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Django 1.10 release notes - UNDER DEVELOPMENT
Welcome to Django 1.10!
These release notes cover the `new features`_, as well as some `backwards
incompatible changes`_ you'll want to be aware of when upgrading from Django
1.9 or older versions. We've :ref:`dropped some features<removed-features-1.10>`
that have reached the end of their deprecation cycle, and we've `begun the
deprecation process for some features`_.
.. _`new features`: `What's new in Django 1.10`_
.. _`backwards incompatible changes`: `Backwards incompatible changes in 1.10`_
.. _`dropped some features`: `Features removed in 1.10`_
.. _`begun the deprecation process for some features`: `Features deprecated in 1.10`_
Python compatibility
Like Django 1.9, Django 1.10 requires Python 2.7, 3.4, or 3.5. We **highly
recommend** and only officially support the latest release of each series.
What's new in Django 1.10
Minor features
* For sites running on a subpath, the default :attr:`URL for the "View site"
link <django.contrib.admin.AdminSite.site_url>` at the top of each admin page
will now point to ``request.META['SCRIPT_NAME']`` if set, instead of ``/``.
* The success message that appears after adding or editing an object now
contains a link to the object's change form.
* All inline JavaScript is removed so you can enable the
``Content-Security-Policy`` HTTP header if you wish.
* The new :attr:`InlineModelAdmin.classes
<django.contrib.admin.InlineModelAdmin.classes>` attribute allows specifying
classes on inline fieldsets. Inlines with a ``collapse`` class will be
initially collapsed and their header will have a small "show" link.
* If a user doesn't have the add permission, the ``object-tools`` block on a
model's changelist will now be rendered (without the add button, of course).
This makes it easier to add custom tools in this case.
* ...
* The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher has been increased
by 25%. This backwards compatible change will not affect users who have
subclassed ``django.contrib.auth.hashers.PBKDF2PasswordHasher`` to change the
default value.
* The :func:`~django.contrib.auth.views.logout` view sends "no-cache" headers
to prevent an issue where Safari caches redirects and prevents a user from
being able to log out.
* ...
* :ref:`Distance lookups <distance-lookups>` now accept expressions as the
distance value parameter.
* The new :attr:`GEOSGeometry.unary_union
<django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry.unary_union>` property computes the
union of all the elements of this geometry.
* Added the :meth:`GEOSGeometry.covers()
<django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry.covers>` binary predicate.
* Added the :meth:`GDALBand.statistics()
<django.contrib.gis.gdal.GDALBand.statistics>` method and
and :attr:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.GDALBand.std` attributes.
* Added support for the :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.MakeLine`
aggregate and :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.GeoHash`
function on SpatiaLite.
* Added support for the
:class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.Intersection`, and
functions on MySQL.
* Added support for instantiating empty GEOS geometries.
* The new :attr:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.WKTWriter.trim` and
:attr:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.WKTWriter.precision` properties
of :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.WKTWriter` allow controlling
output of the fractional part of the coordinates in WKT.
* Added the :attr:`LineString.closed
<django.contrib.gis.geos.LineString.closed>` and
<django.contrib.gis.geos.MultiLineString.closed>` properties.
* ...
* ...
* ...
* The :djadmin:`clearsessions` management command now removes file-based
* ...
* The :class:`~django.contrib.sites.models.Site` model now supports
:ref:`natural keys <topics-serialization-natural-keys>`.
* The :ttag:`static` template tag now uses ``django.contrib.staticfiles``
if it's in ``INSTALLED_APPS``. This is especially useful for third-party apps
which can now always use ``{% load static %}`` (instead of
``{% load staticfiles %}`` or ``{% load static from staticfiles %}``) and
not worry about whether or not the ``staticfiles`` app is installed.
* ...
* The file-based cache backend now uses the highest pickling protocol.
* The default :setting:`CSRF_FAILURE_VIEW`, ``views.csrf.csrf_failure()`` now
accepts an optional ``template_name`` parameter, defaulting to
``'403_csrf.html'``, to control the template used to render the page.
Database backends
* ...
* ...
File Storage
* ...
File Uploads
* ...
