import warnings from import (CAPostalCodeField, CAPhoneNumberField, CAProvinceField, CAProvinceSelect, CASocialInsuranceNumberField) from utils import LocalFlavorTestCase class CALocalFlavorTests(LocalFlavorTestCase): def setUp(self): self.save_warnings_state() warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, module='' ) def tearDown(self): self.restore_warnings_state() def test_CAProvinceSelect(self): f = CAProvinceSelect() out = u'''''' self.assertEqual(f.render('province', 'AB'), out) def test_CAPostalCodeField(self): error_format = [u'Enter a postal code in the format XXX XXX.'] valid = { 'T2S 2H7': 'T2S 2H7', 'T2S 2W7': 'T2S 2W7', 'T2S 2Z7': 'T2S 2Z7', 'T2Z 2H7': 'T2Z 2H7', } invalid = { 'T2S2H7' : error_format, 'T2S 2H' : error_format, '2T6 H8I': error_format, 'T2S2H' : error_format, 90210 : error_format, 'W2S 2H3': error_format, 'Z2S 2H3': error_format, 'F2S 2H3': error_format, 'A2S 2D3': error_format, 'A2I 2R3': error_format, 'A2Q 2R3': error_format, 'U2B 2R3': error_format, 'O2B 2R3': error_format, } self.assertFieldOutput(CAPostalCodeField, valid, invalid) def test_CAPhoneNumberField(self): error_format = [u'Phone numbers must be in XXX-XXX-XXXX format.'] valid = { '403-555-1212': '403-555-1212', '4035551212': '403-555-1212', '403 555-1212': '403-555-1212', '(403) 555-1212': '403-555-1212', '403 555 1212': '403-555-1212', '403.555.1212': '403-555-1212', '403.555-1212': '403-555-1212', ' (403) 555.1212 ': '403-555-1212', } invalid = { '555-1212': error_format, '403-55-1212': error_format, } self.assertFieldOutput(CAPhoneNumberField, valid, invalid) def test_CAProvinceField(self): error_format = [u'Enter a Canadian province or territory.'] valid = { 'ab': 'AB', 'BC': 'BC', 'nova scotia': 'NS', ' manitoba ': 'MB', } invalid = { 'T2S 2H7': error_format, } self.assertFieldOutput(CAProvinceField, valid, invalid) def test_CASocialInsuranceField(self): error_format = [u'Enter a valid Canadian Social Insurance number in XXX-XXX-XXX format.'] valid = { '046-454-286': '046-454-286', } invalid = { '046-454-287': error_format, '046 454 286': error_format, '046-44-286': error_format, } self.assertFieldOutput(CASocialInsuranceNumberField, valid, invalid)