from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time import unittest from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse, parse_cookie from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIRequest from django.core.handlers.modpython import ModPythonRequest from django.utils.http import cookie_date class RequestsTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_httprequest(self): self.assertEquals(repr(HttpRequest()), "" ) def test_wsgirequest(self): self.assertEquals(repr(WSGIRequest({'PATH_INFO': 'bogus', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'bogus'})), ",\n"\ "POST:,\n"\ "COOKIES:{},\n"\ "META:{'PATH_INFO': u'bogus', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'bogus', 'SCRIPT_NAME': u''}>" ) def test_modpythonrequest(self): class FakeModPythonRequest(ModPythonRequest): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FakeModPythonRequest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._get = self._post = self._meta = self._cookies = {} class Dummy: def get_options(self): return {} req = Dummy() req.uri = 'bogus' self.assertEquals(repr(FakeModPythonRequest(req)), "") def test_parse_cookie(self): self.assertEquals(parse_cookie('invalid:key=true'), {}) def test_httprequest_location(self): request = HttpRequest() self.assertEquals(request.build_absolute_uri(location=""), '') request.get_host = lambda: '' request.path = '' self.assertEquals(request.build_absolute_uri(location="/path/with:colons"), '') def test_near_expiration(self): "Cookie will expire when an near expiration time is provided" response = HttpResponse() # There is a timing weakness in this test; The # expected result for max-age requires that there be # a very slight difference between the evaluated expiration # time, and the time evaluated in set_cookie(). If this # difference doesn't exist, the cookie time will be # 1 second larger. To avoid the problem, put in a quick sleep, # which guarantees that there will be a time difference. expires = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=10) time.sleep(0.001) response.set_cookie('datetime', expires=expires) datetime_cookie = response.cookies['datetime'] self.assertEquals(datetime_cookie['max-age'], 10) def test_far_expiration(self): "Cookie will expire when an distant expiration time is provided" response = HttpResponse() response.set_cookie('datetime', expires=datetime(2028, 1, 1, 4, 5, 6)) datetime_cookie = response.cookies['datetime'] self.assertEquals(datetime_cookie['expires'], 'Sat, 01-Jan-2028 04:05:06 GMT') def test_max_age_expiration(self): "Cookie will expire if max_age is provided" response = HttpResponse() response.set_cookie('max_age', max_age=10) max_age_cookie = response.cookies['max_age'] self.assertEqual(max_age_cookie['max-age'], 10) self.assertEqual(max_age_cookie['expires'], cookie_date(time.time()+10))