# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- tests = r""" >>> from django.forms import * >>> from django.forms.widgets import RadioFieldRenderer >>> from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe >>> import datetime >>> import time >>> import re >>> try: ... from decimal import Decimal ... except ImportError: ... from django.utils._decimal import Decimal ########### # Widgets # ########### Each Widget class corresponds to an HTML form widget. A Widget knows how to render itself, given a field name and some data. Widgets don't perform validation. # TextInput Widget ############################################################ >>> w = TextInput() >>> w.render('email', '') u'' >>> w.render('email', None) u'' >>> w.render('email', 'test@example.com') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'some "quoted" & ampersanded value') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'test@example.com', attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'' # Note that doctest in Python 2.4 (and maybe 2.5?) doesn't support non-ascii # characters in output, so we're displaying the repr() here. >>> w.render('email', 'ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'' You can also pass 'attrs' to the constructor: >>> w = TextInput(attrs={'class': 'fun'}) >>> w.render('email', '') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'foo@example.com') u'' 'attrs' passed to render() get precedence over those passed to the constructor: >>> w = TextInput(attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) >>> w.render('email', '', attrs={'class': 'special'}) u'' # PasswordInput Widget ############################################################ >>> w = PasswordInput() >>> w.render('email', '') u'' >>> w.render('email', None) u'' >>> w.render('email', 'test@example.com') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'some "quoted" & ampersanded value') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'test@example.com', attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'' You can also pass 'attrs' to the constructor: >>> w = PasswordInput(attrs={'class': 'fun'}) >>> w.render('email', '') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'foo@example.com') u'' 'attrs' passed to render() get precedence over those passed to the constructor: >>> w = PasswordInput(attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) >>> w.render('email', '', attrs={'class': 'special'}) u'' >>> w.render('email', 'ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'' The render_value argument lets you specify whether the widget should render its value. You may want to do this for security reasons. >>> w = PasswordInput(render_value=True) >>> w.render('email', 'secret') u'' >>> w = PasswordInput(render_value=False) >>> w.render('email', '') u'' >>> w.render('email', None) u'' >>> w.render('email', 'secret') u'' >>> w = PasswordInput(attrs={'class': 'fun'}, render_value=False) >>> w.render('email', 'secret') u'' # HiddenInput Widget ############################################################ >>> w = HiddenInput() >>> w.render('email', '') u'' >>> w.render('email', None) u'' >>> w.render('email', 'test@example.com') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'some "quoted" & ampersanded value') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'test@example.com', attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'' You can also pass 'attrs' to the constructor: >>> w = HiddenInput(attrs={'class': 'fun'}) >>> w.render('email', '') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'foo@example.com') u'' 'attrs' passed to render() get precedence over those passed to the constructor: >>> w = HiddenInput(attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) >>> w.render('email', '', attrs={'class': 'special'}) u'' >>> w.render('email', 'ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'' 'attrs' passed to render() get precedence over those passed to the constructor: >>> w = HiddenInput(attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) >>> w.render('email', '', attrs={'class': 'special'}) u'' Boolean values are rendered to their string forms ("True" and "False"). >>> w = HiddenInput() >>> w.render('get_spam', False) u'' >>> w.render('get_spam', True) u'' # MultipleHiddenInput Widget ################################################## >>> w = MultipleHiddenInput() >>> w.render('email', []) u'' >>> w.render('email', None) u'' >>> w.render('email', ['test@example.com']) u'' >>> w.render('email', ['some "quoted" & ampersanded value']) u'' >>> w.render('email', ['test@example.com', 'foo@example.com']) u'\n' >>> w.render('email', ['test@example.com'], attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'' >>> w.render('email', ['test@example.com', 