from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.contrib.gis.geos import HAS_GEOS from django.db import connection from django.test import TestCase, ignore_warnings, skipUnlessDBFeature from django.test.utils import override_settings from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango20Warning from ..utils import no_oracle if HAS_GEOS: from django.contrib.gis.db.models import Collect, Count, Extent, F, Union from django.contrib.gis.geometry.backend import Geometry from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry, Point, MultiPoint from .models import City, Location, DirectoryEntry, Parcel, Book, Author, Article, Event @skipUnlessDBFeature("gis_enabled") class RelatedGeoModelTest(TestCase): fixtures = ['initial'] def test02_select_related(self): "Testing `select_related` on geographic models (see #7126)." qs1 = City.objects.order_by('id') qs2 = City.objects.order_by('id').select_related() qs3 = City.objects.order_by('id').select_related('location') # Reference data for what's in the fixtures. cities = ( ('Aurora', 'TX', -97.516111, 33.058333), ('Roswell', 'NM', -104.528056, 33.387222), ('Kecksburg', 'PA', -79.460734, 40.18476), ) for qs in (qs1, qs2, qs3): for ref, c in zip(cities, qs): nm, st, lon, lat = ref self.assertEqual(nm, self.assertEqual(st, c.state) self.assertEqual(Point(lon, lat), c.location.point) @skipUnlessDBFeature("has_transform_method") def test03_transform_related(self): "Testing the `transform` GeoQuerySet method on related geographic models." # All the transformations are to state plane coordinate systems using # US Survey Feet (thus a tolerance of 0 implies error w/in 1 survey foot). tol = 0 def check_pnt(ref, pnt): self.assertAlmostEqual(ref.x, pnt.x, tol) self.assertAlmostEqual(ref.y, pnt.y, tol) self.assertEqual(ref.srid, pnt.srid) # Each city transformed to the SRID of their state plane coordinate system. transformed = (('Kecksburg', 2272, 'POINT(1490553.98959621 314792.131023984)'), ('Roswell', 2257, 'POINT(481902.189077221 868477.766629735)'), ('Aurora', 2276, 'POINT(2269923.2484839 7069381.28722222)'), ) for name, srid, wkt in transformed: # Doing this implicitly sets `select_related` select the location. # TODO: Fix why this breaks on Oracle. qs = list(City.objects.filter(name=name).transform(srid, field_name='location__point')) check_pnt(GEOSGeometry(wkt, srid), qs[0].location.point) @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_extent_aggr") @ignore_warnings(category=RemovedInDjango20Warning) def test_related_extent_aggregate(self): "Testing the `extent` GeoQuerySet aggregates on related geographic models." # This combines the Extent and Union aggregates into one query aggs = City.objects.aggregate(Extent('location__point')) # One for all locations, one that excludes New Mexico (Roswell). all_extent = (-104.528056, 29.763374, -79.460734, 40.18476) txpa_extent = (-97.516111, 29.763374, -79.460734, 40.18476) e1 = City.objects.extent(field_name='location__point') e2 = City.objects.exclude(state='NM').extent(field_name='location__point') e3 = aggs['location__point__extent'] # The tolerance value is to four decimal places because of differences # between the Oracle and PostGIS spatial backends on the extent calculation. tol = 4 for ref, e in [(all_extent, e1), (txpa_extent, e2), (all_extent, e3)]: for ref_val, e_val in zip(ref, e): self.assertAlmostEqual(ref_val, e_val, tol) @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_extent_aggr") def test_related_extent_annotate(self): """ Test annotation with Extent GeoAggregate. """ cities = City.objects.annotate(points_extent=Extent('location__point')).order_by('name') tol = 4 self.assertAlmostEqual( cities[0].points_extent, (-97.516111, 33.058333, -97.516111, 33.058333), tol ) @skipUnlessDBFeature("has_unionagg_method") @ignore_warnings(category=RemovedInDjango20Warning) def test_related_union_aggregate(self): "Testing the `unionagg` GeoQuerySet aggregates on related geographic models." # This combines the Extent and Union aggregates into one query aggs = City.objects.aggregate(Union('location__point')) # These are the points that are components of the aggregate geographic # union that is returned. Each point # corresponds to City PK. p1 = Point(-104.528056, 33.387222) p2 = Point(-97.516111, 33.058333) p3 = Point(-79.460734, 40.18476) p4 = Point(-96.801611, 32.782057) p5 = Point(-95.363151, 29.763374) # The second union aggregate is for a union # query that includes limiting information in the WHERE clause (in other # words a `.filter()` precedes the call to `.unionagg()`). ref_u1 = MultiPoint(p1, p2, p4, p5, p3, srid=4326) ref_u2 = MultiPoint(p2, p3, srid=4326) u1 = City.objects.unionagg(field_name='location__point') u2 = City.objects.exclude( name__in=('Roswell', 'Houston', 'Dallas', 'Fort Worth'), ).unionagg(field_name='location__point') u3 = aggs['location__point__union'] self.assertEqual(type(u1), MultiPoint) self.assertEqual(type(u3), MultiPoint) # Ordering of points in the result of the union is not defined and # implementation-dependent (DB backend, GEOS version) self.assertSetEqual({p.ewkt for p in ref_u1}, {p.ewkt for p in u1}) self.assertSetEqual({p.ewkt for p in ref_u2}, {p.ewkt for p in u2}) self.assertSetEqual({p.ewkt for p in ref_u1}, {p.ewkt for p in u3}) def test05_select_related_fk_to_subclass(self): "Testing that calling select_related on a query over a model with an FK to a model subclass works" # Regression test for #9752. list(DirectoryEntry.objects.all().select_related()) def test06_f_expressions(self): "Testing F() expressions on GeometryFields." # Constructing a dummy parcel border and getting the City instance for # assigning the FK. b1 = GEOSGeometry( 'POLYGON((-97.501205 33.052520,-97.501205 33.052576,' '-97.501150 33.052576,-97.501150 33.052520,-97.501205 33.052520))', srid=4326 ) pcity = City.objects.get(name='Aurora') # First parcel has incorrect center point that is equal to the City; # it also has a second border that is different from the first as a # 100ft buffer around the City. c1 = pcity.location.point c2 = c1.transform(2276, clone=True) b2 = c2.buffer(100) Parcel.objects.create(name='P1', city=pcity, center1=c1, center2=c2, border1=b1, border2=b2) # Now creating a second Parcel where the borders are the same, just # in different coordinate systems. The center points are also the # same (but in different coordinate systems), and this time they # actually correspond to the centroid of the border. c1 = b1.centroid c2 = c1.transform(2276, clone=True) Parcel.objects.create(name='P2', city=pcity, center1=c1, center2=c2, border1=b1, border2=b1) # Should return the second Parcel, which has the center within the # border. qs = Parcel.objects.filter(center1__within=F('border1')) self.assertEqual(1, len(qs)) self.assertEqual('P2', qs[0].name) if connection.features.supports_transform: # This time center2 is in a different coordinate system and needs # to be wrapped in transformation SQL. qs = Parcel.objects.filter(center2__within=F('border1')) self.assertEqual(1, len(qs)) self.assertEqual('P2', qs[0].name) # Should return the first Parcel, which has the center point equal # to the point in the City ForeignKey. qs = Parcel.objects.filter(center1=F('city__location__point')) self.assertEqual(1, len(qs)) self.assertEqual('P1', qs[0].name) if connection.features.supports_transform: # This time the city column should be wrapped in transformation SQL. qs = Parcel.objects.filter(border2__contains=F('city__location__point')) self.assertEqual(1, len(qs)) self.assertEqual('P1', qs[0].name) def test07_values(self): "Testing values() and values_list() and GeoQuerySets." # GeoQuerySet and GeoValuesQuerySet, and GeoValuesListQuerySet respectively. gqs = Location.objects.all() gvqs = Location.objects.values() gvlqs = Location.objects.values_list() # Incrementing through each of the models, dictionaries, and tuples # returned by the different types of GeoQuerySets. for m, d, t in zip(gqs, gvqs, gvlqs): # The values should be Geometry objects and not raw strings returned # by the spatial database. self.assertIsInstance(d['point'], Geometry) self.assertIsInstance(t[1], Geometry) self.assertEqual(m.point, d['point']) self.assertEqual(m.point, t[1]) @override_settings(USE_TZ=True) def test_07b_values(self): "Testing values() and values_list() with aware datetime. See #21565." Event.objects.create(name="foo", list(Event.objects.values_list('when')) def test08_defer_only(self): "Testing defer() and only() on Geographic models." qs = Location.objects.all() def_qs = Location.objects.defer('point') for loc, def_loc in zip(qs, def_qs): self.assertEqual(loc.point, def_loc.point) def test09_pk_relations(self): "Ensuring correct primary key column is selected across relations. See #10757." # The expected ID values -- notice the last two location IDs # are out of order. Dallas and Houston have location IDs that differ # from their PKs -- this is done to ensure that the related location # ID column is selected instead of ID column for the city. city_ids = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) loc_ids = (1, 2, 3, 5, 4) ids_qs = City.objects.order_by('id').values('id', 'location__id') for val_dict, c_id, l_id