========================== Django 1.2.5 release notes ========================== Welcome to Django 1.2.5! This is the fifth "bugfix" release in the Django 1.2 series, improving the stability and performance of the Django 1.2 codebase. With two exceptions, Django 1.2.5 maintains backwards compatibility with Django 1.2.4, but contain a number of fixes and other improvements. Django 1.2.5 is a recommended upgrade for any development or deployment currently using or targeting Django 1.2. For full details on the new features, backwards incompatibilities, and deprecated features in the 1.2 branch, see the :doc:`/releases/1.2`. Backwards incompatible changes ============================== FileField no longer deletes files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In earlier Django versions, when a model instance containing a :class:`~django.db.models.FileField` was deleted, :class:`~django.db.models.FileField` took it upon itself to also delete the file from the backend storage. This opened the door to several potentially serious data-loss scenarios, including rolled-back transactions and fields on different models referencing the same file. In Django 1.2.5, :class:`~django.db.models.FileField` will never delete files from the backend storage. If you need cleanup of orphaned files, you'll need to handle it yourself (for instance, with a custom management command that can be run manually or scheduled to run periodically via e.g. cron). Use of custom SQL to load initial data in tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Django provides a custom SQL hooks as a way to inject hand-crafted SQL into the database synchronization process. One of the possible uses for this custom SQL is to insert data into your database. If your custom SQL contains ``INSERT`` statements, those insertions will be performed every time your database is synchronized. This includes the synchronization of any test databases that are created when you run a test suite. However, in the process of testing the Django 1.3, it was discovered that this feature has never completely worked as advertised. When using database backends that don't support transactions, or when using a TransactionTestCase, data that has been inserted using custom SQL will not be visible during the testing process. Unfortunately, there was no way to rectify this problem without introducing a backwards incompatibility. Rather than leave SQL-inserted initial data in an uncertain state, Django now enforces the policy that data inserted by custom SQL will *not* be visible during testing. This change only affects the testing process. You can still use custom SQL to load data into your production database as part of the syncdb process. If you require data to exist during test conditions, you should either insert it using :ref:`test fixtures `, or using the ``setUp()`` method of your test case.