geom, form.as_p())
for invalid in [
geo for key, geo in self.geometries.items() if key != "polygon"
self.assertFalse(PolygonForm(data={"p": invalid.wkt}).is_valid())
def test_multipolygonfield(self):
class PolygonForm(forms.Form):
p = forms.MultiPolygonField()
geom = self.geometries["multipolygon"]
form = PolygonForm(data={"p": geom})
self.assertTextarea(geom, form.as_p())
for invalid in [
geo for key, geo in self.geometries.items() if key != "multipolygon"
self.assertFalse(PolygonForm(data={"p": invalid.wkt}).is_valid())
def test_geometrycollectionfield(self):
class GeometryForm(forms.Form):
g = forms.GeometryCollectionField()
geom = self.geometries["geometrycollection"]
form = GeometryForm(data={"g": geom})
self.assertTextarea(geom, form.as_p())
for invalid in [
geo for key, geo in self.geometries.items() if key != "geometrycollection"
self.assertFalse(GeometryForm(data={"g": invalid.wkt}).is_valid())
class OSMWidgetTest(SimpleTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.geometries = {
"point": GEOSGeometry("SRID=4326;POINT(9.052734375 42.451171875)"),
def test_osm_widget(self):
class PointForm(forms.Form):
p = forms.PointField(widget=forms.OSMWidget)
geom = self.geometries["point"]
form = PointForm(data={"p": geom})
rendered = form.as_p()
self.assertIn("ol.source.OSM()", rendered)
self.assertIn("id: 'id_p',", rendered)
def test_default_lat_lon(self):
self.assertEqual(forms.OSMWidget.default_lon, 5)
self.assertEqual(forms.OSMWidget.default_lat, 47)
self.assertEqual(forms.OSMWidget.default_zoom, 12)
class PointForm(forms.Form):
p = forms.PointField(
"default_lon": 20,
"default_lat": 30,
"default_zoom": 17,
form = PointForm()
rendered = form.as_p()
self.assertIn("options['default_lon'] = 20;", rendered)
self.assertIn("options['default_lat'] = 30;", rendered)
self.assertIn("options['default_zoom'] = 17;", rendered)
class GeometryWidgetTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_get_context_attrs(self):
# The Widget.get_context() attrs argument overrides self.attrs.
widget = BaseGeometryWidget(attrs={"geom_type": "POINT"})
context = widget.get_context("point", None, attrs={"geom_type": "POINT2"})
self.assertEqual(context["geom_type"], "POINT2")
# Widget.get_context() returns expected name for geom_type.
widget = BaseGeometryWidget(attrs={"geom_type": "POLYGON"})
context = widget.get_context("polygon", None, None)
self.assertEqual(context["geom_type"], "Polygon")
# Widget.get_context() returns 'Geometry' instead of 'Unknown'.
widget = BaseGeometryWidget(attrs={"geom_type": "GEOMETRY"})
context = widget.get_context("geometry", None, None)
self.assertEqual(context["geom_type"], "Geometry")
def test_subwidgets(self):
widget = forms.BaseGeometryWidget()
list(widget.subwidgets("name", "value")),
"is_hidden": False,
"attrs": {
"map_srid": 4326,
"map_width": 600,
"geom_type": "GEOMETRY",
"map_height": 400,
"display_raw": False,
"name": "name",
"template_name": "",
"value": "value",
"required": False,
def test_custom_serialization_widget(self):
class CustomGeometryWidget(forms.BaseGeometryWidget):
template_name = "gis/openlayers.html"
deserialize_called = 0
def serialize(self, value):
return value.json if value else ""
def deserialize(self, value):
self.deserialize_called += 1
return GEOSGeometry(value)
class PointForm(forms.Form):
p = forms.PointField(widget=CustomGeometryWidget)
point = GEOSGeometry("SRID=4326;POINT(9.052734375 42.451171875)")
form = PointForm(data={"p": point})
self.assertIn(escape(point.json), form.as_p())
CustomGeometryWidget.called = 0
widget = form.fields["p"].widget
# Force deserialize use due to a string value
self.assertIn(escape(point.json), widget.render("p", point.json))
self.assertEqual(widget.deserialize_called, 1)
form = PointForm(data={"p": point.json})
self.assertEqual(form.cleaned_data["p"].srid, 4326)
def test_deprecated_width_and_height(self):
class CustomGeometryWidget(forms.BaseGeometryWidget):
map_height = 300
map_width = 550
msg = (
"The map_height and map_width widget attributes are deprecated. Please use "
"CSS to size map widgets."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(RemovedInDjango51Warning, msg):
with self.assertRaisesMessage(RemovedInDjango51Warning, msg):
forms.BaseGeometryWidget({"map_width": 400})
with self.assertRaisesMessage(RemovedInDjango51Warning, msg):
forms.BaseGeometryWidget({"map_height": 600})