in zip(ids_qs, city_ids, loc_ids): self.assertEqual(val_dict['id'], c_id) self.assertEqual(val_dict['location__id'], l_id) # TODO: fix on Oracle -- qs2 returns an empty result for an unknown reason @no_oracle def test10_combine(self): "Testing the combination of two GeoQuerySets. See #10807." buf1 = City.objects.get(name='Aurora').location.point.buffer(0.1) buf2 = City.objects.get(name='Kecksburg').location.point.buffer(0.1) qs1 = City.objects.filter(location__point__within=buf1) qs2 = City.objects.filter(location__point__within=buf2) combined = qs1 | qs2 names = [ for c in combined] self.assertEqual(2, len(names)) self.assertIn('Aurora', names) self.assertIn('Kecksburg', names) # TODO: fix on Oracle -- get the following error because the SQL is ordered # by a geometry object, which Oracle apparently doesn't like: # ORA-22901: cannot compare nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type @no_oracle def test12a_count(self): "Testing `Count` aggregate use with the `GeoManager` on geo-fields." # The City, 'Fort Worth' uses the same location as Dallas. dallas = City.objects.get(name='Dallas') # Count annotation should be 2 for the Dallas location now. loc = Location.objects.annotate(num_cities=Count('city')).get( self.assertEqual(2, loc.num_cities) def test12b_count(self): "Testing `Count` aggregate use with the `GeoManager` on non geo-fields. See #11087." # Should only be one author (Trevor Paglen) returned by this query, and # the annotation should have 3 for the number of books, see #11087. # Also testing with a `GeoValuesQuerySet`, see #11489. qs = Author.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('books')).filter(num_books__gt=1) vqs = Author.objects.values('name').annotate(num_books=Count('books')).filter(num_books__gt=1) self.assertEqual(1, len(qs)) self.assertEqual(3, qs[0].num_books) self.assertEqual(1, len(vqs)) self.assertEqual(3, vqs[0]['num_books']) # TODO: fix on Oracle -- get the following error because the SQL is ordered # by a geometry object, which Oracle apparently doesn't like: # ORA-22901: cannot compare nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type @no_oracle def test13c_count(self): "Testing `Count` aggregate with `.values()`. See #15305." qs = Location.objects.filter(id=5).annotate(num_cities=Count('city')).values('id', 'point', 'num_cities') self.assertEqual(1, len(qs)) self.assertEqual(2, qs[0]['num_cities']) self.assertIsInstance(qs[0]['point'], GEOSGeometry) # TODO: The phantom model does appear on Oracle. @no_oracle def test13_select_related_null_fk(self): "Testing `select_related` on a nullable ForeignKey via `GeoManager`. See #11381." Book.objects.create(title='Without Author') b = Book.objects.select_related('author').get(title='Without Author') # Should be `None`, and not a 'dummy' model. self.assertIsNone( @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_collect_aggr") @ignore_warnings(category=RemovedInDjango20Warning) def test_collect(self): """ Testing the (deprecated) `collect` GeoQuerySet method and `Collect` aggregate. """ # Reference query: # SELECT AsText(ST_Collect("relatedapp_location"."point")) FROM "relatedapp_city" LEFT OUTER JOIN # "relatedapp_location" ON ("relatedapp_city"."location_id" = "relatedapp_location"."id") # WHERE "relatedapp_city"."state" = 'TX'; ref_geom = GEOSGeometry( 'MULTIPOINT(-97.516111 33.058333,-96.801611 32.782057,' '-95.363151 29.763374,-96.801611 32.782057)' ) c1 = City.objects.filter(state='TX').collect(field_name='location__point') c2 = City.objects.filter(state='TX').aggregate(Collect('location__point'))['location__point__collect'] for coll in (c1, c2): # Even though Dallas and Ft. Worth share same point, Collect doesn't # consolidate -- that's why 4 points in MultiPoint. self.assertEqual(4, len(coll)) self.assertTrue(ref_geom.equals(coll)) def test15_invalid_select_related(self): "Testing doing select_related on the related name manager of a unique FK. See #13934." qs = Article.objects.select_related('author__article') # This triggers TypeError when `get_default_columns` has no `local_only` # keyword. The TypeError is swallowed if QuerySet is actually # evaluated as list generation swallows TypeError in CPython. str(qs.query) def test16_annotated_date_queryset(self): "Ensure annotated date querysets work if spatial backend is used. See #14648." birth_years = [dt.year for dt in list(Author.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('books')).dates('dob', 'year'))] birth_years.sort() self.assertEqual([1950, 1974], birth_years) # TODO: Related tests for KML, GML, and distance lookups.