# Unit and doctests for specific database backends. import datetime import re import threading import unittest import warnings from decimal import Decimal, Rounded from unittest import mock from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.core.management.color import no_style from django.db import ( DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, DatabaseError, IntegrityError, connection, connections, reset_queries, transaction, ) from django.db.backends.base.base import BaseDatabaseWrapper from django.db.backends.signals import connection_created from django.db.backends.utils import CursorWrapper, format_number from django.db.models import Avg, StdDev, Sum, Variance from django.db.models.sql.constants import CURSOR from django.db.utils import ConnectionHandler from django.test import ( SimpleTestCase, TestCase, TransactionTestCase, override_settings, skipIfDBFeature, skipUnlessDBFeature, ) from .models import ( Article, Item, Object, ObjectReference, Person, Post, RawData, Reporter, ReporterProxy, SchoolClass, Square, VeryLongModelNameZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, ) class DatabaseWrapperTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_initialization_class_attributes(self): """ The "initialization" class attributes like client_class and creation_class should be set on the class and reflected in the corresponding instance attributes of the instantiated backend. """ conn = connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS] conn_class = type(conn) attr_names = [ ('client_class', 'client'), ('creation_class', 'creation'), ('features_class', 'features'), ('introspection_class', 'introspection'), ('ops_class', 'ops'), ('validation_class', 'validation'), ] for class_attr_name, instance_attr_name in attr_names: class_attr_value = getattr(conn_class, class_attr_name) self.assertIsNotNone(class_attr_value) instance_attr_value = getattr(conn, instance_attr_name) self.assertIsInstance(instance_attr_value, class_attr_value) def test_initialization_display_name(self): self.assertEqual(BaseDatabaseWrapper.display_name, 'unknown') self.assertNotEqual(connection.display_name, 'unknown') class DummyBackendTest(SimpleTestCase): def test_no_databases(self): """ Empty DATABASES setting default to the dummy backend. """ DATABASES = {} conns = ConnectionHandler(DATABASES) self.assertEqual(conns[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS].settings_dict['ENGINE'], 'django.db.backends.dummy') with self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured): conns[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS].ensure_connection() @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'oracle', "Test only for Oracle") class OracleTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_quote_name(self): # '%' chars are escaped for query execution. name = '"SOME%NAME"' quoted_name = connection.ops.quote_name(name) self.assertEqual(quoted_name % (), name) def test_dbms_session(self): # If the backend is Oracle, test that we can call a standard # stored procedure through our cursor wrapper. with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.callproc('DBMS_SESSION.SET_IDENTIFIER', ['_django_testing!']) def test_cursor_var(self): # If the backend is Oracle, test that we can pass cursor variables # as query parameters. from django.db.backends.oracle.base import Database with connection.cursor() as cursor: var = cursor.var(Database.STRING) cursor.execute("BEGIN %s := 'X'; END; ", [var]) self.assertEqual(var.getvalue(), 'X') def test_long_string(self): # If the backend is Oracle, test that we can save a text longer # than 4000 chars and read it properly with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE ltext ("TEXT" NCLOB)') long_str = ''.join(str(x) for x in range(4000)) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ltext VALUES (%s)', [long_str]) cursor.execute('SELECT text FROM ltext') row = cursor.fetchone() self.assertEqual(long_str, row[0].read()) cursor.execute('DROP TABLE ltext') def test_client_encoding(self): # If the backend is Oracle, test that the client encoding is set # correctly. This was broken under Cygwin prior to r14781. connection.ensure_connection() self.assertEqual(connection.connection.encoding, "UTF-8") self.assertEqual(connection.connection.nencoding, "UTF-8") def test_order_of_nls_parameters(self): # an 'almost right' datetime should work with configured # NLS parameters as per #18465. with connection.cursor() as cursor: query = "select 1 from dual where '1936-12-29 00:00' < sysdate" # The query succeeds without errors - pre #18465 this # wasn't the case. cursor.execute(query) self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchone()[0], 1) @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'sqlite', "Test only for SQLite") class SQLiteTests(TestCase): longMessage = True def test_autoincrement(self): """ auto_increment fields are created with the AUTOINCREMENT keyword in order to be