========================== Django 5.1.1 release notes ========================== *September 3, 2024* Django 5.1.1 fixes one security issue with severity "moderate", one security issue with severity "low", and several bugs in 5.1. CVE-2024-45230: Potential denial-of-service vulnerability in ``django.utils.html.urlize()`` =========================================================================================== :tfilter:`urlize` and :tfilter:`urlizetrunc` were subject to a potential denial-of-service attack via very large inputs with a specific sequence of characters. CVE-2024-45231: Potential user email enumeration via response status on password reset ====================================================================================== Due to unhandled email sending failures, the :class:`~django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm` class allowed remote attackers to enumerate user emails by issuing password reset requests and observing the outcomes. To mitigate this risk, exceptions occurring during password reset email sending are now handled and logged using the :ref:`django-contrib-auth-logger` logger. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 5.1 that caused a crash of ``Window()`` when passing an empty sequence to the ``order_by`` parameter, and a crash of ``Prefetch()`` for a sliced queryset without ordering (:ticket:`35665`). * Fixed a regression in Django 5.1 where a new ``usable_password`` field was included in :class:`~django.contrib.auth.forms.BaseUserCreationForm` (and children). A new :class:`~django.contrib.auth.forms.AdminUserCreationForm` including this field was added, isolating the feature to the admin where it was intended (:ticket:`35678`). * Adjusted the deprecation warning ``stacklevel`` in :meth:`.Model.save` and :meth:`.Model.asave` to correctly point to the offending call site (:ticket:`35060`). * Adjusted the deprecation warning ``stacklevel`` when using ``OS_OPEN_FLAGS`` in :class:`~django.core.files.storage.FileSystemStorage` to correctly point to the offending call site (:ticket:`35326`). * Adjusted the deprecation warning ``stacklevel`` in ``FieldCacheMixin.get_cache_name()`` to correctly point to the offending call site (:ticket:`35405`). * Restored, following a regression in Django 5.1, the ability to override the timezone and role setting behavior used within the ``init_connection_state`` method of the PostgreSQL backend (:ticket:`35688`). * Fixed a bug in Django 5.1 where variable lookup errors were logged when rendering admin fieldsets (:ticket:`35716`).