===================== Model index reference ===================== .. module:: django.db.models.indexes .. currentmodule:: django.db.models Index classes ease creating database indexes. They can be added using the :attr:`Meta.indexes ` option. This document explains the API references of :class:`Index` which includes the `index options`_. .. admonition:: Referencing built-in indexes Indexes are defined in ``django.db.models.indexes``, but for convenience they're imported into :mod:`django.db.models`. The standard convention is to use ``from django.db import models`` and refer to the indexes as ``models.``. ``Index`` options ================= .. class:: Index(fields=(), name=None, db_tablespace=None, opclasses=()) Creates an index (B-Tree) in the database. ``fields`` ---------- .. attribute:: Index.fields A list or tuple of the name of the fields on which the index is desired. By default, indexes are created with an ascending order for each column. To define an index with a descending order for a column, add a hyphen before the field's name. For example ``Index(fields=['headline', '-pub_date'])`` would create SQL with ``(headline, pub_date DESC)``. Index ordering isn't supported on MySQL. In that case, a descending index is created as a normal index. .. versionchanged:: 2.1 Older versions don't accept a tuple. ``name`` -------- .. attribute:: Index.name The name of the index. If ``name`` isn't provided Django will auto-generate a name. For compatibility with different databases, index names cannot be longer than 30 characters and shouldn't start with a number (0-9) or underscore (_). ``db_tablespace`` ----------------- .. attribute:: Index.db_tablespace The name of the :doc:`database tablespace ` to use for this index. For single field indexes, if ``db_tablespace`` isn't provided, the index is created in the ``db_tablespace`` of the field. If :attr:`.Field.db_tablespace` isn't specified (or if the index uses multiple fields), the index is created in tablespace specified in the :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.db_tablespace` option inside the model's ``class Meta``. If neither of those tablespaces are set, the index is created in the same tablespace as the table. .. seealso:: For a list of PostgreSQL-specific indexes, see :mod:`django.contrib.postgres.indexes`. ``opclasses`` ------------- .. attribute:: Index.opclasses .. versionadded:: 2.2 The names of the `PostgreSQL operator classes `_ to use for this index. If you require a custom operator class, you must provide one for each field in the index. For example, ``GinIndex(name='json_index', fields=['jsonfield'], opclasses=['jsonb_path_ops'])`` creates a gin index on ``jsonfield`` using ``jsonb_path_ops``. ``opclasses`` are ignored for databases besides PostgreSQL. :attr:`Index.name` is required when using ``opclasses``.