========== Django FAQ ========== The admin site is ugly! How can I change it? --------------------------------------------- We think it's very purty, but if you don't agree you can modify the admin site's presentation by editing the CSS stylesheet and/or associated image files. The site is built using semantic HTML, so any changes you'd like to make should be possible by editing the CSS stylesheet. We've got a `guide to the CSS used in the admin`_ to get you started. .. _`guide to the CSS used in the admin`: http://www.djangoproject.com/FIXME/ How do you pronounce "Django"? ------------------------------ According to Wikipedia_, "Django is pronounced **zhane**-go (with a long 'a')." .. _Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Django_Reinhardt Is Django stable? ----------------- We've been using Django for almost two years. Sites built on Django have weathered traffic spikes of over one million hits an hour, and at least one slashdotting. Yes; it's quite stable. Who's behind this? ------------------ `Adrian Holovaty`_ XXX `Simon Willison`_ XXX `Jacob Kaplan-Moss`_ XXX `Wilson Miner`_. XXX .. _`Adrian Holovaty`: http://www.holovaty.com/ .. _`Simon Willison`: http://simon.incutio.com/ .. _`Jacob Kaplan-Moss`: http://www.jacobian.org/ .. _`Wilson Miner`: http://www.wilsonminer.com/live/