monotonically increasing. Refs #10164. """ with connection.schema_editor(collect_sql=True) as editor: editor.create_model(Square) statements = editor.collected_sql match = re.search('"id" ([^,]+),', statements[0]) self.assertIsNotNone(match) self.assertEqual( 'integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', match.group(1), "Wrong SQL used to create an auto-increment column on SQLite" ) def test_aggregation(self): """ #19360: Raise NotImplementedError when aggregating on date/time fields. """ for aggregate in (Sum, Avg, Variance, StdDev): with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): Item.objects.all().aggregate(aggregate('time')) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): Item.objects.all().aggregate(aggregate('date')) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): Item.objects.all().aggregate(aggregate('last_modified')) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): Item.objects.all().aggregate( **{'complex': aggregate('last_modified') + aggregate('last_modified')} ) def test_memory_db_test_name(self): """ A named in-memory db should be allowed where supported. """ from django.db.backends.sqlite3.base import DatabaseWrapper settings_dict = { 'TEST': { 'NAME': 'file:memorydb_test?mode=memory&cache=shared', } } wrapper = DatabaseWrapper(settings_dict) creation = wrapper.creation if creation.connection.features.can_share_in_memory_db: expected = creation.connection.settings_dict['TEST']['NAME'] self.assertEqual(creation._get_test_db_name(), expected) else: msg = ( "Using a shared memory database with `mode=memory` in the " "database name is not supported in your environment, " "use `:memory:` instead." ) with self.assertRaisesMessage(ImproperlyConfigured, msg): creation._get_test_db_name() @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'postgresql', "Test only for PostgreSQL") class PostgreSQLTests(TestCase): def test_nodb_connection(self): """ The _nodb_connection property fallbacks to the default connection database when access to the 'postgres' database is not granted. """ def mocked_connect(self): if self.settings_dict['NAME'] is None: raise DatabaseError() return '' nodb_conn = connection._nodb_connection self.assertIsNone(nodb_conn.settings_dict['NAME']) # Now assume the 'postgres' db isn't available with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: with mock.patch('django.db.backends.base.base.BaseDatabaseWrapper.connect', side_effect=mocked_connect, autospec=True): warnings.simplefilter('always', RuntimeWarning) nodb_conn = connection._nodb_connection self.assertIsNotNone(nodb_conn.settings_dict['NAME']) self.assertEqual(nodb_conn.settings_dict['NAME'], connection.settings_dict['NAME']) # Check a RuntimeWarning has been emitted self.assertEqual(len(w), 1) self.assertEqual(w[0].message.__class__, RuntimeWarning) def test_connect_and_rollback(self): """ PostgreSQL shouldn't roll back SET TIME ZONE, even if the first transaction is rolled back (#17062). """ new_connection = connection.copy() try: # Ensure the database default time zone is different than # the time zone in new_connection.settings_dict. We can # get the default time zone by reset & show. cursor = new_connection.cursor() cursor.execute("RESET TIMEZONE") cursor.execute("SHOW TIMEZONE") db_default_tz = cursor.fetchone()[0] new_tz = 'Europe/Paris' if db_default_tz == 'UTC' else 'UTC' new_connection.close() # Invalidate timezone name cache, because the setting_changed # handler cannot know about new_connection. del new_connection.timezone_name # Fetch a new connection with the new_tz as default # time zone, run a query and rollback. with self.settings(TIME_ZONE=new_tz): new_connection.set_autocommit(False) cursor = new_connection.cursor() new_connection.rollback() # Now let's see if the rollback rolled back the SET TIME ZONE. cursor.execute("SHOW TIMEZONE") tz = cursor.fetchone()[0] self.assertEqual(new_tz, tz) finally: new_connection.close() def test_connect_non_autocommit(self): """ The connection wrapper shouldn't believe that autocommit is enabled after setting the time zone when AUTOCOMMIT is False (#21452). """ new_connection = connection.copy() new_connection.settings_dict['AUTOCOMMIT'] = False try: # Open a database connection. new_connection.cursor() self.assertFalse(new_connection.get_autocommit()) finally: new_connection.close() def test_connect_isolation_level(self): """ Regression test for #18130 and #24318. """ import psycopg2 from psycopg2.extensions import ( ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED as read_committed, ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE as serializable, ) # Since this is a django.test.TestCase, a transaction is in progress # and the isolation level isn't reported as 0. This test assumes that # PostgreSQL is configured with the default isolation level. # Check the level on the psycopg2 connection, not the Django wrapper. default_level = read_committed if psycopg2.