""" 1. Bare-bones model This is a basic model with only two non-primary-key fields. """ from django.core import meta class Article(meta.Model): fields = ( meta.CharField('headline', maxlength=100), meta.DateTimeField('pub_date'), ) API_TESTS = """ # No articles are in the system yet. >>> articles.get_list() [] # Create an Article. >>> from datetime import datetime >>> a = articles.Article(id=None, headline='Area man programs in Python', pub_date=datetime(2005, 7, 28)) # Save it into the database. You have to call save() explicitly. >>> a.save() # Now it has an ID. Note it's a long integer, as designated by the trailing "L". >>> a.id 1L # Access database columns via Python attributes. >>> a.headline 'Area man programs in Python' >>> a.pub_date datetime.datetime(2005, 7, 28, 0, 0) # Change values by changing the attributes, then calling save(). >>> a.headline = 'Area woman programs in Python' >>> a.save() # get_list() displays all the articles in the database. Note that the article # is represented by "
", because we haven't given the Article # model a __repr__() method. >>> articles.get_list() [
] # Django provides a rich database lookup API that's entirely driven by # keyword arguments. >>> articles.get_object(id__exact=1)
>>> articles.get_object(headline__startswith='Area woman')
>>> articles.get_object(pub_date__year=2005)
# Django raises an ArticleDoesNotExist exception for get_object() >>> articles.get_object(id__exact=2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ArticleDoesNotExist: Article does not exist for {'id__exact': 2} # Lookup by a primary key is the most common case, so Django provides a # shortcut for primary-key exact lookups. # The following is identical to articles.get_object(id__exact=1). >>> articles.get_object(pk=1)