'foo@example.com'], attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'\n' You can also pass 'attrs' to the constructor: >>> w = MultipleHiddenInput(attrs={'class': 'fun'}) >>> w.render('email', []) u'' >>> w.render('email', ['foo@example.com']) u'' >>> w.render('email', ['foo@example.com', 'test@example.com']) u'\n' 'attrs' passed to render() get precedence over those passed to the constructor: >>> w = MultipleHiddenInput(attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) >>> w.render('email', ['foo@example.com'], attrs={'class': 'special'}) u'' >>> w.render('email', ['ŠĐĆŽćžšđ'], attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'' 'attrs' passed to render() get precedence over those passed to the constructor: >>> w = MultipleHiddenInput(attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) >>> w.render('email', ['foo@example.com'], attrs={'class': 'special'}) u'' # FileInput Widget ############################################################ FileInput widgets don't ever show the value, because the old value is of no use if you are updating the form or if the provided file generated an error. >>> w = FileInput() >>> w.render('email', '') u'' >>> w.render('email', None) u'' >>> w.render('email', 'test@example.com') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'some "quoted" & ampersanded value') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'test@example.com', attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'' You can also pass 'attrs' to the constructor: >>> w = FileInput(attrs={'class': 'fun'}) >>> w.render('email', '') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'foo@example.com') u'' >>> w.render('email', 'ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'' Test for the behavior of _has_changed for FileInput. The value of data will more than likely come from request.FILES. The value of initial data will likely be a filename stored in the database. Since its value is of no use to a FileInput it is ignored. >>> w = FileInput() # No file was uploaded and no initial data. >>> w._has_changed(u'', None) False # A file was uploaded and no initial data. >>> w._has_changed(u'', {'filename': 'resume.txt', 'content': 'My resume'}) True # A file was not uploaded, but there is initial data >>> w._has_changed(u'resume.txt', None) False # A file was uploaded and there is initial data (file identity is not dealt # with here) >>> w._has_changed('resume.txt', {'filename': 'resume.txt', 'content': 'My resume'}) True # Textarea Widget ############################################################# >>> w = Textarea() >>> w.render('msg', '') u'' >>> w.render('msg', None) u'' >>> w.render('msg', 'value') u'' >>> w.render('msg', 'some "quoted" & ampersanded value') u'' >>> w.render('msg', mark_safe('pre "quoted" value')) u'' >>> w.render('msg', 'value', attrs={'class': 'pretty', 'rows': 20}) u'' You can also pass 'attrs' to the constructor: >>> w = Textarea(attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) >>> w.render('msg', '') u'' >>> w.render('msg', 'example') u'' 'attrs' passed to render() get precedence over those passed to the constructor: >>> w = Textarea(attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) >>> w.render('msg', '', attrs={'class': 'special'}) u'' >>> w.render('msg', 'ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', attrs={'class': 'fun'}) u'' # CheckboxInput Widget ######################################################## >>> w = CheckboxInput() >>> w.render('is_cool', '') u'' >>> w.render('is_cool', None) u'' >>> w.render('is_cool', False) u'' >>> w.render('is_cool', True) u'' Using any value that's not in ('', None, False, True) will check the checkbox and set the 'value' attribute. >>> w.render('is_cool', 'foo') u'' >>> w.render('is_cool', False, attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) u'' You can also pass 'attrs' to the constructor: >>> w = CheckboxInput(attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) >>> w.render('is_cool', '') u'' 'attrs' passed to render() get precedence over those passed to the constructor: >>> w = CheckboxInput(attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) >>> w.render('is_cool', '', attrs={'class': 'special'}) u'' You can pass 'check_test' to the constructor. This is a callable that takes the value and returns True if the box should be checked. >>> w = CheckboxInput(check_test=lambda value: value.startswith('hello')) >>> w.render('greeting', '') u'' >>> w.render('greeting', 'hello') u'' >>> w.render('greeting', 'hello there') u'' >>> w.render('greeting', 'hello & goodbye') u'' A subtlety: If the 'check_test' argument cannot handle a value and raises any exception during its __call__, then the exception will be swallowed and the box will not be checked. In this