__version__ < '2.7' else None self.assertEqual(connection.connection.isolation_level, default_level) new_connection = connection.copy() new_connection.settings_dict['OPTIONS']['isolation_level'] = serializable try: # Start a transaction so the isolation level isn't reported as 0. new_connection.set_autocommit(False) # Check the level on the psycopg2 connection, not the Django wrapper. self.assertEqual(new_connection.connection.isolation_level, serializable) finally: new_connection.close() def _select(self, val): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT %s", (val,)) return cursor.fetchone()[0] def test_select_ascii_array(self): a = ["awef"] b = self._select(a) self.assertEqual(a[0], b[0]) def test_select_unicode_array(self): a = ["ᄲawef"] b = self._select(a) self.assertEqual(a[0], b[0]) def test_lookup_cast(self): from django.db.backends.postgresql.operations import DatabaseOperations do = DatabaseOperations(connection=None) for lookup in ('iexact', 'contains', 'icontains', 'startswith', 'istartswith', 'endswith', 'iendswith', 'regex', 'iregex'): self.assertIn('::text', do.lookup_cast(lookup)) def test_correct_extraction_psycopg2_version(self): from django.db.backends.postgresql.base import psycopg2_version version_path = 'django.db.backends.postgresql.base.Database.__version__' with mock.patch(version_path, '2.6.9'): self.assertEqual(psycopg2_version(), (2, 6, 9)) with mock.patch(version_path, '2.5.dev0'): self.assertEqual(psycopg2_version(), (2, 5)) class DateQuotingTest(TestCase): def test_django_date_trunc(self): """ Test the custom ``django_date_trunc method``, in particular against fields which clash with strings passed to it (e.g. 'year') (#12818). """ updated = datetime.datetime(2010, 2, 20) SchoolClass.objects.create(year=2009, last_updated=updated) years = SchoolClass.objects.dates('last_updated', 'year') self.assertEqual(list(years), [datetime.date(2010, 1, 1)]) def test_django_date_extract(self): """ Test the custom ``django_date_extract method``, in particular against fields which clash with strings passed to it (e.g. 'day') (#12818). """ updated = datetime.datetime(2010, 2, 20) SchoolClass.objects.create(year=2009, last_updated=updated) classes = SchoolClass.objects.filter(last_updated__day=20) self.assertEqual(len(classes), 1) @override_settings(DEBUG=True) class LastExecutedQueryTest(TestCase): def test_last_executed_query(self): """ last_executed_query should not raise an exception even if no previous query has been run. """ cursor = connection.cursor() connection.ops.last_executed_query(cursor, '', ()) def test_debug_sql(self): list(Reporter.objects.filter(first_name="test")) sql = connection.queries[-1]['sql'].lower() self.assertIn("select", sql) self.assertIn(Reporter._meta.db_table, sql) def test_query_encoding(self): """last_executed_query() returns a string.""" data = RawData.objects.filter(raw_data=b'\x00\x46 \xFE').extra(select={'föö': 1}) sql, params = data.query.sql_with_params() cursor = data.query.get_compiler('default').execute_sql(CURSOR) last_sql = cursor.db.ops.last_executed_query(cursor, sql, params) self.assertIsInstance(last_sql, str) @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'sqlite', "This test is specific to SQLite.") def test_no_interpolation_on_sqlite(self): # This shouldn't raise an exception (##17158) query = "SELECT strftime('%Y', 'now');" connection.cursor().execute(query) self.assertEqual(connection.queries[-1]['sql'], query) @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'sqlite', "This test is specific to SQLite.") def test_parameter_quoting_on_sqlite(self): # The implementation of last_executed_queries isn't optimal. It's # worth testing that parameters are quoted. See #14091. query = "SELECT %s" params = ["\"'\\"] connection.cursor().execute(query, params) # Note that the single quote is repeated substituted = "SELECT '\"''\\'" self.assertEqual(connection.queries[-1]['sql'], substituted) @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'sqlite', "This test is specific to SQLite.") def test_large_number_of_parameters_on_sqlite(self): # If SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER (default = 999) has been changed to be # greater than SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN (default = 2000), last_executed_query # can hit the SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN limit. See #26063. cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT MAX(%s)" % ", ".join(["%s"] * 2001) params = list(range(2001)) # This should not raise an exception. cursor.db.ops.last_executed_query(cursor.cursor, sql, params) class ParameterHandlingTest(TestCase): def test_bad_parameter_count(self): "An executemany call with too many/not enough parameters will raise an exception (Refs #12612)" cursor = connection.cursor() query = ('INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s) VALUES (%%s, %%s)' % ( connection.introspection.table_name_converter('backends_square'), connection.ops.quote_name('root'), connection.ops.quote_name('square') )) with