import unittest import warnings from unittest import mock from django.db import DatabaseError, connection, connections from django.test import TestCase @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'postgresql', 'PostgreSQL tests') class Tests(TestCase): def test_nodb_connection(self): """ The _nodb_connection property fallbacks to the default connection database when access to the 'postgres' database is not granted. """ def mocked_connect(self): if self.settings_dict['NAME'] is None: raise DatabaseError() return '' nodb_conn = connection._nodb_connection self.assertIsNone(nodb_conn.settings_dict['NAME']) # Now assume the 'postgres' db isn't available with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: with mock.patch('django.db.backends.base.base.BaseDatabaseWrapper.connect', side_effect=mocked_connect, autospec=True): with mock.patch.object( connection, 'settings_dict', {**connection.settings_dict, 'NAME': 'postgres'}, ): warnings.simplefilter('always', RuntimeWarning) nodb_conn = connection._nodb_connection self.assertIsNotNone(nodb_conn.settings_dict['NAME']) self.assertEqual(nodb_conn.settings_dict['NAME'], connections['other'].settings_dict['NAME']) # Check a RuntimeWarning has been emitted self.assertEqual(len(w), 1) self.assertEqual(w[0].message.__class__, RuntimeWarning) def test_connect_and_rollback(self): """ PostgreSQL shouldn't roll back SET TIME ZONE, even if the first transaction is rolled back (#17062). """ new_connection = connection.copy() try: # Ensure the database default time zone is different than # the time zone in new_connection.settings_dict. We can # get the default time zone by reset & show. with new_connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("RESET TIMEZONE") cursor.execute("SHOW TIMEZONE") db_default_tz = cursor.fetchone()[0] new_tz = 'Europe/Paris' if db_default_tz == 'UTC' else 'UTC' new_connection.close() # Invalidate timezone name cache, because the setting_changed # handler cannot know about new_connection. del new_connection.timezone_name # Fetch a new connection with the new_tz as default # time zone, run a query and rollback. with self.settings(TIME_ZONE=new_tz): new_connection.set_autocommit(False) new_connection.rollback() # Now let's see if the rollback rolled back the SET TIME ZONE. with new_connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SHOW TIMEZONE") tz = cursor.fetchone()[0] self.assertEqual(new_tz, tz) finally: new_connection.close() def test_connect_non_autocommit(self): """ The connection wrapper shouldn't believe that autocommit is enabled after setting the time zone when AUTOCOMMIT is False (#21452). """ new_connection = connection.copy() new_connection.settings_dict['AUTOCOMMIT'] = False try: # Open a database connection. new_connection.cursor() self.assertFalse(new_connection.get_autocommit()) finally: new_connection.close() def test_connect_isolation_level(self): """ The transaction level can be configured with DATABASES ['OPTIONS']['isolation_level']. """ import psycopg2 from psycopg2.extensions import ( ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED as read_committed, ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE as serializable, ) # Since this is a django.test.TestCase, a transaction is in progress # and the isolation level isn't reported as 0. This test assumes that # PostgreSQL is configured with the default isolation level. # Check the level on the psycopg2 connection, not the Django wrapper. default_level = read_committed if psycopg2.__version__ < '2.7' else None self.assertEqual(connection.connection.isolation_level, default_level) new_connection = connection.copy() new_connection.settings_dict['OPTIONS']['isolation_level'] = serializable try: # Start a transaction so the isolation level isn't reported as 0. new_connection.set_autocommit(False) # Check the level on the psycopg2 connection, not the Django wrapper. self.assertEqual(new_connection.connection.isolation_level, serializable) finally: new_connection.close() def _select(self, val): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute('SELECT %s', (val,)) return cursor.fetchone()[0] def test_select_ascii_array(self): a = ['awef'] b = self._select(a) self.assertEqual(a[0], b[0]) def test_select_unicode_array(self): a = ['ᄲawef'] b = self._select(a) self.assertEqual(a[0], b[0]) def test_lookup_cast(self): from django.db.backends.postgresql.operations import DatabaseOperations do = DatabaseOperations(connection=None) lookups = ( 'iexact', 'contains', 'icontains', 'startswith', 'istartswith', 'endswith', 'iendswith', 'regex', 'iregex', ) for lookup in lookups: with self.subTest(lookup=lookup): self.assertIn('::text', do.lookup_cast(lookup)) for lookup in lookups: for field_type in ('CICharField', 'CIEmailField', 'CITextField'): with self.subTest(lookup=lookup, field_type=field_type): self.assertIn('::citext', do.lookup_cast(lookup, internal_type=field_type)) def test_correct_extraction_psycopg2_version(self): from django.db.backends.postgresql.base import psycopg2_version with mock.patch('psycopg2.__version__', '4.2.1 (dt dec pq3 ext lo64)'): self.assertEqual(psycopg2_version(), (4, 2, 1)) with mock.patch('psycopg2.__version__', '4.2b0.dev1 (dt dec pq3 ext lo64)'): self.assertEqual(psycopg2_version(), (4, 2))