from __future__ import unicode_literals from operator import attrgetter from django.apps.registry import Apps from django.db import models from django.test import TestCase from .models import Answer, Dimension, Entity, Post, Question class OrderWithRespectToTests(TestCase): # Hook to allow subclasses to run these tests with alternate models. Answer = Answer Question = Question @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.q1 = cls.Question.objects.create(text="Which Beatle starts with the letter 'R'?") cls.Answer.objects.create(text="John", question=cls.q1) cls.Answer.objects.create(text="Paul", question=cls.q1) cls.Answer.objects.create(text="George", question=cls.q1) cls.Answer.objects.create(text="Ringo", question=cls.q1) def test_default_to_insertion_order(self): # Answers will always be ordered in the order they were inserted. self.assertQuerysetEqual( self.q1.answer_set.all(), [ "John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo", ], attrgetter("text"), ) def test_previous_and_next_in_order(self): # We can retrieve the answers related to a particular object, in the # order they were created, once we have a particular object. a1 = self.q1.answer_set.all()[0] self.assertEqual(a1.text, "John") self.assertEqual(a1.get_next_in_order().text, "Paul") a2 = list(self.q1.answer_set.all())[-1] self.assertEqual(a2.text, "Ringo") self.assertEqual(a2.get_previous_in_order().text, "George") def test_item_ordering(self): # We can retrieve the ordering of the queryset from a particular item. a1 = self.q1.answer_set.all()[1] id_list = [ for o in self.q1.answer_set.all()] self.assertSequenceEqual(a1.question.get_answer_order(), id_list) # It doesn't matter which answer we use to check the order, it will # always be the same. a2 = self.Answer.objects.create(text="Number five", question=self.q1) self.assertListEqual( list(a1.question.get_answer_order()), list(a2.question.get_answer_order()) ) def test_change_ordering(self): # The ordering can be altered a = self.Answer.objects.create(text="Number five", question=self.q1) # Swap the last two items in the order list id_list = [ for o in self.q1.answer_set.all()] x = id_list.pop() id_list.insert(-1, x) # By default, the ordering is different from the swapped version self.assertNotEqual(list(a.question.get_answer_order()), id_list) # Change the ordering to the swapped version - # this changes the ordering of the queryset. a.question.set_answer_order(id_list) self.assertQuerysetEqual( self.q1.answer_set.all(), [ "John", "Paul", "George", "Number five", "Ringo" ], attrgetter("text") ) class OrderWithRespectToTests2(TestCase): # Provide the Post model as a class attribute so that we can subclass this # test case in contenttypes_tests.test_order_with_respect_to and run these # tests with alternative implementations of Post. Post = Post def test_recursive_ordering(self): p1 = self.Post.objects.create(title="1") p2 = self.Post.objects.create(title="2") p1_1 = self.Post.objects.create(title="1.1", parent=p1) p1_2 = self.Post.objects.create(title="1.2", parent=p1) self.Post.objects.create(title="2.1", parent=p2) p1_3 = self.Post.objects.create(title="1.3", parent=p1) self.assertSequenceEqual(p1.get_post_order(), [,,]) def test_duplicate_order_field(self): test_apps = Apps(['order_with_respect_to']) class Bar(models.Model): class Meta: apps = test_apps app_label = 'order_with_respect_to' class Foo(models.Model): bar = models.ForeignKey(Bar, models.CASCADE) order = models.OrderWrt() class Meta: order_with_respect_to = 'bar' apps = test_apps app_label = 'order_with_respect_to' count = 0 for field in Foo._meta.local_fields: if isinstance(field, models.OrderWrt): count += 1 self.assertEqual(count, 1) class TestOrderWithRespectToOneToOnePK(TestCase): def test_set_order(self): e = Entity.objects.create() d = Dimension.objects.create(entity=e) c1 = d.component_set.create() c2 = d.component_set.create() d.set_component_order([,]) self.assertQuerysetEqual(d.component_set.all(), [,], attrgetter('pk'))