self.assertRaises(Exception): cursor.executemany(query, [(1, 2, 3)]) with self.assertRaises(Exception): cursor.executemany(query, [(1,)]) class LongNameTest(TransactionTestCase): """Long primary keys and model names can result in a sequence name that exceeds the database limits, which will result in truncation on certain databases (e.g., Postgres). The backend needs to use the correct sequence name in last_insert_id and other places, so check it is. Refs #8901. """ available_apps = ['backends'] def test_sequence_name_length_limits_create(self): """Test creation of model with long name and long pk name doesn't error. Ref #8901""" VeryLongModelNameZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.objects.create() def test_sequence_name_length_limits_m2m(self): """ An m2m save of a model with a long name and a long m2m field name doesn't error (#8901). """ obj = VeryLongModelNameZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.objects.create() rel_obj = Person.objects.create(first_name='Django', last_name='Reinhardt') obj.m2m_also_quite_long_zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.add(rel_obj) def test_sequence_name_length_limits_flush(self): """ Sequence resetting as part of a flush with model with long name and long pk name doesn't error (#8901). """ # A full flush is expensive to the full test, so we dig into the # internals to generate the likely offending SQL and run it manually # Some convenience aliases VLM = VeryLongModelNameZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ VLM_m2m = VLM.m2m_also_quite_long_zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.through tables = [ VLM._meta.db_table, VLM_m2m._meta.db_table, ] sequences = [ { 'column': VLM._meta.pk.column, 'table': VLM._meta.db_table }, ] cursor = connection.cursor() for statement in connection.ops.sql_flush(no_style(), tables, sequences): cursor.execute(statement) class SequenceResetTest(TestCase): def test_generic_relation(self): "Sequence names are correct when resetting generic relations (Ref #13941)" # Create an object with a manually specified PK Post.objects.create(id=10, name='1st post', text='hello world') # Reset the sequences for the database cursor = connection.cursor() commands = connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS].ops.sequence_reset_sql(no_style(), [Post]) for sql in commands: cursor.execute(sql) # If we create a new object now, it should have a PK greater # than the PK we specified manually. obj = Post.objects.create(name='New post', text='goodbye world') self.assertGreater(obj.pk, 10) # This test needs to run outside of a transaction, otherwise closing the # connection would implicitly rollback and cause problems during teardown. class ConnectionCreatedSignalTest(TransactionTestCase): available_apps = [] # Unfortunately with sqlite3 the in-memory test database cannot be closed, # and so it cannot be re-opened during testing. @skipUnlessDBFeature('test_db_allows_multiple_connections') def test_signal(self): data = {} def receiver(sender, connection, **kwargs): data["connection"] = connection connection_created.connect(receiver) connection.close() connection.cursor() self.assertIs(data["connection"].connection, connection.connection) connection_created.disconnect(receiver) data.clear() connection.cursor() self.assertEqual(data, {}) class EscapingChecks(TestCase): """ All tests in this test case are also run with settings.DEBUG=True in EscapingChecksDebug test case, to also test CursorDebugWrapper. """ bare_select_suffix = connection.features.bare_select_suffix def test_paramless_no_escaping(self): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT '%s'" + self.bare_select_suffix) self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall()[0][0], '%s') def test_parameter_escaping(self): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT '%%', %s" + self.bare_select_suffix, ('%d',)) self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall()[0], ('%', '%d')) @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'sqlite', "This is an sqlite-specific issue") def test_sqlite_parameter_escaping(self): # '%s' escaping support for sqlite3 #13648 cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("select strftime('%s', date('now'))") response = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] # response should be an non-zero integer self.assertTrue(int(response)) @override_settings(DEBUG=True) class EscapingChecksDebug(EscapingChecks): pass class BackendTestCase(TransactionTestCase): available_apps = ['backends'] def create_squares_with_executemany(self, args): self.create_squares(args, 'format', True) def create_squares(self, args, paramstyle, multiple): cursor = connection.cursor() opts = Square._meta tbl = connection.introspection.table_name_converter(opts.db_table) f1 = connection.ops.quote_name(opts.get_field('root').column) f2 = connection.ops.quote_name(opts.get_field('square').column) if