* Form and widget ``Media`` is now served using
:mod:`django.contrib.staticfiles` if installed.
Generic Views
* ...
* ...
Management Commands
* The new :djadminopt:`--fail-level` option of the :djadmin:`check` command
allows specifying the message level that will cause the command to exit with
a non-zero status.
* The new :djadminopt:`makemigrations --check <--check>` option makes the
command exit with a non-zero status when model changes without migrations are
* :djadmin:`makemigrations` now displays the path to the migration files that
it generates.
* The :djadmin:`shell` ``--interface`` option now accepts ``python`` to force
use of the "plain" Python interpreter.
* Added support for serialization of ``enum.Enum`` objects.
* Reverse foreign keys from proxy models are now propagated to their
concrete class. The reverse relation attached by a
:class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey` pointing to a proxy model is now
accessible as a descriptor on the proxied model class and may be referenced in
queryset filtering.
* The new :meth:`Field.rel_db_type() <django.db.models.Field.rel_db_type>`
method returns the database column data type for fields such as ``ForeignKey``
and ``OneToOneField`` that point to another field.
* The :attr:`~django.db.models.Func.arity` class attribute is added to
:class:`~django.db.models.Func`. This attribute can be used to set the number
of arguments the function accepts.
* Added :class:`~django.db.models.BigAutoField` which acts much like an
:class:`~django.db.models.AutoField` except that it is guaranteed
to fit numbers from ``1`` to ``9223372036854775807``.
* :meth:`QuerySet.in_bulk() <django.db.models.query.QuerySet.in_bulk>`
may be called without any arguments to return all objects in the queryset.
Requests and Responses
* Added ``request.user`` to the debug view.
* Added :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse` methods
:meth:`~django.http.HttpResponse.readable()` and
:meth:`~django.http.HttpResponse.seekable()` to make an instance a
stream-like object and allow wrapping it with :py:class:`io.TextIOWrapper`.
* The ``django.core.serializers.json.DjangoJSONEncoder`` now knows how to
serialize lazy strings, typically used for translatable content.
* ...
* Added the ``autoescape`` option to the
:class:`~django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates` backend and the
:class:`~django.template.Engine` class.
* ...
* An addition in :func:`django.setup()` allows URL resolving that happens
outside of the request/response cycle (e.g. in management commands and
standalone scripts) to take :setting:`FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME` into account when it
is set.
* :class:`~django.core.validators.URLValidator` now limits the length of
domain name labels to 63 characters and the total length of domain
names to 253 characters per :rfc:`1034`.
Backwards incompatible changes in 1.10
.. warning::
In addition to the changes outlined in this section, be sure to review the
:ref:`removed-features-1.10` for the features that have reached the end of
their deprecation cycle and therefore been removed. If you haven't updated
your code within the deprecation timeline for a given feature, its removal
may appear as a backwards incompatible change.
Database backend API
* ...
``select_related()`` prohibits non-relational fields for nested relations
Django 1.8 added validation for non-relational fields in ``select_related()``::
>>> Book.objects.select_related('title')
Traceback (most recent call last):
FieldError: Non-relational field given in select_related: 'title'
But it didn't prohibit nested non-relation fields as it does now::
>>> Book.objects.select_related('author__name')
Traceback (most recent call last):
FieldError: Non-relational field given in select_related: 'name'
``_meta.get_fields()`` returns consistent reverse fields for proxy models
Before Django 1.10, the :meth:`~django.db.models.options.Options.get_fields`
method returned different reverse fields when called on a proxy model compared
to its proxied concrete class. This inconsistency was fixed by returning the
full set of fields pointing to a concrete class or one of its proxies in both
:attr:`AbstractUser.username <django.contrib.auth.models.User.username>` ``max_length`` increased to 254
A migration for :attr:`django.contrib.auth.models.User.username` is included.
If you have a custom user model inheriting from ``AbstractUser``, you'll need
to generate and apply a database migration for your user model.
