""" Sphinx plugins for Django documentation. """ import docutils.nodes import docutils.transforms try: import json except ImportError: try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: try: from django.utils import simplejson as json except ImportError: json = None import os import sphinx import sphinx.addnodes try: from sphinx import builders except ImportError: import sphinx.builder as builders try: import sphinx.builders.html as builders_html except ImportError: builders_html = builders from sphinx.util.console import bold import sphinx.directives import sphinx.environment try: import sphinx.writers.html as sphinx_htmlwriter except ImportError: import sphinx.htmlwriter as sphinx_htmlwriter import sphinx.roles from docutils import nodes def setup(app): app.add_crossref_type( directivename = "setting", rolename = "setting", indextemplate = "pair: %s; setting", ) app.add_crossref_type( directivename = "templatetag", rolename = "ttag", indextemplate = "pair: %s; template tag" ) app.add_crossref_type( directivename = "templatefilter", rolename = "tfilter", indextemplate = "pair: %s; template filter" ) app.add_crossref_type( directivename = "fieldlookup", rolename = "lookup", indextemplate = "pair: %s; field lookup type", ) app.add_description_unit( directivename = "django-admin", rolename = "djadmin", indextemplate = "pair: %s; django-admin command", parse_node = parse_django_admin_node, ) app.add_description_unit( directivename = "django-admin-option", rolename = "djadminopt", indextemplate = "pair: %s; django-admin command-line option", parse_node = parse_django_adminopt_node, ) app.add_config_value('django_next_version', '0.0', True) app.add_directive('versionadded', parse_version_directive, 1, (1, 1, 1)) app.add_directive('versionchanged', parse_version_directive, 1, (1, 1, 1)) app.add_transform(SuppressBlockquotes) app.add_builder(DjangoStandaloneHTMLBuilder) # Monkeypatch PickleHTMLBuilder so that it doesn't die in Sphinx 0.4.2 if sphinx.__version__ == '0.4.2': monkeypatch_pickle_builder() def parse_version_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine): env = state.document.settings.env is_nextversion = env.config.django_next_version == arguments[0] ret = [] node = sphinx.addnodes.versionmodified() ret.append(node) if not is_nextversion: if len(arguments) == 1: linktext = 'Please, see the release notes ' % (arguments[0]) xrefs = sphinx.roles.xfileref_role('ref', linktext, linktext, lineno, state) node.extend(xrefs[0]) node['version'] = arguments[0] else: node['version'] = "Development version" node['type'] = name if len(arguments) == 2: inodes, messages = state.inline_text(arguments[1], lineno+1) node.extend(inodes) if content: state.nested_parse(content, content_offset, node) ret = ret + messages env.note_versionchange(node['type'], node['version'], node, lineno) return ret class SuppressBlockquotes(docutils.transforms.Transform): """ Remove the default blockquotes that encase indented list, tables, etc. """ default_priority = 300 suppress_blockquote_child_nodes = ( docutils.nodes.bullet_list, docutils.nodes.enumerated_list, docutils.nodes.definition_list, docutils.nodes.literal_block, docutils.nodes.doctest_block, docutils.nodes.line_block, docutils.nodes.table ) def apply(self): for node in self.document.traverse(docutils.nodes.block_quote): if len(node.children) == 1 and isinstance(node.children[0], self.suppress_blockquote_child_nodes): node.replace_self(node.children[0]) class DjangoHTMLTranslator(sphinx_htmlwriter.SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator): """ Django-specific reST to HTML tweaks. """ # Don't use border=1, which docutils does by default. def visit_table(self, node): self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'table', CLASS='docutils')) # ? Really? def visit_desc_parameterlist(self, node): self.body.append('(') self.first_param = 1 def depart_desc_parameterlist(self, node): self.body.append(')') pass # # Don't apply smartypants to literal blocks # def visit_literal_block(self, node): self.no_smarty += 1 sphinx_htmlwriter.SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator.visit_literal_block(self, node) def