paramstyle == 'format': query = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s) VALUES (%%s, %%s)' % (tbl, f1, f2) elif paramstyle == 'pyformat': query = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s) VALUES (%%(root)s, %%(square)s)' % (tbl, f1, f2) else: raise ValueError("unsupported paramstyle in test") if multiple: cursor.executemany(query, args) else: cursor.execute(query, args) def test_cursor_executemany(self): # Test cursor.executemany #4896 args = [(i, i ** 2) for i in range(-5, 6)] self.create_squares_with_executemany(args) self.assertEqual(Square.objects.count(), 11) for i in range(-5, 6): square = Square.objects.get(root=i) self.assertEqual(square.square, i ** 2) def test_cursor_executemany_with_empty_params_list(self): # Test executemany with params=[] does nothing #4765 args = [] self.create_squares_with_executemany(args) self.assertEqual(Square.objects.count(), 0) def test_cursor_executemany_with_iterator(self): # Test executemany accepts iterators #10320 args = iter((i, i ** 2) for i in range(-3, 2)) self.create_squares_with_executemany(args) self.assertEqual(Square.objects.count(), 5) args = iter((i, i ** 2) for i in range(3, 7)) with override_settings(DEBUG=True): # same test for DebugCursorWrapper self.create_squares_with_executemany(args) self.assertEqual(Square.objects.count(), 9) @skipUnlessDBFeature('supports_paramstyle_pyformat') def test_cursor_execute_with_pyformat(self): # Support pyformat style passing of parameters #10070 args = {'root': 3, 'square': 9} self.create_squares(args, 'pyformat', multiple=False) self.assertEqual(Square.objects.count(), 1) @skipUnlessDBFeature('supports_paramstyle_pyformat') def test_cursor_executemany_with_pyformat(self): # Support pyformat style passing of parameters #10070 args = [{'root': i, 'square': i ** 2} for i in range(-5, 6)] self.create_squares(args, 'pyformat', multiple=True) self.assertEqual(Square.objects.count(), 11) for i in range(-5, 6): square = Square.objects.get(root=i) self.assertEqual(square.square, i ** 2) @skipUnlessDBFeature('supports_paramstyle_pyformat') def test_cursor_executemany_with_pyformat_iterator(self): args = iter({'root': i, 'square': i ** 2} for i in range(-3, 2)) self.create_squares(args, 'pyformat', multiple=True) self.assertEqual(Square.objects.count(), 5) args = iter({'root': i, 'square': i ** 2} for i in range(3, 7)) with override_settings(DEBUG=True): # same test for DebugCursorWrapper self.create_squares(args, 'pyformat', multiple=True) self.assertEqual(Square.objects.count(), 9) def test_unicode_fetches(self): # fetchone, fetchmany, fetchall return strings as unicode objects #6254 qn = connection.ops.quote_name Person(first_name="John", last_name="Doe").save() Person(first_name="Jane", last_name="Doe").save() Person(first_name="Mary", last_name="Agnelline").save() Person(first_name="Peter", last_name="Parker").save() Person(first_name="Clark", last_name="Kent").save() opts2 = Person._meta f3, f4 = opts2.get_field('first_name'), opts2.get_field('last_name') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT %s, %s FROM %s ORDER BY %s' % ( qn(f3.column), qn(f4.column), connection.introspection.table_name_converter(opts2.db_table), qn(f3.column), ) ) self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchone(), ('Clark', 'Kent')) self.assertEqual(list(cursor.fetchmany(2)), [('Jane', 'Doe'), ('John', 'Doe')]) self.assertEqual(list(cursor.fetchall()), [('Mary', 'Agnelline'), ('Peter', 'Parker')]) def test_unicode_password(self): old_password = connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD'] connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD'] = "françois" try: connection.cursor() except DatabaseError: # As password is probably wrong, a database exception is expected pass except Exception as e: self.fail("Unexpected error raised with unicode password: %s" % e) finally: connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD'] = old_password def test_database_operations_helper_class(self): # Ticket #13630 self.assertTrue(hasattr(connection, 'ops')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(connection.ops, 'connection')) self.assertEqual(connection, connection.ops.connection) def test_database_operations_init(self): """ DatabaseOperations initialization doesn't query the database. See #17656. """ with self.assertNumQueries(0): connection.ops.