If you want to preserve the 30 character limit for usernames, use a custom form
when creating a user or changing usernames::
from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm
class MyUserCreationForm(UserCreationForm):
username = forms.CharField(
help_text='Required. 30 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.',
If you wish to keep this restriction in the admin, set ``UserAdmin.add_form``
to use this form::
from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin as BaseUserAdmin
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class UserAdmin(BaseUserAdmin):
add_form = MyUserCreationForm
admin.site.register(User, UserAdmin)
Dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.1
Upstream support for PostgreSQL 9.1 ends in September 2016. As a consequence,
Django 1.10 sets PostgreSQL 9.2 as the minimum version it officially supports.
* The ``repr()`` of a ``QuerySet`` is wrapped in ``<QuerySet >`` to
disambiguate it from a plain list when debugging.
* Support for SpatiaLite < 3.0 and GEOS < 3.3 is dropped.
* ``utils.version.get_version()`` returns :pep:`440` compliant release
candidate versions (e.g. '1.10rc1' instead of '1.10c1').
* The ``LOGOUT_URL`` setting is removed as Django hasn't made use of it
since pre-1.0. If you use it in your project, you can add it to your
project's settings. The default value was ``'/accounts/logout/'``.
* The ``add_postgis_srs()`` backwards compatibility alias for
``django.contrib.gis.utils.add_srs_entry()`` is removed.
* Objects with a ``close()`` method such as files and generators passed to
:class:`~django.http.HttpResponse` are now closed immediately instead of when
the WSGI server calls ``close()`` on the response.
* A redundant ``transaction.atomic()`` call in ``QuerySet.update_or_create()``
is removed. This may affect query counts tested by
* Support for ``skip_validation`` in ``BaseCommand.execute(**options)`` is
removed. Use ``skip_checks`` (added in Django 1.7) instead.
.. _deprecated-features-1.10:
Features deprecated in 1.10
Direct assignment to a reverse foreign key or many-to-many relation
Instead of assigning related objects using direct assignment::
>>> new_list = [obj1, obj2, obj3]
>>> e.related_set = new_list
Use the :meth:`~django.db.models.fields.related.RelatedManager.set` method
added in Django 1.9::
>>> e.related_set.set([obj1, obj2, obj3])
This prevents confusion about an assignment resulting in an implicit save.
* The ``get_srid()`` and ``set_srid()`` methods of
:class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry` are deprecated in favor
of the :attr:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry.srid` property.
* The ``get_x()``, ``set_x()``, ``get_y()``, ``set_y()``, ``get_z()``, and
``set_z()`` methods of :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.Point` are deprecated
in favor of the ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` properties.
* The ``get_coords()`` and ``set_coords()`` methods of
:class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.Point` are deprecated in favor of the
``tuple`` property.
* The ``cascaded_union`` property of
:class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.MultiPolygon` is deprecated in favor of the
:attr:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry.unary_union` property.
* The ``makemigrations --exit`` option is deprecated in favor of the
:djadminopt:`--check` option.
* ``django.utils.functional.allow_lazy()`` is deprecated in favor of the new
:func:`~django.utils.functional.keep_lazy` function which can be used with a
more natural decorator syntax.
* The ``shell --plain`` option is deprecated in favor of ``-i python`` or
``--interface python``.
.. _removed-features-1.10:
Features removed in 1.10
These features have reached the end of their deprecation cycle and so have been
removed in Django 1.10 (please see the :ref:`deprecation timeline
<deprecation-removed-in-1.10>` for more details):
* Support for calling a ``SQLCompiler`` directly as an alias for calling its
``quote_name_unless_alias`` method is removed.
* The ``cycle`` and ``firstof`` template tags are removed from the ``future``
template tag library.
* ``django.conf.urls.patterns()`` is removed.
* Support for the ``prefix`` argument to
``django.conf.urls.i18n.i18n_patterns()`` is removed.
* ``SimpleTestCase.urls`` is removed.
* Using an incorrect count of unpacked values in the ``for`` template tag
raises an exception rather than failing silently.
* The ability to :func:`~django.core.urlresolvers.reverse` URLs using a dotted
Python path is removed.
* Support for ``optparse`` is dropped for custom management commands.
* The class ``django.core.management.NoArgsCommand`` is removed.
* ``django.core.context_processors`` module is removed.
* ``django.db.models.sql.aggregates`` module is removed.
