# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.core.checks import Error from django.db import models from django.test.utils import override_settings from .base import IsolatedModelsTestCase class IndexTogetherTests(IsolatedModelsTestCase): def test_non_iterable(self): class Model(models.Model): class Meta: index_together = 42 errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( '"index_together" must be a list or tuple.', hint=None, obj=Model, id='E006', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) def test_non_list(self): class Model(models.Model): class Meta: index_together = 'not-a-list' errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( '"index_together" must be a list or tuple.', hint=None, obj=Model, id='E006', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) def test_list_containing_non_iterable(self): class Model(models.Model): class Meta: index_together = [ 'non-iterable', 'second-non-iterable', ] errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( 'All "index_together" elements must be lists or tuples.', hint=None, obj=Model, id='E007', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) def test_pointing_to_missing_field(self): class Model(models.Model): class Meta: index_together = [ ["missing_field"], ] errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( '"index_together" points to a missing field named "missing_field".', hint='Ensure that you did not misspell the field name.', obj=Model, id='E010', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) def test_pointing_to_m2m_field(self): class Model(models.Model): m2m = models.ManyToManyField('self') class Meta: index_together = [ ["m2m"], ] errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( ('"index_together" refers to a m2m "m2m" field, but ' 'ManyToManyFields are not supported in "index_together".'), hint=None, obj=Model, id='E011', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) # unique_together tests are very similar to index_together tests. class UniqueTogetherTests(IsolatedModelsTestCase): def test_non_iterable(self): class Model(models.Model): class Meta: unique_together = 42 errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( '"unique_together" must be a list or tuple.', hint=None, obj=Model, id='E008', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) def test_list_containing_non_iterable(self): class Model(models.Model): one = models.IntegerField() two = models.IntegerField() class Meta: unique_together = [('a', 'b'), 42] errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( 'All "unique_together" elements must be lists or tuples.', hint=None, obj=Model, id='E009', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) def test_valid_model(self): class Model(models.Model): one = models.IntegerField() two = models.IntegerField() class Meta: # unique_together can be a simple tuple unique_together = ('one', 'two') errors = Model.check() self.assertEqual(errors, []) def test_pointing_to_missing_field(self): class Model(models.Model): class Meta: unique_together = [ ["missing_field"], ] errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( '"unique_together" points to a missing field named "missing_field".', hint='Ensure that you did not misspell the field name.', obj=Model, id='E010', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) def test_pointing_to_m2m(self): class Model(models.Model): m2m = models.ManyToManyField('self') class Meta: unique_together = [ ["m2m"], ] errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( ('"unique_together" refers to a m2m "m2m" field, but ' 'ManyToManyFields are not supported in "unique_together".'), hint=None, obj=Model, id='E011', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) class OtherModelTests(IsolatedModelsTestCase): def test_unique_primary_key(self): class Model(models.Model): id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=False) errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( ('You cannot use "id" as a field name, because each model ' 'automatically gets an "id" field if none of the fields ' 'have primary_key=True.'), hint='Remove or rename "id" field or add primary_key=True to a field.', obj=Model, id='E005', ), Error( 'Field "id" has column name "id" that is already used.', hint=None, obj=Model, ) ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) def test_field_names_ending_with_underscore(self): class Model(models.Model): field_ = models.CharField(max_length=10) m2m_ = models.ManyToManyField('self') errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( 'Field names must not end with underscores.', hint=None, obj=Model._meta.get_field('field_'), id='E001', ), Error( 'Field names must not end with underscores.', hint=None, obj=Model._meta.get_field('m2m_'), id='E001', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) def test_ordering_non_iterable(self): class Model(models.Model): class Meta: ordering = "missing_field" errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( ('"ordering" must be a tuple or list ' '(even if you want to order by only one field).'), hint=None, obj=Model, id='E012', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) def test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_field(self): class Model(models.Model): class Meta: ordering = ("missing_field",) errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( '"ordering" pointing to a missing "missing_field" field.', hint='Ensure that you did not misspell the field name.', obj=Model, id='E013', ) ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) @override_settings(TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL_BAD_VALUE='not-a-model') def test_swappable_missing_app_name(self): class Model(models.Model): class Meta: swappable = 'TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL_BAD_VALUE' errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( '"TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL_BAD_VALUE" is not of the form "app_label.app_name".', hint=None, obj=Model, id='E002', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) @override_settings(TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL_BAD_MODEL='not_an_app.Target') def test_swappable_missing_app(self): class Model(models.Model): class Meta: swappable = 'TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL_BAD_MODEL' errors = Model.check() expected = [ Error( ('The model has been swapped out for not_an_app.Target ' 'which has not been installed or is abstract.'), hint=('Ensure that you did not misspell the model name and ' 'the app name as well as the model is not abstract. Does ' 'your INSTALLED_APPS setting contain the "not_an_app" app?'), obj=Model, id='E003', ), ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected) def test_two_m2m_through_same_relationship(self): class Person(models.Model): pass class Group(models.Model): primary = models.ManyToManyField(Person, through="Membership", related_name="primary") secondary = models.ManyToManyField(Person, through="Membership", related_name="secondary") class Membership(models.Model): person = models.ForeignKey(Person) group = models.ForeignKey(Group) errors = Group.check() expected = [ Error( ('The model has two many-to-many relations through ' 'the intermediary Membership model, which is not permitted.'), hint=None, obj=Group, id='E004', ) ] self.assertEqual(errors, expected)