depart_literal_block(self, node): sphinx_htmlwriter.SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator.depart_literal_block(self, node) self.no_smarty -= 1 # # Turn the "new in version" stuff (versoinadded/versionchanged) into a # better callout -- the Sphinx default is just a little span, # which is a bit less obvious that I'd like. # # FIXME: these messages are all hardcoded in English. We need to chanage # that to accomodate other language docs, but I can't work out how to make # that work and I think it'll require Sphinx 0.5 anyway. # version_text = { 'deprecated': 'Deprecated in Django %s', 'versionchanged': 'Changed in Django %s', 'versionadded': 'New in Django %s', } def visit_versionmodified(self, node): self.body.append( self.starttag(node, 'div', CLASS=node['type']) ) title = "%s%s" % ( self.version_text[node['type']] % node['version'], len(node) and ":" or "." ) self.body.append('%s ' % title) def depart_versionmodified(self, node): self.body.append("\n") # Give each section a unique ID -- nice for custom CSS hooks # This is different on docutils 0.5 vs. 0.4... if hasattr(sphinx_htmlwriter.SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator, 'start_tag_with_title') and sphinx.__version__ == '0.4.2': def start_tag_with_title(self, node, tagname, **atts): node = { 'classes': node.get('classes', []), 'ids': ['s-%s' % i for i in node.get('ids', [])] } return self.starttag(node, tagname, **atts) else: def visit_section(self, node): old_ids = node.get('ids', []) node['ids'] = ['s-' + i for i in old_ids] if sphinx.__version__ != '0.4.2': node['ids'].extend(old_ids) sphinx_htmlwriter.SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator.visit_section(self, node) node['ids'] = old_ids def parse_django_admin_node(env, sig, signode): command = sig.split(' ')[0] env._django_curr_admin_command = command title = "django-admin.py %s" % sig signode += sphinx.addnodes.desc_name(title, title) return sig def parse_django_adminopt_node(env, sig, signode): """A copy of sphinx.directives.CmdoptionDesc.parse_signature()""" from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.directives.desc import option_desc_re count = 0 firstname = '' for m in option_desc_re.finditer(sig): optname, args = m.groups() if count: signode += addnodes.desc_addname(', ', ', ') signode += addnodes.desc_name(optname, optname) signode += addnodes.desc_addname(args, args) if not count: firstname = optname count += 1 if not firstname: raise ValueError return firstname def monkeypatch_pickle_builder(): import shutil from os import path try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle def handle_finish(self): # dump the global context outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, 'globalcontext.pickle') f = open(outfilename, 'wb') try: pickle.dump(self.globalcontext, f, 2) finally: f.close() self.info(bold('dumping search index...')) self.indexer.prune(self.env.all_docs) f = open(path.join(self.outdir, 'searchindex.pickle'), 'wb') try: self.indexer.dump(f, 'pickle') finally: f.close() # copy the environment file from the doctree dir to the output dir # as needed by the web app shutil.copyfile(path.join(self.doctreedir, builders.ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME), path.join(self.outdir, builders.ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME)) # touch 'last build' file, used by the web application to determine # when to reload its environment and clear the cache open(path.join(self.outdir, builders.LAST_BUILD_FILENAME), 'w').close() builders.PickleHTMLBuilder.handle_finish = handle_finish class DjangoStandaloneHTMLBuilder(builders_html.StandaloneHTMLBuilder): """ Subclass to add some extra things we need. """ name = 'djangohtml' def finish(self): super(DjangoStandaloneHTMLBuilder, self).finish() if json is None: self.warn("cannot create templatebuiltins.js due to missing simplejson dependency") return self.info(bold("writing templatebuiltins.js...")) xrefs = self.env.reftargets.keys() templatebuiltins = dict([('ttags', [n for (t,n) in xrefs if t == 'ttag']), ('tfilters', [n for (t,n) in xrefs if t == 'tfilter'])]) outfilename = os.path.join(self.outdir, "templatebuiltins.js") f = open(outfilename, 'wb') f.write('var django_template_builtins = ') json.dump(templatebuiltins, f) f.write(';\n') f.close();