.. _ref-forms-widgets: ======= Widgets ======= .. module:: django.forms.widgets :synopsis: Django's built-in form widgets. .. currentmodule:: django.forms A widget is Django's representation of a HTML input element. The widget handles the rendering of the HTML, and the extraction of data from a GET/POST dictionary that corresponds to the widget. Django provides a representation of all the basic HTML widgets, plus some commonly used groups of widgets: .. class:: TextInput Text input: ```` .. class:: PasswordInput Password input: ```` .. class:: HiddenInput Hidden input: ```` .. class:: MultipleHiddenInput Multiple ```` widgets. .. class:: FileInput File upload input: ```` .. class:: DateTimeInput .. versionadded:: 1.0 Date/time input as a simple text box: ```` .. class:: Textarea Text area: ```` .. class:: CheckboxInput Checkbox: ```` .. class:: Select Select widget: ```` .. class:: NullBooleanSelect Select widget with options 'Unknown', 'Yes' and 'No' .. class:: SelectMultiple Select widget allowing multiple selection: ```` .. class:: RadioSelect A list of radio buttons: .. code-block:: html .. class:: CheckboxSelectMultiple A list of checkboxes: .. code-block:: html .. class:: MultiWidget Wrapper around multiple other widgets .. class:: SplitDateTimeWidget Wrapper around two ``TextInput`` widgets: one for the date, and one for the time. Specifying widgets ------------------ .. attribute:: Form.widget Whenever you specify a field on a form, Django will use a default widget that is appropriate to the type of data that is to be displayed. To find which widget is used on which field, see the documentation for the built-in Field classes. However, if you want to use a different widget for a field, you can - just use the 'widget' argument on the field definition. For example:: from django import forms class CommentForm(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField() url = forms.URLField() comment = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea) This would specify a form with a comment that uses a larger Textarea widget, rather than the default TextInput widget. Customizing widget instances ---------------------------- When Django renders a widget as HTML, it only renders the bare minimum HTML - Django doesn't add a class definition, or any other widget-specific attributes. This means that all 'TextInput' widgets will appear the same on your web page. If you want to make one widget look different to another, you need to specify additional attributes for each widget. When you specify a widget, you can provide a list of attributes that will be added to the rendered HTML for the widget. For example, take the following simple form:: class CommentForm(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField() url = forms.URLField() comment = forms.CharField() This form will include three default TextInput widgets, with default rendering - no CSS class, no extra attributes. This means that the input boxes provided for each widget will be rendered exactly the same:: >>> f = CommentForm(auto_id=False) >>> f.as_table() Name: Url: Comment: On a real web page, you probably don't want every widget to look the same. You might want a larger input element for the comment, and you might want the 'name' widget to have some special CSS class. To do this, you use the ``attrs`` argument when creating the widget: .. attribute:: Widget.attrs For example:: class CommentForm(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField( widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'special'})) url = forms.URLField() comment = forms.CharField( widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'40'})) Django will then include the extra attributes in the rendered output:: >>> f = CommentForm(auto_id=False) >>> f.as_table() Name: Url: Comment: