.. _ref-models-relations: ========================= Related objects reference ========================= Extra methods on managers when used in a ForeignKey context =========================================================== .. currentmodule:: django.db.models .. method:: QuerySet.add(obj1, [obj2, ...]) Adds the specified model objects to the related object set. Example:: >>> b = Blog.objects.get(id=1) >>> e = Entry.objects.get(id=234) >>> b.entry_set.add(e) # Associates Entry e with Blog b. .. method:: QuerySet.create(**kwargs)` Creates a new object, saves it and puts it in the related object set. Returns the newly created object:: >>> b = Blog.objects.get(id=1) >>> e = b.entry_set.create( ... headline='Hello', ... body_text='Hi', ... pub_date=datetime.date(2005, 1, 1) ... ) # No need to call e.save() at this point -- it's already been saved. This is equivalent to (but much simpler than):: >>> b = Blog.objects.get(id=1) >>> e = Entry( .... blog=b, .... headline='Hello', .... body_text='Hi', .... pub_date=datetime.date(2005, 1, 1) .... ) >>> e.save() Note that there's no need to specify the keyword argument of the model that defines the relationship. In the above example, we don't pass the parameter ``blog`` to ``create()``. Django figures out that the new ``Entry`` object's ``blog`` field should be set to ``b``. .. method:: QuerySet.remove(obj1, [obj2, ...]) Removes the specified model objects from the related object set:: >>> b = Blog.objects.get(id=1) >>> e = Entry.objects.get(id=234) >>> b.entry_set.remove(e) # Disassociates Entry e from Blog b. In order to prevent database inconsistency, this method only exists on ``ForeignKey`` objects where ``null=True``. If the related field can't be set to ``None`` (``NULL``), then an object can't be removed from a relation without being added to another. In the above example, removing ``e`` from ``b.entry_set()`` is equivalent to doing ``e.blog = None``, and because the ``blog`` ``ForeignKey`` doesn't have ``null=True``, this is invalid. .. method:: QuerySet.clear() Removes all objects from the related object set:: >>> b = Blog.objects.get(id=1) >>> b.entry_set.clear() Note this doesn't delete the related objects -- it just disassociates them. Just like ``remove()``, ``clear()`` is only available on ``ForeignKey``s where ``null=True``.