from django.forms import SelectMultiple from .base import WidgetTest class SelectMultipleTest(WidgetTest): widget = SelectMultiple numeric_choices = (('0', '0'), ('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3'), ('0', 'extra')) def test_render_selected(self): self.check_html(self.widget(choices=self.beatles), 'beatles', ['J'], html=( """""" )) def test_render_multiple_selected(self): self.check_html(self.widget(choices=self.beatles), 'beatles', ['J', 'P'], html=( """""" )) def test_render_none(self): """ If the value is None, none of the options are selected. """ self.check_html(self.widget(choices=self.beatles), 'beatles', None, html=( """""" )) def test_render_value_label(self): """ If the value corresponds to a label (but not to an option value), none of the options are selected. """ self.check_html(self.widget(choices=self.beatles), 'beatles', ['John'], html=( """""" )) def test_multiple_options_same_value(self): """ Multiple options with the same value can be selected (#8103). """ self.check_html(self.widget(choices=self.numeric_choices), 'choices', ['0'], html=( """""" )) def test_multiple_values_invalid(self): """ If multiple values are given, but some of them are not valid, the valid ones are selected. """ self.check_html(self.widget(choices=self.beatles), 'beatles', ['J', 'G', 'foo'], html=( """""" )) def test_compare_string(self): choices = [('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3')] self.check_html(self.widget(choices=choices), 'nums', [2], html=( """""" )) self.check_html(self.widget(choices=choices), 'nums', ['2'], html=( """""" )) self.check_html(self.widget(choices=choices), 'nums', [2], html=( """""" )) def test_optgroup_select_multiple(self): widget = SelectMultiple(choices=( ('outer1', 'Outer 1'), ('Group "1"', (('inner1', 'Inner 1'), ('inner2', 'Inner 2'))), )) self.check_html(widget, 'nestchoice', ['outer1', 'inner2'], html=( """""" ))