# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from django.db import models # Can't import as "forms" due to implementation details in the test suite (the # current file is called "forms" an is already imported). from django import forms as django_forms class BoundaryModel(models.Model): positive_integer = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) class Defaults(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=256, default='class default value') def_date = models.DateField(default = datetime.date(1980, 1, 1)) value = models.IntegerField(default=42) class ChoiceModel(models.Model): """For ModelChoiceField and ModelMultipleChoiceField tests.""" name = models.CharField(max_length=10) class FileModel(models.Model): file = models.FileField(upload_to='/') class FileForm(django_forms.Form): file1 = django_forms.FileField() __test__ = {'API_TESTS': """ >>> from django.forms import form_for_model, form_for_instance >>> from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile # FileModel with unicode filename and data ######################### >>> f = FileForm(data={}, files={'file1': SimpleUploadedFile('我隻氣墊船裝滿晒鱔.txt', 'मेरी मँडराने वाली नाव सर्पमीनों से भरी ह')}, auto_id=False) >>> f.is_valid() True >>> f.cleaned_data {'file1': } >>> m = FileModel.objects.create(file=f.cleaned_data['file1']) # Boundary conditions on a PostitiveIntegerField ######################### >>> BoundaryForm = form_for_model(BoundaryModel) >>> f = BoundaryForm({'positive_integer':100}) >>> f.is_valid() True >>> f = BoundaryForm({'positive_integer':0}) >>> f.is_valid() True >>> f = BoundaryForm({'positive_integer':-100}) >>> f.is_valid() False # Formfield initial values ######## If the model has default values for some fields, they are used as the formfield initial values. >>> DefaultsForm = form_for_model(Defaults) >>> DefaultsForm().fields['name'].initial u'class default value' >>> DefaultsForm().fields['def_date'].initial datetime.date(1980, 1, 1) >>> DefaultsForm().fields['value'].initial 42 In form_for_instance(), the initial values come from the instance's values, not the model's defaults. >>> foo_instance = Defaults(name=u'instance value', def_date = datetime.date(1969, 4, 4), value = 12) >>> InstanceForm = form_for_instance(foo_instance) >>> InstanceForm().fields['name'].initial u'instance value' >>> InstanceForm().fields['def_date'].initial datetime.date(1969, 4, 4) >>> InstanceForm().fields['value'].initial 12 """}