================ File storage API ================ .. module:: django.core.files.storage Getting the current storage class ================================= Django provides two convenient ways to access the current storage class: .. class:: DefaultStorage :class:`~django.core.files.storage.DefaultStorage` provides lazy access to the current default storage system as defined by :setting:`DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`. :class:`DefaultStorage` uses :func:`~django.core.files.storage.get_storage_class` internally. .. function:: get_storage_class(import_path=None) Returns a class or module which implements the storage API. When called without the ``import_path`` parameter ``get_storage_class`` will return the current default storage system as defined by :setting:`DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`. If ``import_path`` is provided, ``get_storage_class`` will attempt to import the class or module from the given path and will return it if successful. An exception will be raised if the import is unsuccessful. The ``FileSystemStorage`` class =============================== .. class:: FileSystemStorage(location=None, base_url=None, file_permissions_mode=None, directory_permissions_mode=None) The :class:`~django.core.files.storage.FileSystemStorage` class implements basic file storage on a local filesystem. It inherits from :class:`~django.core.files.storage.Storage` and provides implementations for all the public methods thereof. .. attribute:: location Absolute path to the directory that will hold the files. Defaults to the value of your :setting:`MEDIA_ROOT` setting. .. attribute:: base_url URL that serves the files stored at this location. Defaults to the value of your :setting:`MEDIA_URL` setting. .. attribute:: file_permissions_mode The file system permissions that the file will receive when it is saved. Defaults to :setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS`. .. attribute:: directory_permissions_mode The file system permissions that the directory will receive when it is saved. Defaults to :setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS`. .. note:: The ``FileSystemStorage.delete()`` method will not raise an exception if the given file name does not exist. The ``Storage`` class ===================== .. class:: Storage The :class:`~django.core.files.storage.Storage` class provides a standardized API for storing files, along with a set of default behaviors that all other storage systems can inherit or override as necessary. .. note:: When methods return naive ``datetime`` objects, the effective timezone used will be the current value of ``os.environ['TZ']``; note that this is usually set from Django's :setting:`TIME_ZONE`. .. method:: accessed_time(name) Returns a naive ``datetime`` object containing the last accessed time of the file. For storage systems that aren't able to return the last accessed time this will raise ``NotImplementedError`` instead. .. deprecated:: 1.10 Use :meth:`get_accessed_time` instead. .. method:: created_time(name) Returns a naive ``datetime`` object containing the creation time of the file. For storage systems that aren't able to return the creation time this will raise ``NotImplementedError`` instead. .. deprecated:: 1.10 Use :meth:`get_created_time` instead. .. method:: delete(name) Deletes the file referenced by ``name``. If deletion is not supported on the target storage system this will raise ``NotImplementedError`` instead .. method:: exists(name) Returns ``True`` if a file referenced by the given name already exists in the storage system, or ``False`` if the name is available for a new file. .. method:: get_accessed_time(name) .. versionadded:: 1.10 Returns a :class:`~datetime.datetime` of the last accessed time of the file. For storage systems unable to return the last accessed time this will raise :exc:`NotImplementedError`. If :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``True``, returns an aware ``datetime``, otherwise returns a naive ``datetime`` in the local timezone. .. method:: get_available_name(name, max_length=None) Returns a filename based on the ``name`` parameter that's free and available for new content to be written to on the target storage system. The length of the filename will not exceed ``max_length``, if provided. If a free unique filename cannot be found, a :exc:`SuspiciousFileOperation <django.core.exceptions.SuspiciousOperation>` exception will be raised. If a file with ``name`` already exists, an underscore plus a random 7 character alphanumeric string is appended to the filename before the extension. .. method:: get_created_time(name) .. versionadded:: 1.10 Returns a :class:`~datetime.datetime` of the creation time of the file. For storage systems unable to return the creation time this will raise :exc:`NotImplementedError`. If :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``True``, returns an aware ``datetime``, otherwise returns a naive ``datetime`` in the local timezone. .. method:: get_modified_time(name) .. versionadded:: 1.10 Returns a :class:`~datetime.datetime` of the last modified time of the file. For storage systems unable to return the last modified time this will raise :exc:`NotImplementedError`. If :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``True``, returns an aware ``datetime``, otherwise returns a naive ``datetime`` in the local timezone. .. method:: get_valid_name(name) Returns a filename based on the ``name`` parameter that's suitable for use on the target storage system. .. method:: generate_filename(filename) .. versionadded:: 1.10 Validates the ``filename`` by calling :attr:`get_valid_name()` and returns a filename to be passed to the :meth:`save` method. The ``filename`` argument may include a path as returned by :attr:`FileField.upload_to <django.db.models.FileField.upload_to>`. In that case, the path won't be passed to :attr:`get_valid_name()` but will be prepended back to the resulting name. The default implementation uses :mod:`os.path` operations. Override this method if that's not appropriate for your storage. .. method:: listdir(path) Lists the contents of the specified path, returning a 2-tuple of lists; the first item being directories, the second item being files. For storage systems that aren't able to provide such a listing, this will raise a ``NotImplementedError`` instead. .. method:: modified_time(name) Returns a naive ``datetime`` object containing the last modified time. For storage systems that aren't able to return the last modified time, this will raise ``NotImplementedError`` instead. .. deprecated:: 1.10 Use :meth:`get_modified_time` instead. .. method:: open(name, mode='rb') Opens the file given by ``name``. Note that although the returned file is guaranteed to be a ``File`` object, it might actually be some subclass. In the case of remote file storage this means that reading/writing could be quite slow, so be warned. .. method:: path(name) The local filesystem path where the file can be opened using Python's standard ``open()``. For storage systems that aren't accessible from the local filesystem, this will raise ``NotImplementedError`` instead. .. method:: save(name, content, max_length=None) Saves a new file using the storage system, preferably with the name specified. If there already exists a file with this name ``name``, the storage system may modify the filename as necessary to get a unique name. The actual name of the stored file will be returned. The ``max_length`` argument is passed along to :meth:`get_available_name`. The ``content`` argument must be an instance of :class:`django.core.files.File` or a file-like object that can be wrapped in ``File``. .. method:: size(name) Returns the total size, in bytes, of the file referenced by ``name``. For storage systems that aren't able to return the file size this will raise ``NotImplementedError`` instead. .. method:: url(name) Returns the URL where the contents of the file referenced by ``name`` can be accessed. For storage systems that don't support access by URL this will raise ``NotImplementedError`` instead.