import from unittest import mock from django.db.models import TextChoices from django.test import SimpleTestCase from django.utils.choices import ( BaseChoiceIterator, CallableChoiceIterator, flatten_choices, normalize_choices, ) from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ class SimpleChoiceIterator(BaseChoiceIterator): def __iter__(self): return ((i, f"Item #{i}") for i in range(1, 4)) class ChoiceIteratorTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_not_implemented_error_on_missing_iter(self): class InvalidChoiceIterator(BaseChoiceIterator): pass # Not overriding __iter__(). msg = "BaseChoiceIterator subclasses must implement __iter__()." with self.assertRaisesMessage(NotImplementedError, msg): iter(InvalidChoiceIterator()) def test_eq(self): unrolled = [(1, "Item #1"), (2, "Item #2"), (3, "Item #3")] self.assertEqual(SimpleChoiceIterator(), unrolled) self.assertEqual(unrolled, SimpleChoiceIterator()) def test_eq_instances(self): self.assertEqual(SimpleChoiceIterator(), SimpleChoiceIterator()) def test_not_equal_subset(self): self.assertNotEqual(SimpleChoiceIterator(), [(1, "Item #1"), (2, "Item #2")]) def test_not_equal_superset(self): self.assertNotEqual( SimpleChoiceIterator(), [(1, "Item #1"), (2, "Item #2"), (3, "Item #3"), None], ) def test_getitem(self): choices = SimpleChoiceIterator() for i, expected in [(0, (1, "Item #1")), (-1, (3, "Item #3"))]: with self.subTest(index=i): self.assertEqual(choices[i], expected) def test_getitem_indexerror(self): choices = SimpleChoiceIterator() for i in (4, -4): with self.subTest(index=i): with self.assertRaises(IndexError) as ctx: choices[i] self.assertTrue(str(ctx.exception).endswith("index out of range")) class FlattenChoicesTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_empty(self): def generator(): yield from () for choices in ({}, [], (), set(), frozenset(), generator(), None, ""): with self.subTest(choices=choices): result = flatten_choices(choices) self.assertIsInstance(result, self.assertEqual(list(result), []) def test_non_empty(self): choices = [ ("C", _("Club")), ("D", _("Diamond")), ("H", _("Heart")), ("S", _("Spade")), ] result = flatten_choices(choices) self.assertIsInstance(result, self.assertEqual(list(result), choices) def test_nested_choices(self): choices = [ ("Audio", [("vinyl", _("Vinyl")), ("cd", _("CD"))]), ("Video", [("vhs", _("VHS Tape")), ("dvd", _("DVD"))]), ("unknown", _("Unknown")), ] expected = [ ("vinyl", _("Vinyl")), ("cd", _("CD")), ("vhs", _("VHS Tape")), ("dvd", _("DVD")), ("unknown", _("Unknown")), ] result = flatten_choices(choices) self.assertIsInstance(result, self.assertEqual(list(result), expected) class NormalizeFieldChoicesTests(SimpleTestCase): expected = [ ("C", _("Club")), ("D", _("Diamond")), ("H", _("Heart")), ("S", _("Spade")), ] expected_nested = [ ("Audio", [("vinyl", _("Vinyl")), ("cd", _("CD"))]), ("Video", [("vhs", _("VHS Tape")), ("dvd", _("DVD"))]), ("unknown", _("Unknown")), ] invalid = [ 1j, 123, 123.45, "invalid", b"invalid", _("invalid"), object(), None, True, False, ] invalid_iterable = [ # Special cases of a string-likes which would unpack incorrectly. ["ab"], [b"ab"], [_("ab")], # Non-iterable items or iterable items with incorrect number of # elements that cannot be unpacked. [123], [("value",)], [("value", "label", "other")], ] invalid_nested = [ # Nested choices can only be two-levels deep, so return callables, # mappings, iterables, etc. at deeper levels unmodified. [("Group", [("Value", lambda: "Label")])], [("Group", [("Value", {"Label 1?": "Label 2?"})])], [("Group", [("Value", [("Label 1?", "Label 2?")])])], ] def test_empty(self): def generator(): yield from () for choices in ({}, [], (), set(), frozenset(), generator()): with self.subTest(choices=choices): self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), []) def test_choices(self): class Medal(TextChoices): GOLD = "GOLD", _("Gold") SILVER = "SILVER", _("Silver") BRONZE = "BRONZE", _("Bronze") expected = [ ("GOLD", _("Gold")), ("SILVER", _("Silver")), ("BRONZE", _("Bronze")), ] self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(Medal), expected) def test_callable(self): def get_choices(): return { "C": _("Club"), "D": _("Diamond"), "H": _("Heart"), "S": _("Spade"), } get_choices_spy = mock.Mock(wraps=get_choices) output = normalize_choices(get_choices_spy) get_choices_spy.assert_not_called() self.assertIsInstance(output, CallableChoiceIterator) self.assertEqual(output, self.expected) get_choices_spy.assert_called_once() def test_mapping(self): choices = { "C": _("Club"), "D": _("Diamond"), "H": _("Heart"), "S": _("Spade"), } self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected) def test_iterable(self): choices = [ ("C", _("Club")), ("D", _("Diamond")), ("H", _("Heart")), ("S", _("Spade")), ] self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected) def test_iterator(self): def generator(): yield "C", _("Club") yield "D", _("Diamond") yield "H", _("Heart") yield "S", _("Spade") choices = generator() self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected) def test_nested_callable(self): def get_audio_choices(): return [("vinyl", _("Vinyl")), ("cd", _("CD"))] def get_video_choices(): return [("vhs", _("VHS Tape")), ("dvd", _("DVD"))] def get_media_choices(): return [ ("Audio", get_audio_choices), ("Video", get_video_choices), ("unknown", _("Unknown")), ] get_media_choices_spy = mock.Mock(wraps=get_media_choices) output = normalize_choices(get_media_choices_spy) get_media_choices_spy.assert_not_called() self.assertIsInstance(output, CallableChoiceIterator) self.assertEqual(output, self.expected_nested) get_media_choices_spy.assert_called_once() def test_nested_mapping(self): choices = { "Audio": {"vinyl": _("Vinyl"), "cd": _("CD")}, "Video": {"vhs": _("VHS Tape"), "dvd": _("DVD")}, "unknown": _("Unknown"), } self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected_nested) def test_nested_iterable(self): choices = [ ("Audio", [("vinyl", _("Vinyl")), ("cd", _("CD"))]), ("Video", [("vhs", _("VHS Tape")), ("dvd", _("DVD"))]), ("unknown", _("Unknown")), ] self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected_nested) def test_nested_iterator(self): def generate_audio_choices(): yield "vinyl", _("Vinyl") yield "cd", _("CD") def generate_video_choices(): yield "vhs", _("VHS Tape") yield "dvd", _("DVD") def generate_media_choices(): yield "Audio", generate_audio_choices() yield "Video", generate_video_choices() yield "unknown", _("Unknown") choices = generate_media_choices() self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected_nested) def test_callable_non_canonical(self): # Canonical form is list of 2-tuple, but nested lists should work. def get_choices(): return [ ["C", _("Club")], ["D", _("Diamond")], ["H", _("Heart")], ["S", _("Spade")], ] get_choices_spy = mock.Mock(wraps=get_choices) output = normalize_choices(get_choices_spy) get_choices_spy.assert_not_called() self.assertIsInstance(output, CallableChoiceIterator) self.assertEqual(output, self.expected) get_choices_spy.assert_called_once() def test_iterable_non_canonical(self): # Canonical form is list of 2-tuple, but nested lists should work. choices = [ ["C", _("Club")], ["D", _("Diamond")], ["H", _("Heart")], ["S", _("Spade")], ] self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected) def test_iterator_non_canonical(self): # Canonical form is list of 2-tuple, but nested lists should work. def generator(): yield ["C", _("Club")] yield ["D", _("Diamond")] yield ["H", _("Heart")] yield ["S", _("Spade")] choices = generator() self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected) def test_nested_callable_non_canonical(self): # Canonical form is list of 2-tuple, but nested lists should work. def get_audio_choices(): return [["vinyl", _("Vinyl")], ["cd", _("CD")]] def get_video_choices(): return [["vhs", _("VHS Tape")], ["dvd", _("DVD")]] def get_media_choices(): return [ ["Audio", get_audio_choices], ["Video", get_video_choices], ["unknown", _("Unknown")], ] get_media_choices_spy = mock.Mock(wraps=get_media_choices) output = normalize_choices(get_media_choices_spy) get_media_choices_spy.assert_not_called() self.assertIsInstance(output, CallableChoiceIterator) self.assertEqual(output, self.expected_nested) get_media_choices_spy.assert_called_once() def test_nested_iterable_non_canonical(self): # Canonical form is list of 2-tuple, but nested lists should work. choices = [ ["Audio", [["vinyl", _("Vinyl")], ["cd", _("CD")]]], ["Video", [["vhs", _("VHS Tape")], ["dvd", _("DVD")]]], ["unknown", _("Unknown")], ] self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected_nested) def test_nested_iterator_non_canonical(self): # Canonical form is list of 2-tuple, but nested lists should work. def generator(): yield ["Audio", [["vinyl", _("Vinyl")], ["cd", _("CD")]]] yield ["Video", [["vhs", _("VHS Tape")], ["dvd", _("DVD")]]] yield ["unknown", _("Unknown")] choices = generator() self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected_nested) def test_nested_mixed_mapping_and_iterable(self): # Although not documented, as it's better to stick to either mappings # or iterables, nesting of mappings within iterables and vice versa # works and is likely to occur in the wild. This is supported by the # recursive call to `normalize_choices()` which will normalize nested # choices. choices = { "Audio": [("vinyl", _("Vinyl")), ("cd", _("CD"))], "Video": [("vhs", _("VHS Tape")), ("dvd", _("DVD"))], "unknown": _("Unknown"), } self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected_nested) choices = [ ("Audio", {"vinyl": _("Vinyl"), "cd": _("CD")}), ("Video", {"vhs": _("VHS Tape"), "dvd": _("DVD")}), ("unknown", _("Unknown")), ] self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(choices), self.expected_nested) def test_iterable_set(self): # Although not documented, as sets are unordered which results in # randomised order in form fields, passing a set of 2-tuples works. # Consistent ordering of choices on model fields in migrations is # enforced by the migrations serializer. choices = { ("C", _("Club")), ("D", _("Diamond")), ("H", _("Heart")), ("S", _("Spade")), } self.assertEqual(sorted(normalize_choices(choices)), sorted(self.expected)) def test_unsupported_values_returned_unmodified(self): # Unsupported values must be returned unmodified for model system check # to work correctly. for value in self.invalid + self.invalid_iterable + self.invalid_nested: with self.subTest(value=value): self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(value), value) def test_unsupported_values_from_callable_returned_unmodified(self): for value in self.invalid_iterable + self.invalid_nested: with self.subTest(value=value): self.assertEqual(normalize_choices(lambda: value), value) def test_unsupported_values_from_iterator_returned_unmodified(self): for value in self.invalid_nested: with self.subTest(value=value): self.assertEqual( normalize_choices((lambda: (yield from value))()), value, )