from __future__ import unicode_literals import unittest from django.utils import html class TestUtilsHtml(unittest.TestCase): def check_output(self, function, value, output=None): """ Check that function(value) equals output. If output is None, check that function(value) equals value. """ if output is None: output = value self.assertEqual(function(value), output) def test_escape(self): f = html.escape items = ( ('&','&'), ('<', '<'), ('>', '>'), ('"', '"'), ("'", '''), ) # Substitution patterns for testing the above items. patterns = ("%s", "asdf%sfdsa", "%s1", "1%sb") for value, output in items: for pattern in patterns: self.check_output(f, pattern % value, pattern % output) # Check repeated values. self.check_output(f, value * 2, output * 2) # Verify it doesn't double replace &. self.check_output(f, '<&', '<&') def test_format_html(self): self.assertEqual( html.format_html("{0} {1} {third} {fourth}", "< Dangerous >", html.mark_safe("<b>safe</b>"), third="< dangerous again", fourth=html.mark_safe("<i>safe again</i>") ), "< Dangerous > <b>safe</b> < dangerous again <i>safe again</i>" ) def test_linebreaks(self): f = html.linebreaks items = ( ("para1\n\npara2\r\rpara3", "<p>para1</p>\n\n<p>para2</p>\n\n<p>para3</p>"), ("para1\nsub1\rsub2\n\npara2", "<p>para1<br />sub1<br />sub2</p>\n\n<p>para2</p>"), ("para1\r\n\r\npara2\rsub1\r\rpara4", "<p>para1</p>\n\n<p>para2<br />sub1</p>\n\n<p>para4</p>"), ("para1\tmore\n\npara2", "<p>para1\tmore</p>\n\n<p>para2</p>"), ) for value, output in items: self.check_output(f, value, output) def test_strip_tags(self): f = html.strip_tags items = ( ('<adf>a', 'a'), ('</adf>a', 'a'), ('<asdf><asdf>e', 'e'), ('<f', '<f'), ('</fe', '</fe'), ('<x>b<y>', 'b'), ('a<p onclick="alert(\'<test>\')">b</p>c', 'abc'), ('a<p a >b</p>c', 'abc'), ('d<a:b c:d>e</p>f', 'def'), ) for value, output in items: self.check_output(f, value, output) def test_strip_spaces_between_tags(self): f = html.strip_spaces_between_tags # Strings that should come out untouched. items = (' <adf>', '<adf> ', ' </adf> ', ' <f> x</f>') for value in items: self.check_output(f, value) # Strings that have spaces to strip. items = ( ('<d> </d>', '<d></d>'), ('<p>hello </p>\n<p> world</p>', '<p>hello </p><p> world</p>'), ('\n<p>\t</p>\n<p> </p>\n', '\n<p></p><p></p>\n'), ) for value, output in items: self.check_output(f, value, output) def test_strip_entities(self): f = html.strip_entities # Strings that should come out untouched. values = ("&", "&a", "&a", "a&#a") for value in values: self.check_output(f, value) # Valid entities that should be stripped from the patterns. entities = ("", "", "&a;", "&fdasdfasdfasdf;") patterns = ( ("asdf %(entity)s ", "asdf "), ("%(entity)s%(entity)s", ""), ("&%(entity)s%(entity)s", "&"), ("%(entity)s3", "3"), ) for entity in entities: for in_pattern, output in patterns: self.check_output(f, in_pattern % {'entity': entity}, output) def test_fix_ampersands(self): f = html.fix_ampersands # Strings without ampersands or with ampersands already encoded. values = ("a", "b", "&a;", "& &x; ", "asdf") patterns = ( ("%s", "%s"), ("&%s", "&%s"), ("&%s&", "&%s&"), ) for value in values: for in_pattern, out_pattern in patterns: self.check_output(f, in_pattern % value, out_pattern % value) # Strings with ampersands that need encoding. items = ( ("&#;", "&#;"), ("ͫ ;", "&#875 ;"), ("abc;", "&#4abc;"), ) for value, output in items: self.check_output(f, value, output) def test_escapejs(self): f = html.escapejs items = ( ('"double quotes" and \'single quotes\'', '\\u0022double quotes\\u0022 and \\u0027single quotes\\u0027'), (r'\ : backslashes, too', '\\u005C : backslashes, too'), ('and lots of whitespace: \r\n\t\v\f\b', 'and lots of whitespace: \\u000D\\u000A\\u0009\\u000B\\u000C\\u0008'), (r'<script>and this</script>', '\\u003Cscript\\u003Eand this\\u003C/script\\u003E'), ('paragraph separator:\u2029and line separator:\u2028', 'paragraph separator:\\u2029and line separator:\\u2028'), ) for value, output in items: self.check_output(f, value, output) def test_clean_html(self): f = html.clean_html items = ( ('<p>I <i>believe</i> in <b>semantic markup</b>!</p>', '<p>I <em>believe</em> in <strong>semantic markup</strong>!</p>'), ('I escape & I don\'t <a href="#" target="_blank">target</a>', 'I escape & I don\'t <a href="#" >target</a>'), ('<p>I kill whitespace</p><br clear="all"><p> </p>', '<p>I kill whitespace</p>'), # also a regression test for #7267: this used to raise an UnicodeDecodeError ('<p>* foo</p><p>* bar</p>', '<ul>\n<li> foo</li><li> bar</li>\n</ul>'), ) for value, output in items: self.check_output(f, value, output) def test_remove_tags(self): f = html.remove_tags items = ( ("<b><i>Yes</i></b>", "b i", "Yes"), ("<a>x</a> <p><b>y</b></p>", "a b", "x <p>y</p>"), ) for value, tags, output in items: self.assertEqual(f(value, tags), output)