example, the 'check_test' assumes the value has a startswith() method, which fails for the values True, False and None. >>> w.render('greeting', True) u'' >>> w.render('greeting', False) u'' >>> w.render('greeting', None) u'' The CheckboxInput widget will return False if the key is not found in the data dictionary (because HTML form submission doesn't send any result for unchecked checkboxes). >>> w.value_from_datadict({}, {}, 'testing') False >>> w._has_changed(None, None) False >>> w._has_changed(None, u'') False >>> w._has_changed(u'', None) False >>> w._has_changed(u'', u'') False >>> w._has_changed(False, u'on') True >>> w._has_changed(True, u'on') False >>> w._has_changed(True, u'') True # Select Widget ############################################################### >>> w = Select() >>> print w.render('beatle', 'J', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) If the value is None, none of the options are selected: >>> print w.render('beatle', None, choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) If the value corresponds to a label (but not to an option value), none of the options are selected: >>> print w.render('beatle', 'John', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) The value is compared to its str(): >>> print w.render('num', 2, choices=[('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3')]) >>> print w.render('num', '2', choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) >>> print w.render('num', 2, choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) The 'choices' argument can be any iterable: >>> from itertools import chain >>> def get_choices(): ... for i in range(5): ... yield (i, i) >>> print w.render('num', 2, choices=get_choices()) >>> things = ({'id': 1, 'name': 'And Boom'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'One More Thing!'}) >>> class SomeForm(Form): ... somechoice = ChoiceField(choices=chain((('', '-'*9),), [(thing['id'], thing['name']) for thing in things])) >>> f = SomeForm() >>> f.as_table() u'' >>> f.as_table() u'' >>> f = SomeForm({'somechoice': 2}) >>> f.as_table() u'' You can also pass 'choices' to the constructor: >>> w = Select(choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) >>> print w.render('num', 2) If 'choices' is passed to both the constructor and render(), then they'll both be in the output: >>> print w.render('num', 2, choices=[(4, 4), (5, 5)]) # Choices are escaped correctly >>> print w.render('escape', None, choices=(('bad', 'you & me'), ('good', mark_safe('you > me')))) # Unicode choices are correctly rendered as HTML >>> w.render('email', 'ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', choices=[('ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', 'ŠĐabcĆŽćžšđ'), ('ćžšđ', 'abcćžšđ')]) u'' If choices is passed to the constructor and is a generator, it can be iterated over multiple times without getting consumed: >>> w = Select(choices=get_choices()) >>> print w.render('num', 2) >>> print w.render('num', 3) # NullBooleanSelect Widget #################################################### >>> w = NullBooleanSelect() >>> print w.render('is_cool', True) >>> print w.render('is_cool', False) >>> print w.render('is_cool', None) >>> print w.render('is_cool', '2') >>> print w.render('is_cool', '3') """ + \ r""" # [This concatenation is to keep the string below the jython's 32K limit]. # SelectMultiple Widget ####################################################### >>> w = SelectMultiple() >>> print w.render('beatles', ['J'], choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) >>> print w.render('beatles', ['J', 'P'], choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) >>> print w.render('beatles', ['J', 'P', 'R'], choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) If the value is None, none of the options are selected: >>> print w.render('beatles', None, choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) If the value corresponds to a label (but not to an option value), none of the options are selected: >>> print w.render('beatles', ['John'], choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) If multiple values are given, but some of them are not valid, the valid ones are selected: >>> print w.render('beatles', ['J', 'G', 'foo'], choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) The value is compared to its str(): >>> print w.render('nums', [2], choices=[('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3')]) >>> print w.render('nums', ['2'], choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) >>> print w.render('nums', [2], choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) The 'choices' argument can be any iterable: >>> def get_choices(): ... for i in range(5): ... yield (i, i) >>> print w.render('nums', [2], choices=get_choices()) You