__class__(connection) def test_cached_db_features(self): self.assertIn(connection.features.supports_transactions, (True, False)) self.assertIn(connection.features.supports_stddev, (True, False)) self.assertIn(connection.features.can_introspect_foreign_keys, (True, False)) def test_duplicate_table_error(self): """ Creating an existing table returns a DatabaseError """ cursor = connection.cursor() query = 'CREATE TABLE %s (id INTEGER);' % Article._meta.db_table with self.assertRaises(DatabaseError): cursor.execute(query) def test_cursor_contextmanager(self): """ Cursors can be used as a context manager """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: self.assertIsInstance(cursor, CursorWrapper) # Both InterfaceError and ProgrammingError seem to be used when # accessing closed cursor (psycopg2 has InterfaceError, rest seem # to use ProgrammingError). with self.assertRaises(connection.features.closed_cursor_error_class): # cursor should be closed, so no queries should be possible. cursor.execute("SELECT 1" + connection.features.bare_select_suffix) @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'postgresql', "Psycopg2 specific cursor.closed attribute needed") def test_cursor_contextmanager_closing(self): # There isn't a generic way to test that cursors are closed, but # psycopg2 offers us a way to check that by closed attribute. # So, run only on psycopg2 for that reason. with connection.cursor() as cursor: self.assertIsInstance(cursor, CursorWrapper) self.assertTrue(cursor.closed) # Unfortunately with sqlite3 the in-memory test database cannot be closed. @skipUnlessDBFeature('test_db_allows_multiple_connections') def test_is_usable_after_database_disconnects(self): """ is_usable() doesn't crash when the database disconnects (#21553). """ # Open a connection to the database. with connection.cursor(): pass # Emulate a connection close by the database. connection._close() # Even then is_usable() should not raise an exception. try: self.assertFalse(connection.is_usable()) finally: # Clean up the mess created by connection._close(). Since the # connection is already closed, this crashes on some backends. try: connection.close() except Exception: pass @override_settings(DEBUG=True) def test_queries(self): """ Test the documented API of connection.queries. """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: reset_queries() cursor.execute("SELECT 1" + connection.features.bare_select_suffix) self.assertEqual(1, len(connection.queries)) self.assertIsInstance(connection.queries, list) self.assertIsInstance(connection.queries[0], dict) self.assertCountEqual(connection.queries[0], ['sql', 'time']) reset_queries() self.assertEqual(0, len(connection.queries)) # Unfortunately with sqlite3 the in-memory test database cannot be closed. @skipUnlessDBFeature('test_db_allows_multiple_connections') @override_settings(DEBUG=True) def test_queries_limit(self): """ The backend doesn't store an unlimited number of queries (#12581). """ old_queries_limit = BaseDatabaseWrapper.queries_limit BaseDatabaseWrapper.queries_limit = 3 new_connection = connection.copy() # Initialize the connection and clear initialization statements. with new_connection.cursor(): pass new_connection.queries_log.clear() try: with new_connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT 1" + new_connection.features.bare_select_suffix) cursor.execute("SELECT 2" + new_connection.features.bare_select_suffix) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: self.assertEqual(2, len(new_connection.queries)) self.assertEqual(0, len(w)) with new_connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT 3" + new_connection.features.bare_select_suffix) cursor.execute("SELECT 4" + new_connection.features.bare_select_suffix) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: self.assertEqual(3, len(new_connection.queries)) self.assertEqual(1, len(w)) self.assertEqual( str(w[0].message), "Limit for query logging exceeded, only the last 3 queries will be returned." ) finally: BaseDatabaseWrapper.queries_limit = old_queries_limit new_connection.close() def test_timezone_none_use_tz_false(self): connection.ensure_connection() with self.settings(TIME_ZONE=None, USE_TZ=False): connection.init_connection_state() # We don't make these tests conditional because that means we would need to # check and differentiate between: # * MySQL+InnoDB, MySQL+MYISAM (something we currently can't do). # * if sqlite3 (if/once we get #14204 fixed) has referential integrity turned # on or not, something that would be controlled by runtime support and user # preference. # verify if its type is django.database.db.IntegrityError. class FkConstraintsTests(TransactionTestCase): available_apps = ['backends'] def setUp(self): # Create a Reporter. self.r = Reporter.objects.create(first_name='John', last_name='Smith') def test_integrity_checks_on_creation(self): """ Try to create a model instance that violates a FK constraint. If it fails it should fail with IntegrityError. """ a1 = Article(headline="This is a test", pub_date=datetime.datetime(2005, 7, 27), reporter_id=30) try: a1.save() except IntegrityError: pass else: self.skipTest("This backend does not support integrity checks.") # Now that we know this backend supports integrity checks we make sure # constraints are also enforced for proxy Refs #17519 a2 = Article( headline='This is another test', reporter=self.r, pub_date=datetime.datetime(2012, 8, 3), reporter_proxy_id=30, ) with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError): a2.save() def test_integrity_checks_on_update(self): """ Try to update a model instance introducing a FK constraint violation. If it fails it should fail with IntegrityError. """ # Create an Article. Article.objects.create(headline="Test article", pub_date=datetime.datetime(2010, 9, 4), reporter=self.r) # Retrieve it from the DB a1 = Article.objects.get(headline="Test article") a1.reporter_id = 30 try: a1.save() except IntegrityError: pass else: self.skipTest("This backend does not support integrity checks.") # Now that we know this backend supports integrity checks we make sure # constraints are also enforced for proxy Refs #17519 # Create another article r_proxy = ReporterProxy.objects.get(pk=self.r.pk) Article.objects.create( headline='Another article', pub_date=datetime.datetime(1988, 5, 15), reporter=self.r, reporter_proxy=r_proxy, ) # Retrieve the second article from the DB a2 = Article.objects.get(headline='Another article') a2.reporter_proxy_id = 30 with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError): a2.save() def test_disable_constraint_checks_manually(self): """ When constraint checks are disabled, should be able to write bad data without IntegrityErrors. """ with transaction.atomic(): # Create an Article. Article.objects.create( headline="Test article", pub_date=datetime.datetime(2010, 9, 4), reporter=self.r, ) # Retrieve it from the DB a = Article.objects.get(headline="Test article") a.reporter_id = 30 try: connection.disable_constraint_checking() a.save() connection.enable_constraint_checking() except IntegrityError: self.fail("IntegrityError should not have occurred.") transaction.set_rollback(True) def test_disable_constraint_checks_context_manager(self): """ When constraint checks are disabled (using context manager), should be able to write bad data without IntegrityErrors. """ with transaction.atomic(): # Create an Article. Article.objects.create( headline="Test article", pub_date=datetime.datetime(2010, 9, 4), reporter=self.r, ) # Retrieve it from the DB a = Article.objects.get(headline="Test article") a.reporter_id = 30 try: with connection.constraint_checks_disabled(): a.save() except IntegrityError: self.fail("IntegrityError should not have occurred.") transaction.set_rollback(True) def test_check_constraints(self): """ Constraint checks should raise an IntegrityError when bad data is in the DB. """ with transaction.atomic(): # Create an Article. Article.objects.create( headline="Test article", pub_date=datetime.datetime(2010, 9, 4), reporter=self.r, ) # Retrieve it from the DB a = Article.objects.get(headline="Test article") a.reporter_id = 30 with connection.constraint_checks_disabled(): a.save() with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError): connection.check_constraints() transaction.set_rollback(True) class ThreadTests(TransactionTestCase): available_apps = ['backends'] def test_default_connection_thread_local(self): """ The default connection (i.e. django.db.connection) is different for each thread (#17258). """ # Map connections by id because connections with identical aliases # have the same hash. connections_dict = {} connection.cursor() connections_dict[id(connection)] = connection def runner(): # Passing django.db.connection between threads doesn't work while # connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS] does. from django.db import connections connection = connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS] # Allow thread sharing so the connection can be closed by the # main thread. connection.allow_thread_sharing = True connection.cursor() connections_dict[id(connection)] = connection for x in range(2): t = threading.Thread(target=runner) t.start() t.join() # Each created connection got different inner connection. self.assertEqual( len(set(conn.connection for conn in connections_dict.values())), 3) # Finish by closing the connections opened by the other threads (the # connection opened in the main thread will automatically be closed on # teardown). for conn in connections_dict.values(): if conn is not connection: conn.close() def test_connections_thread_local(self): """ The connections are different for each thread (#17258). """ # Map connections by id because connections with identical aliases # have the same hash. connections_dict = {} for conn in connections.all(): connections_dict[id(conn)] = conn def runner(): from django.db import connections for conn in connections.all(): # Allow thread sharing so the connection can be closed by the # main thread. conn.allow_thread_sharing = True connections_dict[id(conn)] = conn for x in range(2): t = threading.Thread(target=runner) t.start() t.join() self.assertEqual(len(connections_dict), 6) # Finish by closing the connections opened by the other threads (the # connection opened in the main thread will automatically be closed on # teardown). for conn in connections_dict.values(): if conn is not connection: conn.close() def test_pass_connection_between_threads(self): """ A connection can be passed from one thread