========================== Django 1.8.9 release notes ========================== *Under development* Django 1.8.9 fixes several bugs in 1.8.8. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression that caused the "user-tools" items to display on the admin's logout page (:ticket:`26035`). * Fixed a crash in the translations system when the current language has no translations (:ticket:`26046`). * Fixed a regression that caused the incorrect day to be selected when opening the admin calendar widget for timezones from GMT+0100 to GMT+1200 (:ticket:`24980`). * Fixed incorrect index handling in migrations on PostgreSQL when adding ``db_index=True`` or ``unique=True`` to a ``CharField`` or ``TextField`` that already had the other specified, or when removing one of them from a field that had both (:ticket:`26034`). * Fixed a crash when using an ``__in`` lookup inside a ``Case`` expression (:ticket:`26071`). * Fixed a crash when using a reverse ``OneToOneField`` in ``ModelAdmin.readonly_fields`` (:ticket:`26060`).