import base64 import hashlib import os import shutil import sys import tempfile as sys_tempfile import unittest from io import BytesIO, StringIO from unittest import mock from urllib.parse import quote from django.conf import DEFAULT_STORAGE_ALIAS from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousFileOperation from django.core.files import temp as tempfile from import default_storage from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile, UploadedFile from django.http.multipartparser import ( FILE, MultiPartParser, MultiPartParserError, Parser, ) from django.test import SimpleTestCase, TestCase, client, override_settings from . import uploadhandler from .models import FileModel UNICODE_FILENAME = "test-0123456789_中文_Orléans.jpg" MEDIA_ROOT = sys_tempfile.mkdtemp() UPLOAD_FOLDER = "test_upload" UPLOAD_TO = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, UPLOAD_FOLDER) CANDIDATE_TRAVERSAL_FILE_NAMES = [ "/tmp/hax0rd.txt", # Absolute path, *nix-style. "C:\\Windows\\hax0rd.txt", # Absolute path, win-style. "C:/Windows/hax0rd.txt", # Absolute path, broken-style. "\\tmp\\hax0rd.txt", # Absolute path, broken in a different way. "/tmp\\hax0rd.txt", # Absolute path, broken by mixing. "subdir/hax0rd.txt", # Descendant path, *nix-style. "subdir\\hax0rd.txt", # Descendant path, win-style. "sub/dir\\hax0rd.txt", # Descendant path, mixed. "../../hax0rd.txt", # Relative path, *nix-style. "..\\..\\hax0rd.txt", # Relative path, win-style. "../..\\hax0rd.txt", # Relative path, mixed. "../hax0rd.txt", # HTML entities. "../hax0rd.txt", # HTML entities. ] CANDIDATE_INVALID_FILE_NAMES = [ "/tmp/", # Directory, *nix-style. "c:\\tmp\\", # Directory, win-style. "/tmp/.", # Directory dot, *nix-style. "c:\\tmp\\.", # Directory dot, *nix-style. "/tmp/..", # Parent directory, *nix-style. "c:\\tmp\\..", # Parent directory, win-style. "", # Empty filename. ] @override_settings( MEDIA_ROOT=MEDIA_ROOT, ROOT_URLCONF="file_uploads.urls", MIDDLEWARE=[] ) class FileUploadTests(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() os.makedirs(MEDIA_ROOT, exist_ok=True) cls.addClassCleanup(shutil.rmtree, MEDIA_ROOT) def test_upload_name_is_validated(self): candidates = [ "/tmp/", "/tmp/..", "/tmp/.", ] if sys.platform == "win32": candidates.extend( [ "c:\\tmp\\", "c:\\tmp\\..", "c:\\tmp\\.", ] ) for file_name in candidates: with self.subTest(file_name=file_name): self.assertRaises(SuspiciousFileOperation, UploadedFile, name=file_name) def test_simple_upload(self): with open(__file__, "rb") as fp: post_data = { "name": "Ringo", "file_field": fp, } response ="/upload/", post_data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_large_upload(self): file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile with file(suffix=".file1") as file1, file(suffix=".file2") as file2: file1.write(b"a" * (2**21)) file2.write(b"a" * (10 * 2**20)) post_data = { "name": "Ringo", "file_field1": file1, "file_field2": file2, } for key in list(post_data): try: post_data[key + "_hash"] = hashlib.sha1( post_data[key].read() ).hexdigest() post_data[key].seek(0) except AttributeError: post_data[key + "_hash"] = hashlib.sha1( post_data[key].encode() ).hexdigest() response ="/verify/", post_data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def _test_base64_upload(self, content, encode=base64.b64encode): payload = client.FakePayload( "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="test.txt"', "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64", "", ] ) ) payload.write(b"\r\n" + encode(content.encode()) + b"\r\n") payload.write("--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--\r\n") r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/echo_content/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } response = self.client.request(**r) self.assertEqual(response.json()["file"], content) def test_base64_upload(self): self._test_base64_upload("This data will be transmitted base64-encoded.") def test_big_base64_upload(self): self._test_base64_upload("Big data" * 68000) # > 512Kb def test_big_base64_newlines_upload(self): self._test_base64_upload("Big data" * 68000, encode=base64.encodebytes) def test_base64_invalid_upload(self): payload = client.FakePayload( "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="test.txt"', "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64", "", ] ) ) payload.write(b"\r\n!\r\n") payload.write("--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--\r\n") r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/echo_content/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } response = self.client.request(**r) self.assertEqual(response.json()["file"], "") def test_unicode_file_name(self): with sys_tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # This file contains Chinese symbols and an accented char in the name. with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, UNICODE_FILENAME), "w+b") as file1: file1.write(b"b" * (2**10)) response ="/unicode_name/", {"file_unicode": file1}) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_unicode_file_name_rfc2231(self): """ Receiving file upload when filename is encoded with RFC 2231. """ payload = client.FakePayload() payload.write( "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file_unicode"; ' "filename*=UTF-8''%s" % quote(UNICODE_FILENAME), "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "", "You got pwnd.