* ``django.contrib.gis.db.models.sql.aggregates`` module is removed.
* The following methods and properties of ``django.db.sql.query.Query`` are
* Properties: ``aggregates`` and ``aggregate_select``
* Methods: ``add_aggregate``, ``set_aggregate_mask``, and
* ``django.template.resolve_variable`` is removed.
* The following private APIs are removed from
:class:`django.db.models.options.Options` (``Model._meta``):
* ``get_field_by_name()``
* ``get_all_field_names()``
* ``get_fields_with_model()``
* ``get_concrete_fields_with_model()``
* ``get_m2m_with_model()``
* ``get_all_related_objects()``
* ``get_all_related_objects_with_model()``
* ``get_all_related_many_to_many_objects()``
* ``get_all_related_m2m_objects_with_model()``
* The ``error_message`` argument of ``django.forms.RegexField`` is removed.
* The ``unordered_list`` filter no longer supports old style lists.
* Support for string ``view`` arguments to ``url()`` is removed.
* The backward compatible shim to rename ``django.forms.Form._has_changed()``
to ``has_changed()`` is removed.
* The ``removetags`` template filter is removed.
* The ``remove_tags()`` and ``strip_entities()`` functions in
``django.utils.html`` is removed.
* The ``is_admin_site`` argument to
``django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset()`` is removed.
* ``django.db.models.field.subclassing.SubfieldBase`` is removed.
* ``django.utils.checksums`` is removed.
* The ``original_content_type_id`` attribute on
``django.contrib.admin.helpers.InlineAdminForm`` is removed.
* The backwards compatibility shim to allow ``FormMixin.get_form()`` to be
defined with no default value for its ``form_class`` argument is removed.
* The following settings are removed:
* The backwards compatibility alias ``django.template.loader.BaseLoader`` is
* Django template objects returned by
:func:`~django.template.loader.get_template` and
:func:`~django.template.loader.select_template` no longer accept a
:class:`~django.template.Context` in their
:meth:`~django.template.backends.base.Template.render()` method.
* :doc:`Template response APIs </ref/template-response>` enforce the use of
:class:`dict` and backend-dependent template objects instead of
:class:`~django.template.Context` and :class:`~django.template.Template`
* The ``current_app`` parameter for the following function and classes is
* ``django.shortcuts.render()``
* ``django.template.Context()``
* ``django.template.RequestContext()``
* ``django.template.response.TemplateResponse()``
* The ``dictionary`` and ``context_instance`` parameters for the following
functions are removed:
* ``django.shortcuts.render()``
* ``django.shortcuts.render_to_response()``
* ``django.template.loader.render_to_string()``
* The ``dirs`` parameter for the following functions is removed:
* ``django.template.loader.get_template()``
* ``django.template.loader.select_template()``
* ``django.shortcuts.render()``
* ``django.shortcuts.render_to_response()``
* Session verification is enabled regardless of whether or not
``'django.contrib.auth.middleware.SessionAuthenticationMiddleware'`` is in
``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES``. ``SessionAuthenticationMiddleware`` no longer has
any purpose and can be removed from ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES``. It's kept as
a stub until Django 2.0 as a courtesy for users who don't read this note.
* Private attribute ``django.db.models.Field.related`` is removed.
* The ``--list`` option of the ``migrate`` management command is removed.
* The ``ssi`` template tag is removed.
* Support for the ``=`` comparison operator in the ``if`` template tag is
* The backwards compatibility shims to allow ``Storage.get_available_name()``
and ``Storage.save()`` to be defined without a ``max_length`` argument are
* Support for the legacy ``%(<foo>)s`` syntax in ``ModelFormMixin.success_url``
is removed.
* ``GeoQuerySet`` aggregate methods ``collect()``, ``extent()``, ``extent3d()``,
``make_line()``, and ``unionagg()`` are removed.
* The ability to specify ``ContentType.name`` when creating a content type
instance is removed.
* Support for the old signature of ``allow_migrate`` is removed.
* Support for the syntax of ``{% cycle %}`` that uses comma-separated arguments
is removed.
* The warning that :class:`~django.core.signing.Signer` issued when given an
invalid separator is now a ``ValueError``.