from django.core.exceptions import FieldError
from django.db.models import Count, F, Max
from django.db.models.functions import Concat, Lower
from django.test import TestCase

from .models import A, B, Bar, D, DataPoint, Foo, RelatedPoint

class SimpleTest(TestCase):
    def setUpTestData(cls):
        cls.a1 = A.objects.create()
        cls.a2 = A.objects.create()
        for x in range(20):

    def test_nonempty_update(self):
        Update changes the right number of rows for a nonempty queryset
        num_updated = self.a1.b_set.update(y=100)
        self.assertEqual(num_updated, 20)
        cnt = B.objects.filter(y=100).count()
        self.assertEqual(cnt, 20)

    def test_empty_update(self):
        Update changes the right number of rows for an empty queryset
        num_updated = self.a2.b_set.update(y=100)
        self.assertEqual(num_updated, 0)
        cnt = B.objects.filter(y=100).count()
        self.assertEqual(cnt, 0)

    def test_nonempty_update_with_inheritance(self):
        Update changes the right number of rows for an empty queryset
        when the update affects only a base table
        num_updated = self.a1.d_set.update(y=100)
        self.assertEqual(num_updated, 20)
        cnt = D.objects.filter(y=100).count()
        self.assertEqual(cnt, 20)

    def test_empty_update_with_inheritance(self):
        Update changes the right number of rows for an empty queryset
        when the update affects only a base table
        num_updated = self.a2.d_set.update(y=100)
        self.assertEqual(num_updated, 0)
        cnt = D.objects.filter(y=100).count()
        self.assertEqual(cnt, 0)

    def test_foreign_key_update_with_id(self):
        Update works using <field>_id for foreign keys
        num_updated = self.a1.d_set.update(a_id=self.a2)
        self.assertEqual(num_updated, 20)
        self.assertEqual(self.a2.d_set.count(), 20)

class AdvancedTests(TestCase):

    def setUpTestData(cls):
        cls.d0 = DataPoint.objects.create(name="d0", value="apple")
        cls.d2 = DataPoint.objects.create(name="d2", value="banana")
        cls.d3 = DataPoint.objects.create(name="d3", value="banana")
        cls.r1 = RelatedPoint.objects.create(name="r1", data=cls.d3)

    def test_update(self):
        Objects are updated by first filtering the candidates into a queryset
        and then calling the update() method. It executes immediately and
        returns nothing.
        resp = DataPoint.objects.filter(value="apple").update(name="d1")
        self.assertEqual(resp, 1)
        resp = DataPoint.objects.filter(value="apple")
        self.assertEqual(list(resp), [self.d0])

    def test_update_multiple_objects(self):
        We can update multiple objects at once.
        resp = DataPoint.objects.filter(value='banana').update(value='pineapple')
        self.assertEqual(resp, 2)
        self.assertEqual(DataPoint.objects.get(name="d2").value, 'pineapple')

    def test_update_fk(self):
        Foreign key fields can also be updated, although you can only update
        the object referred to, not anything inside the related object.
        resp = RelatedPoint.objects.filter(name="r1").update(data=self.d0)
        self.assertEqual(resp, 1)
        resp = RelatedPoint.objects.filter(data__name="d0")
        self.assertEqual(list(resp), [self.r1])

    def test_update_multiple_fields(self):
        Multiple fields can be updated at once
        resp = DataPoint.objects.filter(value="apple").update(
            value="fruit", another_value="peach")
        self.assertEqual(resp, 1)
        d = DataPoint.objects.get(name="d0")
        self.assertEqual(d.value, 'fruit')
        self.assertEqual(d.another_value, 'peach')

    def test_update_all(self):
        In the rare case you want to update every instance of a model, update()
        is also a manager method.
        self.assertEqual(DataPoint.objects.update(value='thing'), 3)
        resp = DataPoint.objects.values('value').distinct()
        self.assertEqual(list(resp), [{'value': 'thing'}])

    def test_update_slice_fail(self):
        We do not support update on already sliced query sets.
        method = DataPoint.objects.all()[:2].update
        msg = 'Cannot update a query once a slice has been taken.'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(AssertionError, msg):
            method(another_value='another thing')

    def test_update_respects_to_field(self):
        Update of an FK field which specifies a to_field works.
        a_foo = Foo.objects.create(target='aaa')
        b_foo = Foo.objects.create(target='bbb')
        bar = Bar.objects.create(foo=a_foo)
        bar_qs = Bar.objects.filter(

    def test_update_m2m_field(self):
        msg = (
            'Cannot update model field '
            '<django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField: m2m_foo> '
            '(only non-relations and foreign keys permitted).'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):

    def test_update_annotated_queryset(self):
        Update of a queryset that's been annotated.
        # Trivial annotated update
        qs = DataPoint.objects.annotate(alias=F('value'))
        self.assertEqual(qs.update(another_value='foo'), 3)
        # Update where annotation is used for filtering
        qs = DataPoint.objects.annotate(alias=F('value')).filter(alias='apple')
        self.assertEqual(qs.update(another_value='foo'), 1)
        # Update where annotation is used in update parameters
        qs = DataPoint.objects.annotate(alias=F('value'))
        self.assertEqual(qs.update(another_value=F('alias')), 3)
        # Update where aggregation annotation is used in update parameters
        qs = DataPoint.objects.annotate(max=Max('value'))
        msg = (
            'Aggregate functions are not allowed in this query '
            '(another_value=Max(Col(update_datapoint, update.DataPoint.value))).'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):

    def test_update_annotated_multi_table_queryset(self):
        Update of a queryset that's been annotated and involves multiple tables.
        # Trivial annotated update
        qs = DataPoint.objects.annotate(related_count=Count('relatedpoint'))
        self.assertEqual(qs.update(value='Foo'), 3)
        # Update where annotation is used for filtering
        qs = DataPoint.objects.annotate(related_count=Count('relatedpoint'))
        self.assertEqual(qs.filter(related_count=1).update(value='Foo'), 1)
        # Update where aggregation annotation is used in update parameters
        qs = RelatedPoint.objects.annotate(max=Max('data__value'))
        msg = 'Joined field references are not permitted in this query'
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):

    def test_update_with_joined_field_annotation(self):
        msg = 'Joined field references are not permitted in this query'
        for annotation in (
            Concat('data__name', 'data__value'),
            with self.subTest(annotation=annotation):
                with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):