from datetime import time from django.forms import CharField, Form, TimeInput from django.utils import translation from .base import WidgetTest class TimeInputTest(WidgetTest): widget = TimeInput() def test_render_none(self): self.check_html( self.widget, "time", None, html='' ) def test_render_value(self): """ The microseconds are trimmed on display, by default. """ t = time(12, 51, 34, 482548) self.assertEqual(str(t), "12:51:34.482548") self.check_html( self.widget, "time", t, html='', ) self.check_html( self.widget, "time", time(12, 51, 34), html=(''), ) self.check_html( self.widget, "time", time(12, 51), html=(''), ) def test_string(self): """Initializing from a string value.""" self.check_html( self.widget, "time", "13:12:11", html=(''), ) def test_format(self): """ Use 'format' to change the way a value is displayed. """ t = time(12, 51, 34, 482548) widget = TimeInput(format="%H:%M", attrs={"type": "time"}) self.check_html( widget, "time", t, html='' ) @translation.override("de-at") def test_l10n(self): t = time(12, 51, 34, 482548) self.check_html( self.widget, "time", t, html='', ) def test_fieldset(self): class TestForm(Form): template_name = "forms_tests/use_fieldset.html" field = CharField(widget=self.widget) form = TestForm() self.assertIs(self.widget.use_fieldset, False) self.assertHTMLEqual( '