can also pass 'choices' to the constructor: >>> w = SelectMultiple(choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) >>> print w.render('nums', [2]) If 'choices' is passed to both the constructor and render(), then they'll both be in the output: >>> print w.render('nums', [2], choices=[(4, 4), (5, 5)]) # Choices are escaped correctly >>> print w.render('escape', None, choices=(('bad', 'you & me'), ('good', mark_safe('you > me')))) # Unicode choices are correctly rendered as HTML >>> w.render('nums', ['ŠĐĆŽćžšđ'], choices=[('ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', 'ŠĐabcĆŽćžšđ'), ('ćžšđ', 'abcćžšđ')]) u'' # Test the usage of _has_changed >>> w._has_changed(None, None) False >>> w._has_changed([], None) False >>> w._has_changed(None, [u'1']) True >>> w._has_changed([1, 2], [u'1', u'2']) False >>> w._has_changed([1, 2], [u'1']) True >>> w._has_changed([1, 2], [u'1', u'3']) True # RadioSelect Widget ########################################################## >>> w = RadioSelect() >>> print w.render('beatle', 'J', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) If the value is None, none of the options are checked: >>> print w.render('beatle', None, choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) If the value corresponds to a label (but not to an option value), none of the options are checked: >>> print w.render('beatle', 'John', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) The value is compared to its str(): >>> print w.render('num', 2, choices=[('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3')]) >>> print w.render('num', '2', choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) >>> print w.render('num', 2, choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) The 'choices' argument can be any iterable: >>> def get_choices(): ... for i in range(5): ... yield (i, i) >>> print w.render('num', 2, choices=get_choices()) You can also pass 'choices' to the constructor: >>> w = RadioSelect(choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) >>> print w.render('num', 2) If 'choices' is passed to both the constructor and render(), then they'll both be in the output: >>> print w.render('num', 2, choices=[(4, 4), (5, 5)]) RadioSelect uses a RadioFieldRenderer to render the individual radio inputs. You can manipulate that object directly to customize the way the RadioSelect is rendered. >>> w = RadioSelect() >>> r = w.get_renderer('beatle', 'J', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) >>> for inp in r: ... print inp >>> for inp in r: ... print '%s
' % inp

>>> for inp in r: ... print '

%s %s

' % (inp.tag(), inp.choice_label)





>>> for inp in r: ... print '%s %s %s %s %s' % (inp.name, inp.value, inp.choice_value, inp.choice_label, inp.is_checked()) beatle J J John True beatle J P Paul False beatle J G George False beatle J R Ringo False You can create your own custom renderers for RadioSelect to use. >>> class MyRenderer(RadioFieldRenderer): ... def render(self): ... return u'
\n'.join([unicode(choice) for choice in self]) >>> w = RadioSelect(renderer=MyRenderer) >>> print w.render('beatle', 'G', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo')))

Or you can use custom RadioSelect fields that use your custom renderer. >>> class CustomRadioSelect(RadioSelect): ... renderer = MyRenderer >>> w = CustomRadioSelect() >>> print w.render('beatle', 'G', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo')))

A RadioFieldRenderer object also allows index access to individual RadioInput objects. >>> w = RadioSelect() >>> r = w.get_renderer('beatle', 'J', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) >>> print r[1] >>> print r[0] >>> r[0].is_checked() True >>> r[1].is_checked() False >>> r[1].name, r[1].value, r[1].choice_value, r[1].choice_label ('beatle', u'J', u'P', u'Paul') >>> r[10] # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: list index out of range # Choices are escaped correctly >>> w = RadioSelect() >>> print w.render('escape', None, choices=(('bad', 'you & me'), ('good', mark_safe('you > me')))) # Unicode choices are correctly rendered as HTML >>> w = RadioSelect() >>> unicode(w.render('email', 'ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', choices=[('ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', 'ŠĐabcĆŽćžšđ'), ('ćžšđ', 'abcćžšđ')])) u'' # Attributes provided at instantiation are passed to the constituent inputs >>> w = RadioSelect(attrs={'id':'foo'}) >>> print w.render('beatle', 'J', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) # Attributes provided at render-time are passed to the constituent inputs >>> w = RadioSelect() >>> print w.render('beatle', 'J', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo')), attrs={'id':'bar'}) # CheckboxSelectMultiple