.. _howto-deployment-index: Deploying Django ================ Django's chock-full of shortcuts to make web developer's lives easier, but all those tools are of no use if you can't easily deploy your sites. Since Django's inception, ease of deployment has been a major goal. There's a number of good ways to easily deploy Django: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 modpython fastcgi :ref:`Deploying under mod_python ` is the recommended deployment method; start there if you're not sure which path you'd like to go down. .. seealso:: * `Chapter 20 of The Django Book`_ discusses deployment and especially scaling in more detail. * `mod_wsgi`_ is a newcomer to the Python deployment world, but it's rapidly gaining traction. Currently there's a few hoops you have to jump through to `use mod_wsgi with Django`_, but mod_wsgi tends to get rave reviews from those who use it. .. _chapter 20 of the django book: http://djangobook.com/en/1.0/chapter20/ .. _mod_wsgi: http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/ .. _use mod_wsgi with Django: http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/IntegrationWithDjango