mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 21:00:44 +00:00
The method has been available since Python 3.6. The shorter syntax is also marginally faster.
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169 lines
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from urllib.parse import urlencode
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.test import Client
from django.test.client import CONTENT_TYPE_RE
class CustomTestException(Exception):
def no_template_view(request):
"A simple view that expects a GET request, and returns a rendered template"
return HttpResponse("No template used. Sample content: twice once twice. Content ends.")
def staff_only_view(request):
"A view that can only be visited by staff. Non staff members get an exception"
if request.user.is_staff:
return HttpResponse()
raise CustomTestException()
def get_view(request):
"A simple login protected view"
return HttpResponse("Hello world")
def request_data(request, template='base.html', data='sausage'):
"A simple view that returns the request data in the context"
return render(request, template, {
'get-foo': request.GET.get('foo'),
'get-bar': request.GET.get('bar'),
'post-foo': request.POST.get('foo'),
'post-bar': request.POST.get('bar'),
'data': data,
def view_with_argument(request, name):
"""A view that takes a string argument
The purpose of this view is to check that if a space is provided in
the argument, the test framework unescapes the %20 before passing
the value to the view.
if name == 'Arthur Dent':
return HttpResponse('Hi, Arthur')
return HttpResponse('Howdy, %s' % name)
def nested_view(request):
A view that uses test client to call another view.
c = Client()
return render(request, 'base.html', {'nested': 'yes'})
def login_protected_redirect_view(request):
"A view that redirects all requests to the GET view"
return HttpResponseRedirect('/get_view/')
def redirect_to_self_with_changing_query_view(request):
query = request.GET.copy()
query['counter'] += '0'
return HttpResponseRedirect('/redirect_to_self_with_changing_query_view/?%s' % urlencode(query))
def set_session_view(request):
"A view that sets a session variable"
request.session['session_var'] = 'YES'
return HttpResponse('set_session')
def check_session_view(request):
"A view that reads a session variable"
return HttpResponse(request.session.get('session_var', 'NO'))
def request_methods_view(request):
"A view that responds with the request method"
return HttpResponse('request method: %s' % request.method)
def return_unicode(request):
return render(request, 'unicode.html')
def return_undecodable_binary(request):
return HttpResponse(
b'%PDF-1.4\r\n%\x93\x8c\x8b\x9e ReportLab Generated PDF document http://www.reportlab.com'
def return_json_response(request):
content_type = request.GET.get('content_type')
kwargs = {'content_type': content_type} if content_type else {}
return JsonResponse({'key': 'value'}, **kwargs)
def return_json_response_latin1(request):
return HttpResponse(b'{"a":"\xc5"}', content_type='application/json; charset=latin1')
def return_text_file(request):
"A view that parses and returns text as a file."
match = CONTENT_TYPE_RE.match(request.META['CONTENT_TYPE'])
if match:
charset = match[1]
charset = settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET
return HttpResponse(request.body, status=200, content_type='text/plain; charset=%s' % charset)
def check_headers(request):
"A view that responds with value of the X-ARG-CHECK header"
return HttpResponse('HTTP_X_ARG_CHECK: %s' % request.META.get('HTTP_X_ARG_CHECK', 'Undefined'))
def body(request):
"A view that is requested with GET and accesses request.body. Refs #14753."
return HttpResponse(request.body)
def read_all(request):
"A view that is requested with accesses request.read()."
return HttpResponse(request.read())
def read_buffer(request):
"A view that is requested with accesses request.read(LARGE_BUFFER)."
return HttpResponse(request.read(99999))
def request_context_view(request):
# Special attribute that won't be present on a plain HttpRequest
request.special_path = request.path
return render(request, 'request_context.html')
def render_template_multiple_times(request):
"""A view that renders a template multiple times."""
return HttpResponse(
render_to_string('base.html') + render_to_string('base.html'))
def redirect_based_on_extra_headers_1_view(request):
if 'HTTP_REDIRECT' in request.META:
return HttpResponseRedirect('/redirect_based_on_extra_headers_2/')
return HttpResponse()
def redirect_based_on_extra_headers_2_view(request):
if 'HTTP_REDIRECT' in request.META:
return HttpResponseRedirect('/redirects/further/more/')
return HttpResponse()