Widget ############################################### >>> w = CheckboxSelectMultiple() >>> print w.render('beatles', ['J'], choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) >>> print w.render('beatles', ['J', 'P'], choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) >>> print w.render('beatles', ['J', 'P', 'R'], choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) If the value is None, none of the options are selected: >>> print w.render('beatles', None, choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) If the value corresponds to a label (but not to an option value), none of the options are selected: >>> print w.render('beatles', ['John'], choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) If multiple values are given, but some of them are not valid, the valid ones are selected: >>> print w.render('beatles', ['J', 'G', 'foo'], choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))) The value is compared to its str(): >>> print w.render('nums', [2], choices=[('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3')]) >>> print w.render('nums', ['2'], choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) >>> print w.render('nums', [2], choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) The 'choices' argument can be any iterable: >>> def get_choices(): ... for i in range(5): ... yield (i, i) >>> print w.render('nums', [2], choices=get_choices()) You can also pass 'choices' to the constructor: >>> w = CheckboxSelectMultiple(choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) >>> print w.render('nums', [2]) If 'choices' is passed to both the constructor and render(), then they'll both be in the output: >>> print w.render('nums', [2], choices=[(4, 4), (5, 5)]) # Choices are escaped correctly >>> print w.render('escape', None, choices=(('bad', 'you & me'), ('good', mark_safe('you > me')))) # Test the usage of _has_changed >>> w._has_changed(None, None) False >>> w._has_changed([], None) False >>> w._has_changed(None, [u'1']) True >>> w._has_changed([1, 2], [u'1', u'2']) False >>> w._has_changed([1, 2], [u'1']) True >>> w._has_changed([1, 2], [u'1', u'3']) True # Unicode choices are correctly rendered as HTML >>> w.render('nums', ['ŠĐĆŽćžšđ'], choices=[('ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', 'ŠĐabcĆŽćžšđ'), ('ćžšđ', 'abcćžšđ')]) u'' # MultiWidget ################################################################# >>> class MyMultiWidget(MultiWidget): ... def decompress(self, value): ... if value: ... return value.split('__') ... return ['', ''] ... def format_output(self, rendered_widgets): ... return u'
'.join(rendered_widgets) >>> w = MyMultiWidget(widgets=(TextInput(attrs={'class': 'big'}), TextInput(attrs={'class': 'small'}))) >>> w.render('name', ['john', 'lennon']) u'
' >>> w.render('name', 'john__lennon') u'
' >>> w.render('name', 'john__lennon', attrs={'id':'foo'}) u'
' >>> w = MyMultiWidget(widgets=(TextInput(attrs={'class': 'big'}), TextInput(attrs={'class': 'small'})), attrs={'id': 'bar'}) >>> w.render('name', ['john', 'lennon']) u'
' >>> w = MyMultiWidget(widgets=(TextInput(), TextInput())) # test with no initial data >>> w._has_changed(None, [u'john', u'lennon']) True # test when the data is the same as initial >>> w._has_changed(u'john__lennon', [u'john', u'lennon']) False # test when the first widget's data has changed >>> w._has_changed(u'john__lennon', [u'alfred', u'lennon']) True # test when the last widget's data has changed. this ensures that it is not # short circuiting while testing the widgets. >>> w._has_changed(u'john__lennon', [u'john', u'denver']) True # SplitDateTimeWidget ######################################################### >>> w = SplitDateTimeWidget() >>> w.render('date', '') u'' >>> w.render('date', None) u'' >>> w.render('date', datetime.datetime(2006, 1, 10, 7, 30)) u'' >>> w.render('date', [datetime.date(2006, 1, 10), datetime.time(7, 30)]) u'' You can also pass 'attrs' to the constructor. In this case, the attrs will be included on both widgets. >>> w = SplitDateTimeWidget(attrs={'class': 'pretty'}) >>> w.render('date', datetime.datetime(2006, 1, 10, 7, 30)) u'' >>> w._has_changed(datetime.datetime(2008, 5, 5, 12, 40, 00), [u'2008-05-05', u'12:40:00']) False >>> w._has_changed(datetime.datetime(2008, 5, 5, 12, 40, 00), [u'2008-05-05', u'12:41:00']) True # DateTimeInput ############################################################### >>> w = DateTimeInput() >>> w.render('date', None) u'' >>> d = datetime.datetime(2007, 9, 17, 12, 51, 34, 482548) >>> print d 2007-09-17 12:51:34.482548 The microseconds are trimmed on display, by default. >>> w.render('date', d) u'' >>> w.render('date', datetime.datetime(2007, 9, 17, 12, 51, 34)) u'' >>> w.render('date', datetime.datetime(2007, 9, 17, 12, 51)) u'' """