\r\n", "\r\n--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--\r\n", ] ) ) r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/unicode_name/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } response = self.client.request(**r) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_unicode_name_rfc2231(self): """ Receiving file upload when filename is encoded with RFC 2231. """ payload = client.FakePayload() payload.write( "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, "Content-Disposition: form-data; name*=UTF-8''file_unicode; " "filename*=UTF-8''%s" % quote(UNICODE_FILENAME), "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "", "You got pwnd.\r\n", "\r\n--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--\r\n", ] ) ) r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/unicode_name/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } response = self.client.request(**r) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_unicode_file_name_rfc2231_with_double_quotes(self): payload = client.FakePayload() payload.write( "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file_unicode"; ' "filename*=\"UTF-8''%s\"" % quote(UNICODE_FILENAME), "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "", "You got pwnd.\r\n", "\r\n--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--\r\n", ] ) ) r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/unicode_name/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } response = self.client.request(**r) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_unicode_name_rfc2231_with_double_quotes(self): payload = client.FakePayload() payload.write( "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, "Content-Disposition: form-data; name*=\"UTF-8''file_unicode\"; " "filename*=\"UTF-8''%s\"" % quote(UNICODE_FILENAME), "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "", "You got pwnd.\r\n", "\r\n--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--\r\n", ] ) ) r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/unicode_name/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } response = self.client.request(**r) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_blank_filenames(self): """ Receiving file upload when filename is blank (before and after sanitization) should be okay. """ filenames = [ "", # Normalized by MultiPartParser.IE_sanitize(). "C:\\Windows\\", # Normalized by os.path.basename(). "/", "ends-with-slash/", ] payload = client.FakePayload() for i, name in enumerate(filenames): payload.write( "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file%s"; filename="%s"' % (i, name), "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "", "You got pwnd.\r\n", ] ) ) payload.write("\r\n--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--\r\n") r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/echo/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } response = self.client.request(**r) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # Empty filenames should be ignored received = response.json() for i, name in enumerate(filenames): self.assertIsNone(received.get("file%s" % i)) def test_non_printable_chars_in_file_names(self): file_name = "non-\x00printable\x00\n_chars.txt\x00" payload = client.FakePayload() payload.write( "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, f'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; ' f'filename="{file_name}"', "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "", "You got pwnd.\r\n", ] ) ) payload.write("\r\n--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--\r\n") r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/echo/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } response = self.client.request(**r) # Non-printable chars are sanitized. received = response.json() self.assertEqual(received["file"], "non-printable_chars.txt") def test_dangerous_file_names(self): """Uploaded file names should be sanitized before ever reaching the view.""" # This test simulates possible directory traversal attacks by a # malicious uploader We have to do some monkeybusiness here to construct # a malicious payload with an invalid file name (containing os.sep or # os.pardir). This similar to what an attacker would need to do when # trying such an attack. payload = client.FakePayload() for i, name in enumerate(CANDIDATE_TRAVERSAL_FILE_NAMES): payload.write( "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file%s"; filename="%s"' % (i, name), "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "", "You got pwnd.