import os import shutil import tempfile from django.conf import settings from import call_command from django.template import Context, Template from django.test import SimpleTestCase, override_settings from .settings import TEST_SETTINGS class BaseStaticFilesMixin: """ Test case with a couple utility assertions. """ def assertFileContains(self, filepath, text): self.assertIn( text, self._get_file(filepath), "'%s' not in '%s'" % (text, filepath), ) def assertFileNotFound(self, filepath): with self.assertRaises(OSError): self._get_file(filepath) def render_template(self, template, **kwargs): if isinstance(template, str): template = Template(template) return template.render(Context(**kwargs)).strip() def static_template_snippet(self, path, asvar=False): if asvar: return ( "{%% load static from static %%}{%% static '%s' as var %%}{{ var }}" % path ) return "{%% load static from static %%}{%% static '%s' %%}" % path def assertStaticRenders(self, path, result, asvar=False, **kwargs): template = self.static_template_snippet(path, asvar) self.assertEqual(self.render_template(template, **kwargs), result) def assertStaticRaises(self, exc, path, result, asvar=False, **kwargs): with self.assertRaises(exc): self.assertStaticRenders(path, result, **kwargs) @override_settings(**TEST_SETTINGS) class StaticFilesTestCase(BaseStaticFilesMixin, SimpleTestCase): pass @override_settings(**TEST_SETTINGS) class CollectionTestCase(BaseStaticFilesMixin, SimpleTestCase): """ Tests shared by all file finding features (collectstatic, findstatic, and static serve view). This relies on the asserts defined in BaseStaticFilesTestCase, but is separated because some test cases need those asserts without all these tests. """ run_collectstatic_in_setUp = True def setUp(self): super().setUp() temp_dir = self.mkdtemp() # Override the STATIC_ROOT for all tests from setUp to tearDown # rather than as a context manager patched_settings = self.settings(STATIC_ROOT=temp_dir) patched_settings.enable() if self.run_collectstatic_in_setUp: self.run_collectstatic() # Same comment as in runtests.teardown. self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, temp_dir) self.addCleanup(patched_settings.disable) def mkdtemp(self): return tempfile.mkdtemp() def run_collectstatic(self, *, verbosity=0, **kwargs): call_command( "collectstatic", interactive=False, verbosity=verbosity, ignore_patterns=["*.ignoreme"], **kwargs, ) def _get_file(self, filepath): assert filepath, "filepath is empty." filepath = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, filepath) with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f: return class TestDefaults: """ A few standard test cases. """ def test_staticfiles_dirs(self): """ Can find a file in a STATICFILES_DIRS directory. """ self.assertFileContains("test.txt", "Can we find") self.assertFileContains(os.path.join("prefix", "test.txt"), "Prefix") def test_staticfiles_dirs_subdir(self): """ Can find a file in a subdirectory of a STATICFILES_DIRS directory. """ self.assertFileContains("subdir/test.txt", "Can we find") def test_staticfiles_dirs_priority(self): """ File in STATICFILES_DIRS has priority over file in app. """ self.assertFileContains("test/file.txt", "STATICFILES_DIRS") def test_app_files(self): """ Can find a file in an app static/ directory. """ self.assertFileContains("test/file1.txt", "file1 in the app dir") def test_nonascii_filenames(self): """ Can find a file with non-ASCII character in an app static/ directory. """ self.assertFileContains("test/⊗.txt", "⊗ in the app dir") def test_camelcase_filenames(self): """ Can find a file with capital letters. """ self.assertFileContains("test/camelCase.txt", "camelCase") def test_filename_with_percent_sign(self): self.assertFileContains("test/%2F.txt", "%2F content")