============================================ Django 5.2 release notes - UNDER DEVELOPMENT ============================================ *Expected April 2025* Welcome to Django 5.2! These release notes cover the :ref:`new features `, as well as some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes ` you should be aware of when upgrading from Django 5.1 or earlier. We've :ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features `. See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing project. Django 5.2 is designated as a :term:`long-term support release `. It will receive security updates for at least three years after its release. Support for the previous LTS, Django 4.2, will end in April 2026. Python compatibility ==================== Django 5.2 supports Python 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, and 3.13. We **highly recommend** and only officially support the latest release of each series. .. _whats-new-5.2: What's new in Django 5.2 ======================== Automatic models import in the ``shell`` ---------------------------------------- The :djadmin:`shell` management command now automatically imports models from all installed apps. You can view further details of the imported objects by setting the ``--verbosity`` flag to 2 or more: .. console:: $ python -Wall manage.py shell --verbosity=2 6 objects imported automatically, including: from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission, User from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session This :ref:`behavior can be customized ` to add or remove automatic imports. Composite Primary Keys ---------------------- The new :class:`django.db.models.CompositePrimaryKey` allows tables to be created with a primary key consisting of multiple fields. To use a composite primary key, when defining a model set the ``pk`` attribute to be a ``CompositePrimaryKey``:: from django.db import models class Release(models.Model): pk = models.CompositePrimaryKey("version", "name") version = models.IntegerField() name = models.CharField(max_length=20) See :doc:`/topics/composite-primary-key` for more details. Simplified override of :class:`~django.forms.BoundField` -------------------------------------------------------- Prior to version 5.2, overriding :meth:`.Field.get_bound_field()` was the only option to use a custom :class:`~django.forms.BoundField`. Django now supports specifying the following attributes to customize form rendering: * :attr:`.BaseRenderer.bound_field_class` at the project level, * :attr:`.Form.bound_field_class` at the form level, and * :attr:`.Field.bound_field_class` at the field level. For example, to customize the ``BoundField`` of a ``Form`` class:: from django import forms class CustomBoundField(forms.BoundField): custom_class = "custom" def css_classes(self, extra_classes=None): result = super().css_classes(extra_classes) if self.custom_class not in result: result += f" {self.custom_class}" return result.strip() class CustomForm(forms.Form): bound_field_class = CustomBoundField name = forms.CharField( label="Your Name", max_length=100, required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "name-input-class"}), ) email = forms.EmailField(label="Your Email") When rendering a ``CustomForm`` instance, the following HTML is included: .. code:: html
See :ref:`custom-boundfield` for more details about this feature. Minor features -------------- :mod:`django.contrib.admin` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``admin/base.html`` template now has a new block :ref:`extrabody ` for adding custom code before the closing ```` tag. * The value of a :class:`~django.db.models.URLField` now renders as a link. :mod:`django.contrib.admindocs` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Links to components in docstrings now supports custom link text, using the format ``:role:`link text ```. See :ref:`documentation helpers ` for more details. * The :ref:`model pages ` are now restricted to users with the corresponding view or change permissions. :mod:`django.contrib.auth` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from 870,000 to 1,000,000. * The following new asynchronous methods are now provided, using an ``a`` prefix: * :meth:`.UserManager.acreate_user` * :meth:`.UserManager.acreate_superuser` * :meth:`.BaseUserManager.aget_by_natural_key` * :meth:`.User.aget_user_permissions` * :meth:`.User.aget_all_permissions` * :meth:`.User.aget_group_permissions` * :meth:`.User.ahas_perm` * :meth:`.User.ahas_perms` * :meth:`.User.ahas_module_perms` * :meth:`.User.aget_user_permissions` * :meth:`.User.aget_group_permissions` * :meth:`.User.ahas_perm` * :meth:`.ModelBackend.aauthenticate` * :meth:`.ModelBackend.aget_user_permissions` * :meth:`.ModelBackend.aget_group_permissions` * :meth:`.ModelBackend.aget_all_permissions` * :meth:`.ModelBackend.ahas_perm` * :meth:`.ModelBackend.ahas_module_perms` * :meth:`.RemoteUserBackend.aauthenticate` * :meth:`.RemoteUserBackend.aconfigure_user` * Auth backends can now provide async implementations which are used when calling async auth functions (e.g. :func:`~.django.contrib.auth.aauthenticate`) to reduce context-switching which improves performance. See :ref:`adding an async interface ` for more details. * The :ref:`password validator classes ` now have a new method ``get_error_message()``, which can be overridden in subclasses to customize the error messages. :mod:`django.contrib.gis` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * GDAL now supports curved geometries ``CurvePolygon``, ``CompoundCurve``, ``CircularString``, ``MultiSurface``, and ``MultiCurve`` via the new :attr:`.OGRGeometry.has_curve` property, and the :meth:`.OGRGeometry.get_linear_geometry` and :meth:`.OGRGeometry.get_curve_geometry` methods. * :lookup:`coveredby` and :lookup:`covers` lookup are now supported on MySQL. * :lookup:`coveredby` and :lookup:`isvalid` lookups, :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.Collect` aggregation, and :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.GeoHash` and :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.IsValid` database functions are now supported on MariaDB 11.7+. :mod:`django.contrib.syndication` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * All :class:`~django.utils.feedgenerator.SyndicationFeed` classes now support a ``stylesheets`` attribute. If specified, an ```` processing instruction will be added to the top of the document for each stylesheet in the given list. See :ref:`feed-stylesheets` for more details. Database backends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * MySQL connections now default to using the ``utf8mb4`` character set, instead of ``utf8``, which is an alias for the deprecated character set ``utf8mb3``. * Oracle backends now support :ref:`connection pools `, by setting ``"pool"`` in the :setting:`OPTIONS` part of your database configuration. Decorators ~~~~~~~~~~ * :func:`~django.utils.decorators.method_decorator` now supports wrapping asynchronous view methods. Email ~~~~~ * Tuple items of :class:`EmailMessage.attachments ` and :class:`EmailMultiAlternatives.attachments ` are now named tuples, as opposed to regular tuples. * :attr:`EmailMultiAlternatives.alternatives ` is now a list of named tuples, as opposed to regular tuples. * The new :meth:`~django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives.body_contains` method returns a boolean indicating whether a provided text is contained in the email ``body`` and in all attached MIME type ``text/*`` alternatives. Error Reporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The attribute :attr:`.SafeExceptionReporterFilter.hidden_settings` now treats values as sensitive if their name includes ``AUTH``. Forms ~~~~~ * The new :class:`~django.forms.ColorInput` form widget is for entering a color in ``rrggbb`` hexadecimal format and renders as ````. Some browsers support a visual color picker interface for this input type. * The new :class:`~django.forms.SearchInput` form widget is for entering search queries and renders as ````. * The new :class:`~django.forms.TelInput` form widget is for entering telephone numbers and renders as ````. * The new ``field_id`` argument for :class:`~django.forms.ErrorList` allows an HTML ``id`` attribute to be added in the error template. See :attr:`.ErrorList.field_id` for details. * An :attr:`~django.forms.BoundField.aria_describedby` property is added to ``BoundField`` to ease use of this HTML attribute in templates. * To improve accessibility for screen reader users ``aria-describedby`` is used to associate form fields with their error messages. See :ref:`how form errors are displayed ` for details. * The new asset object :class:`~django.forms.Script` is available for adding custom HTML-attributes to JavaScript in form media. See :ref:`paths as objects ` for more details. Management Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A new warning is displayed when running :djadmin:`runserver`, indicating that it is unsuitable for production. This warning can be suppressed by setting the :envvar:`HIDE_PRODUCTION_WARNING` environment variable to ``"true"``. * The :djadmin:`makemigrations` and :djadmin:`migrate` commands have a new ``Command.autodetector`` attribute for subclasses to override in order to use a custom autodetector class. * The new :meth:`.BaseCommand.get_check_kwargs` method can be overridden in custom commands to control the running of system checks, e.g. to opt into database-dependent checks. Migrations ~~~~~~~~~~ * The new operation :class:`.AlterConstraint` is a no-op operation that alters constraints without dropping and recreating constraints in the database. Models ~~~~~~ * The ``SELECT`` clause generated when using :meth:`.QuerySet.values` and :meth:`.QuerySet.values_list` now matches the specified order of the referenced expressions. Previously, the order was based on a set of counterintuitive rules which made query combination through methods such as :meth:`.QuerySet.union` unpredictable. * Added support for validation of model constraints which use a :class:`~django.db.models.GeneratedField`. * The new :attr:`.Expression.set_returning` attribute specifies that the expression contains a set-returning function, enforcing subquery evaluation. This is necessary for many Postgres set-returning functions. * :attr:`CharField.max_length ` is no longer required to be set on SQLite, which supports unlimited ``VARCHAR`` columns. * :meth:`.QuerySet.explain` now supports the ``memory`` and ``serialize`` options on PostgreSQL 17+. * The new :class:`~django.db.models.functions.JSONArray` database function accepts a list of field names or expressions and returns a JSON array containing those values. * The new :attr:`.Expression.allows_composite_expressions` attribute specifies that the expression allows composite expressions, for example, to support :ref:`composite primary keys `. Requests and Responses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :attr:`.HttpResponse.text` property provides the string representation of :attr:`.HttpResponse.content`. * The new :meth:`.HttpRequest.get_preferred_type` method can be used to query the preferred media type the client accepts. * The new ``preserve_request`` argument for :class:`~django.http.HttpResponseRedirect` and :class:`~django.http.HttpResponsePermanentRedirect` determines whether the HTTP status codes 302/307 or 301/308 are used, respectively. * The new ``preserve_request`` argument for :func:`~django.shortcuts.redirect` allows to instruct the user agent to reuse the HTTP method and body during redirection using specific status codes. Serialization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Each serialization format now defines a ``Deserializer`` class, rather than a function, to improve extensibility when defining a :ref:`custom serialization format `. Templates ~~~~~~~~~ * The new :meth:`~django.template.Library.simple_block_tag` decorator enables the creation of simple block tags, which can accept and use a section of the template. Tests ~~~~~ * Stack frames from Django's custom assertions are now hidden. This makes test failures easier to read and enables :option:`test --pdb` to directly enter into the failing test method. * Data loaded from :attr:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase.fixtures` and from migrations enabled with :ref:`serialized_rollback=True ` are now available during ``TransactionTestCase.setUpClass()``. URLs ~~~~ * :func:`~django.urls.reverse` now accepts ``query`` and ``fragment`` keyword arguments, allowing the addition of a query string and/or fragment identifier in the generated URL, respectively. Utilities ~~~~~~~~~ * :class:`~django.utils.safestring.SafeString` now returns :py:data:`NotImplemented` in ``__add__`` for non-string right-hand side values. This aligns with the :py:class:`str` addition behavior and allows ``__radd__`` to be used if available. * :func:`~django.utils.html.format_html_join` now supports taking an iterable of mappings, passing their contents as keyword arguments to :func:`~django.utils.html.format_html`. .. _backwards-incompatible-5.2: Backwards incompatible changes in 5.2 ===================================== Database backend API -------------------- This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database backends. * The new :meth:`Model._is_pk_set() ` method allows checking if a Model instance's primary key is defined. * ``BaseDatabaseOperations.adapt_decimalfield_value()`` is now a no-op, simply returning the given value. :mod:`django.contrib.gis` ------------------------- * Support for PostGIS 3.0 is removed. * Support for GDAL 3.0 is removed. Dropped support for PostgreSQL 13 --------------------------------- Upstream support for PostgreSQL 13 ends in November 2025. Django 5.2 supports PostgreSQL 14 and higher. Changed MySQL connection character set default ---------------------------------------------- MySQL connections now default to using the ``utf8mb4`` character set, instead of ``utf8``, which is an alias for the deprecated character set ``utf8mb3``. ``utf8mb3`` can be specified in the ``OPTIONS`` part of the ``DATABASES`` setting, if needed for legacy databases. Miscellaneous ------------- * Adding :attr:`.EmailMultiAlternatives.alternatives` is now only supported via the :meth:`~.EmailMultiAlternatives.attach_alternative` method. * The minimum supported version of ``gettext`` is increased from 0.15 to 0.19. * ``HttpRequest.accepted_types`` is now sorted by the client's preference, based on the request's ``Accept`` header. * The attributes :attr:`.UniqueConstraint.violation_error_code` and :attr:`.UniqueConstraint.violation_error_message` are now always used when provided. Previously, they were ignored if :attr:`.UniqueConstraint.fields` was set without a :attr:`.UniqueConstraint.condition`. * The :func:`~django.template.context_processors.debug` context processor is no longer included in the default project template. * The following methods now have ``alters_data=True`` set to prevent side effects when :ref:`rendering a template context `: * :meth:`.UserManager.create_user` * :meth:`.UserManager.acreate_user` * :meth:`.UserManager.create_superuser` * :meth:`.UserManager.acreate_superuser` * :meth:`.QuerySet.create` * :meth:`.QuerySet.acreate` * :meth:`.QuerySet.bulk_create` * :meth:`.QuerySet.abulk_create` * :meth:`.QuerySet.get_or_create` * :meth:`.QuerySet.aget_or_create` * :meth:`.QuerySet.update_or_create` * :meth:`.QuerySet.aupdate_or_create` * The minimum supported version of ``oracledb`` is increased from 1.3.2 to 2.3.0. * Built-in aggregate functions accepting only one argument (``Avg``, ``Count``, ``Max``, ``Min``, ``StdDev``, ``Sum``, and ``Variance``) now raise :exc:`TypeError` when called with an incorrect number of arguments. .. _deprecated-features-5.2: Features deprecated in 5.2 ========================== Miscellaneous ------------- * The ``all`` argument for the ``django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.find()`` function is deprecated in favor of the ``find_all`` argument. * The fallback to ``request.user`` when ``user`` is ``None`` in ``django.contrib.auth.login()`` and ``django.contrib.auth.alogin()`` will be removed. * The ``ordering`` keyword argument of the PostgreSQL specific aggregation functions ``django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.ArrayAgg``, ``django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.JSONBAgg``, and ``django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.StringAgg`` is deprecated in favor of the ``order_by`` argument.