========================== Django 2.0.2 release notes ========================== *Expected February 1, 2018* Django 2.0.2 fixes several bugs in 2.0.1. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed hidden content at the bottom of the "The install worked successfully!" page for some languages (:ticket:`28885`). * Fixed incorrect foreign key nullification if a model has two foreign keys to the same model and a target model is deleted (:ticket:`29016`). * Fixed regression in the use of ``QuerySet.values_list(..., flat=True)`` followed by ``annotate()`` (:ticket:`29067`). * Fixed a regression where a queryset that annotates with geometry objects crashes (:ticket:`29054`). * Fixed a regression where ``contrib.auth.authenticate()`` crashes if an authentication backend doesn't accept ``request`` and a later one does (:ticket:`29071`). * Fixed a regression where ``makemigrations`` crashes if a migrations directory doesn't have an ``__init__.py`` file (:ticket:`29091`). * Fixed crash when entering an invalid uuid in ``ModelAdmin.raw_id_fields`` (:ticket:`29094`).