\r\n", ] ) ) payload.write("\r\n--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--\r\n") r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/echo/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } response = self.client.request(**r) # The filenames should have been sanitized by the time it got to the view. received = response.json() for i, name in enumerate(CANDIDATE_TRAVERSAL_FILE_NAMES): got = received["file%s" % i] self.assertEqual(got, "hax0rd.txt") def test_filename_overflow(self): """File names over 256 characters (dangerous on some platforms) get fixed up.""" long_str = "f" * 300 cases = [ # field name, filename, expected ("long_filename", "%s.txt" % long_str, "%s.txt" % long_str[:251]), ("long_extension", "foo.%s" % long_str, ".%s" % long_str[:254]), ("no_extension", long_str, long_str[:255]), ("no_filename", ".%s" % long_str, ".%s" % long_str[:254]), ("long_everything", "%s.%s" % (long_str, long_str), ".%s" % long_str[:254]), ] payload = client.FakePayload() for name, filename, _ in cases: payload.write( "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="{}"; filename="{}"', "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "", "Oops.", "", ] ).format(name, filename) ) payload.write("\r\n--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--\r\n") r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/echo/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } response = self.client.request(**r) result = response.json() for name, _, expected in cases: got = result[name] self.assertEqual(expected, got, "Mismatch for {}".format(name)) self.assertLess( len(got), 256, "Got a long file name (%s characters)." % len(got) ) def test_file_content(self): file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile with ( file(suffix=".ctype_extra") as no_content_type, file(suffix=".ctype_extra") as simple_file, ): no_content_type.write(b"no content") simple_file.write(b"text content") simple_file.content_type = "text/plain" string_io = StringIO("string content") bytes_io = BytesIO(b"binary content") response = "/echo_content/", { "no_content_type": no_content_type, "simple_file": simple_file, "string": string_io, "binary": bytes_io, }, ) received = response.json() self.assertEqual(received["no_content_type"], "no content") self.assertEqual(received["simple_file"], "text content") self.assertEqual(received["string"], "string content") self.assertEqual(received["binary"], "binary content") def test_content_type_extra(self): """Uploaded files may have content type parameters available.""" file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile with ( file(suffix=".ctype_extra") as no_content_type, file(suffix=".ctype_extra") as simple_file, ): no_content_type.write(b"something") simple_file.write(b"something") simple_file.content_type = "text/plain; test-key=test_value" response = "/echo_content_type_extra/", { "no_content_type": no_content_type, "simple_file": simple_file, }, ) received = response.json() self.assertEqual(received["no_content_type"], {}) self.assertEqual(received["simple_file"], {"test-key": "test_value"}) def test_truncated_multipart_handled_gracefully(self): """ If passed an incomplete multipart message, MultiPartParser does not attempt to read beyond the end of the stream, and simply will handle the part that can be parsed gracefully. """ payload_str = "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="foo.txt"', "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "", "file contents" "--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--", "", ] ) payload = client.FakePayload(payload_str[:-10]) r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/echo/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } self.assertEqual(self.client.request(**r).json(), {}) def test_empty_multipart_handled_gracefully(self): """ If passed an empty multipart message, MultiPartParser will return an empty QueryDict. """ r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": 0, "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/echo/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": client.FakePayload(b""), } self.assertEqual(self.client.request(**r).json(), {}) def test_custom_upload_handler(self): file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile with file() as smallfile, file() as bigfile: # A small file (under the 5M quota) smallfile.write(b"a" * (2**21)) # A big file (over the quota) bigfile.write(b"a" * (10 * 2**20)) # Small file posting should work. self.assertIn("f","/quota/", {"f": smallfile}).json()) # Large files don't go through. self.assertNotIn("f","/quota/", {"f": bigfile}).json()) def test_broken_custom_upload_handler(self): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as file: file.write(b"a" * (2**21)) msg = ( "You cannot alter upload handlers after the upload has been processed." ) with self.assertRaisesMessage(AttributeError, msg):"/quota/broken/", {"f": file}) def test_stop_upload_temporary_file_handler(self): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file: temp_file.write(b"a") response ="/temp_file/stop_upload/", {"file": temp_file}) temp_path = response.json()["temp_path"] self.assertIs(os.path.exists(temp_path), False) def test_upload_interrupted_temporary_file_handler(self): # Simulate an interrupted upload by omitting the closing boundary. class MockedParser(Parser): def __iter__(self): for item in super().