from __future__ import unicode_literals
import warnings
from django.contrib.admin import ModelAdmin, TabularInline
from django.contrib.admin.helpers import InlineAdminForm
from django.contrib.admin.tests import AdminSeleniumWebDriverTestCase
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission, User
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.test import RequestFactory, TestCase, override_settings
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from .admin import site as admin_site
from .admin import InnerInline
from .models import (
Author, BinaryTree, Book, Chapter, Child, ChildModel1, ChildModel2,
Fashionista, FootNote, Holder, Holder2, Holder3, Holder4, Inner, Inner2,
Inner3, Inner4Stacked, Inner4Tabular, Novel, OutfitItem, Parent,
ParentModelWithCustomPk, Person, Poll, Profile,
ProfileCollection, Question, Sighting, SomeChildModel,
SomeParentModel, Teacher,
INLINE_CHANGELINK_HTML = 'class="inlinechangelink">Change'
class TestInline(TestCase):
fixtures = ['admin-views-users.xml']
def setUp(self):
holder = Holder(dummy=13)
Inner(dummy=42, holder=holder).save()
result = self.client.login(username='super', password='secret')
self.assertEqual(result, True)
self.factory = RequestFactory()
def test_can_delete(self):
can_delete should be passed to inlineformset factory.
holder = Holder.objects.get(dummy=13)
response = self.client.get(
reverse('admin:admin_inlines_holder_change', args=(,))
inner_formset = response.context['inline_admin_formsets'][0].formset
expected = InnerInline.can_delete
actual = inner_formset.can_delete
self.assertEqual(expected, actual, 'can_delete must be equal')
def test_readonly_stacked_inline_label(self):
"""Bug #13174."""
holder = Holder.objects.create(dummy=42)
Inner.objects.create(holder=holder, dummy=42, readonly='')
response = self.client.get(
reverse('admin:admin_inlines_holder_change', args=(,))
self.assertContains(response, '')
def test_many_to_many_inlines(self):
"Autogenerated many-to-many inlines are displayed correctly (#13407)"
response = self.client.get(reverse('admin:admin_inlines_author_add'))
# The heading for the m2m inline block uses the right text
self.assertContains(response, '
Author-book relationships
# The "add another" label is correct
self.assertContains(response, 'Add another Author-book relationship')
# The '+' is dropped from the autogenerated form prefix (Author_books+)
self.assertContains(response, 'id="id_Author_books-TOTAL_FORMS"')
def test_inline_primary(self):
person = Person.objects.create(firstname='Imelda')
item = OutfitItem.objects.create(name='Shoes')
# Imelda likes shoes, but can't carry her own bags.
data = {
'shoppingweakness_set-TOTAL_FORMS': 1,
'shoppingweakness_set-INITIAL_FORMS': 0,
'shoppingweakness_set-MAX_NUM_FORMS': 0,
'_save': 'Save',
'max_weight': 0,
response ='admin:admin_inlines_fashionista_add'), data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
self.assertEqual(len(Fashionista.objects.filter(person__firstname='Imelda')), 1)
def test_tabular_non_field_errors(self):
Ensure that non_field_errors are displayed correctly, including the
right value for colspan. Refs #13510.
data = {
'title_set-TOTAL_FORMS': 1,
'title_set-INITIAL_FORMS': 0,
'title_set-MAX_NUM_FORMS': 0,
'_save': 'Save',
'title_set-0-title1': 'a title',
'title_set-0-title2': 'a different title',
response ='admin:admin_inlines_titlecollection_add'), data)
# Here colspan is "4": two fields (title1 and title2), one hidden field and the delete checkbox.
self.assertContains(response, '
The two titles must be the same
def test_no_parent_callable_lookup(self):
"""Admin inline `readonly_field` shouldn't invoke parent ModelAdmin callable"""
# Identically named callable isn't present in the parent ModelAdmin,
# rendering of the add view shouldn't explode
response = self.client.get(reverse('admin:admin_inlines_novel_add'))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# View should have the child inlines section
self.assertContains(response, '
def test_callable_lookup(self):
"""Admin inline should invoke local callable when its name is listed in readonly_fields"""
response = self.client.get(reverse('admin:admin_inlines_poll_add'))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Add parent object view should have the child inlines section
self.assertContains(response, '
# The right callable should be used for the inline readonly_fields
# column cells
self.assertContains(response, '
Callable in QuestionInline
def test_help_text(self):
Ensure that the inlines' model field help texts are displayed when
using both the stacked and tabular layouts.
Ref #8190.
response = self.client.get(reverse('admin:admin_inlines_holder4_add'))
self.assertContains(response, '