=============== Committing code =============== This section is addressed to the :doc:`/internals/committers` and to anyone interested in knowing how code gets committed into Django core. Commit access ------------- Django has two types of committers: Core committers These are people who have a long history of contributions to Django's codebase, a solid track record of being polite and helpful on the mailing lists, and a proven desire to dedicate serious time to Django's development. The bar is high for full commit access. Partial committers These are people who are "domain experts." They have direct check-in access to the subsystems that fall under their jurisdiction, and they're given a formal vote in questions that involve their subsystems. This type of access is likely to be given to someone who contributes a large subframework to Django and wants to continue to maintain it. Partial commit access is granted by the same process as full committers. However, the bar is set lower; proven expertise in the area in question is likely to be sufficient. Decisions on new committers will follow the process explained in :ref:`how-we-make-decisions`. To request commit access, please contact an existing committer privately. Public requests for commit access are potential flame-war starters, and will be ignored. Committing guidelines --------------------- Please follow these guidelines when committing code to Django's Subversion repository: * For any medium-to-big changes, where "medium-to-big" is according to your judgment, please bring things up on the `django-developers`_ mailing list before making the change. If you bring something up on `django-developers`_ and nobody responds, please don't take that to mean your idea is great and should be implemented immediately because nobody contested it. Django's lead developers don't have a lot of time to read mailing-list discussions immediately, so you may have to wait a couple of days before getting a response. * Write detailed commit messages in the past tense, not present tense. * Good: "Fixed Unicode bug in RSS API." * Bad: "Fixes Unicode bug in RSS API." * Bad: "Fixing Unicode bug in RSS API." * For commits to a branch, prefix the commit message with the branch name. For example: "magic-removal: Added support for mind reading." * Limit commits to the most granular change that makes sense. This means, use frequent small commits rather than infrequent large commits. For example, if implementing feature X requires a small change to library Y, first commit the change to library Y, then commit feature X in a separate commit. This goes a *long way* in helping all core Django developers follow your changes. * Separate bug fixes from feature changes. Bug fixes need to be added to the current bugfix branch (e.g. the ``1.0.X`` branch) as well as the current trunk. * If your commit closes a ticket in the Django `ticket tracker`_, begin your commit message with the text "Fixed #abc", where "abc" is the number of the ticket your commit fixes. Example: "Fixed #123 -- Adde support for foo". We've rigged Subversion and Trac so that any commit message in that format will automatically close the referenced ticket and post a comment to it with the full commit message. If your commit closes a ticket and is in a branch, use the branch name first, then the "Fixed #abc." For example: "magic-removal: Fixed #123 -- Added whizbang feature." For the curious: We're using a `Trac post-commit hook`_ for this. .. _Trac post-commit hook: http://trac.edgewall.org/browser/trunk/contrib/trac-post-commit-hook * If your commit references a ticket in the Django `ticket tracker`_ but does *not* close the ticket, include the phrase "Refs #abc", where "abc" is the number of the ticket your commit references. We've rigged Subversion and Trac so that any commit message in that format will automatically post a comment to the appropriate ticket. Reverting commits ----------------- Nobody's perfect; mistakes will be committed. When a mistaken commit is discovered, please follow these guidelines: * Try very hard to ensure that mistakes don't happen. Just because we have a reversion policy doesn't relax your responsibility to aim for the highest quality possible. Really: double-check your work before you commit it in the first place! * If possible, have the original author revert his/her own commit. * Don't revert another author's changes without permission from the original author. * If the original author can't be reached (within a reasonable amount of time -- a day or so) and the problem is severe -- crashing bug, major test failures, etc -- then ask for objections on django-dev then revert if there are none. * If the problem is small (a feature commit after feature freeze, say), wait it out. * If there's a disagreement between the committer and the reverter-to-be then try to work it out on the `django-developers`_ mailing list. If an agreement can't be reached then it should be put to a vote. * If the commit introduced a confirmed, disclosed security vulnerability then the commit may be reverted immediately without permission from anyone. * The release branch maintainer may back out commits to the release branch without permission if the commit breaks the release branch. .. _django-developers: http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers .. _ticket tracker: http://code.djangoproject.com/newticket