to the other (#17258). """ Person.objects.create(first_name="John", last_name="Doe") def do_thread(): def runner(main_thread_connection): from django.db import connections connections['default'] = main_thread_connection try: Person.objects.get(first_name="John", last_name="Doe") except Exception as e: exceptions.append(e) t = threading.Thread(target=runner, args=[connections['default']]) t.start() t.join() # Without touching allow_thread_sharing, which should be False by default. exceptions = [] do_thread() # Forbidden! self.assertIsInstance(exceptions[0], DatabaseError) # If explicitly setting allow_thread_sharing to False connections['default'].allow_thread_sharing = False exceptions = [] do_thread() # Forbidden! self.assertIsInstance(exceptions[0], DatabaseError) # If explicitly setting allow_thread_sharing to True connections['default'].allow_thread_sharing = True exceptions = [] do_thread() # All good self.assertEqual(exceptions, []) def test_closing_non_shared_connections(self): """ A connection that is not explicitly shareable cannot be closed by another thread (#17258). """ # First, without explicitly enabling the connection for sharing. exceptions = set() def runner1(): def runner2(other_thread_connection): try: other_thread_connection.close() except DatabaseError as e: exceptions.add(e) t2 = threading.Thread(target=runner2, args=[connections['default']]) t2.start() t2.join() t1 = threading.Thread(target=runner1) t1.start() t1.join() # The exception was raised self.assertEqual(len(exceptions), 1) # Then, with explicitly enabling the connection for sharing. exceptions = set() def runner1(): def runner2(other_thread_connection): try: other_thread_connection.close() except DatabaseError as e: exceptions.add(e) # Enable thread sharing connections['default'].allow_thread_sharing = True t2 = threading.Thread(target=runner2, args=[connections['default']]) t2.start() t2.join() t1 = threading.Thread(target=runner1) t1.start() t1.join() # No exception was raised self.assertEqual(len(exceptions), 0) class MySQLPKZeroTests(TestCase): """ Zero as id for AutoField should raise exception in MySQL, because MySQL does not allow zero for autoincrement primary key. """ @skipIfDBFeature('allows_auto_pk_0') def test_zero_as_autoval(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Square.objects.create(id=0, root=0, square=1) class DBConstraintTestCase(TestCase): def test_can_reference_existent(self): obj = Object.objects.create() ref = ObjectReference.objects.create(obj=obj) self.assertEqual(ref.obj, obj) ref = ObjectReference.objects.get(obj=obj) self.assertEqual(ref.obj, obj) def test_can_reference_non_existent(self): self.assertFalse(Object.objects.filter(id=12345).exists()) ref = ObjectReference.objects.create(obj_id=12345) ref_new = ObjectReference.objects.get(obj_id=12345) self.assertEqual(ref, ref_new) with self.assertRaises(Object.DoesNotExist): ref.obj def test_many_to_many(self): obj = Object.objects.create() obj.related_objects.create() self.assertEqual(Object.objects.count(), 2) self.assertEqual(obj.related_objects.count(), 1) intermediary_model = Object._meta.get_field("related_objects").remote_field.through intermediary_model.objects.create(from_object_id=obj.id, to_object_id=12345) self.assertEqual(obj.related_objects.count(), 1) self.assertEqual(intermediary_model.objects.count(), 2) class BackendUtilTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_format_number(self): """ Test the format_number converter utility """ def equal(value, max_d, places, result): self.assertEqual(format_number(Decimal(value), max_d, places), result) equal('0', 12, 3, '0.000') equal('0', 12, 8, '0.00000000') equal('1', 12, 9, '1.000000000') equal('0.00000000', 12, 8, '0.00000000') equal('0.000000004', 12, 8, '0.00000000') equal('0.000000008', 12, 8, '0.00000001') equal('0.000000000000000000999', 10, 8, '0.00000000') equal('0.1234567890', 12, 10, '0.1234567890') equal('0.1234567890', 12, 9, '0.123456789') equal('0.1234567890', 12, 8, '0.12345679') equal('0.1234567890', 12, 5, '0.12346') equal('0.1234567890', 12, 3, '0.123') equal('0.1234567890', 12, 1, '0.1') equal('0.1234567890', 12, 0, '0') equal('0.1234567890', None, 0, '0') equal('1234567890.1234567890', None, 0, '1234567890') equal('1234567890.1234567890', None, 2, '1234567890.12') equal('0.1234', 5, None, '0.1234') equal('123.12', 5, None, '123.12') with self.assertRaises(Rounded): equal('0.1234567890', 5, None, '0.12346') with self.assertRaises(Rounded): equal('1234567890.1234', 5, None, '1234600000') @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'sqlite', 'SQLite specific test.') @skipUnlessDBFeature('can_share_in_memory_db') class TestSqliteThreadSharing(TransactionTestCase): available_apps = ['backends'] def test_database_sharing_in_threads(self): def create_object(): Object.objects.create() create_object() thread = threading.Thread(target=create_object) thread.start() thread.join() self.assertEqual(Object.objects.count(), 2)