__iter__(): item_type, meta_data, field_stream = item yield item_type, meta_data, field_stream if item_type == FILE: return with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file: temp_file.write(b"a") with mock.patch( "django.http.multipartparser.Parser", MockedParser, ): response = "/temp_file/upload_interrupted/", {"file": temp_file}, ) temp_path = response.json()["temp_path"] self.assertIs(os.path.exists(temp_path), False) def test_fileupload_getlist(self): file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile with file() as file1, file() as file2, file() as file2a: file1.write(b"a" * (2**23)) file2.write(b"a" * (2 * 2**18)) file2a.write(b"a" * (5 * 2**20)) response = "/getlist_count/", { "file1": file1, "field1": "test", "field2": "test3", "field3": "test5", "field4": "test6", "field5": "test7", "file2": (file2, file2a), }, ) got = response.json() self.assertEqual(got.get("file1"), 1) self.assertEqual(got.get("file2"), 2) def test_fileuploads_closed_at_request_end(self): file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile with file() as f1, file() as f2a, file() as f2b: response = "/fd_closing/t/", { "file": f1, "file2": (f2a, f2b), }, ) request = response.wsgi_request # The files were parsed. self.assertTrue(hasattr(request, "_files")) file = request._files["file"] self.assertTrue(file.closed) files = request._files.getlist("file2") self.assertTrue(files[0].closed) self.assertTrue(files[1].closed) def test_no_parsing_triggered_by_fd_closing(self): file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile with file() as f1, file() as f2a, file() as f2b: response = "/fd_closing/f/", { "file": f1, "file2": (f2a, f2b), }, ) request = response.wsgi_request # The fd closing logic doesn't trigger parsing of the stream self.assertFalse(hasattr(request, "_files")) def test_file_error_blocking(self): """ The server should not block when there are upload errors (bug #8622). This can happen if something -- i.e. an exception handler -- tries to access POST while handling an error in parsing POST. This shouldn't cause an infinite loop! """ class POSTAccessingHandler(client.ClientHandler): """A handler that'll access POST during an exception.""" def handle_uncaught_exception(self, request, resolver, exc_info): ret = super().handle_uncaught_exception(request, resolver, exc_info) request.POST # evaluate return ret # Maybe this is a little more complicated that it needs to be; but if # the implementation changes then # this test would fail. So we need to know exactly what kind of error # it raises when there is an attempt to read more than the available bytes: try: client.FakePayload(b"a").read(2) except Exception as err: reference_error = err # install the custom handler that tries to access request.POST self.client.handler = POSTAccessingHandler() with open(__file__, "rb") as fp: post_data = { "name": "Ringo", "file_field": fp, } try:"/upload_errors/", post_data) except reference_error.__class__ as err: self.assertNotEqual( str(err), str(reference_error), "Caught a repeated exception that'll cause an infinite loop in " "file uploads.", ) except Exception as err: # CustomUploadError is the error that should have been raised self.assertEqual(err.__class__, uploadhandler.CustomUploadError) def test_filename_case_preservation(self): """ The storage backend shouldn't mess with the case of the filenames uploaded. """ # Synthesize the contents of a file upload with a mixed case filename # so we don't have to carry such a file in the Django tests source code # tree. vars = {"boundary": "oUrBoUnDaRyStRiNg"} post_data = [ "--%(boundary)s", 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file_field"; ' 'filename="MiXeD_cAsE.txt"', "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "", "file contents\n", "--%(boundary)s--\r\n", ] response = "/filename_case/", "\r\n".join(post_data) % vars, "multipart/form-data; boundary=%(boundary)s" % vars, ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) id = int(response.content) obj = FileModel.objects.get(pk=id) # The name of the file uploaded and the file stored in the server-side # shouldn't differ. self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(obj.testfile.path), "MiXeD_cAsE.txt") def test_filename_traversal_upload(self): os.makedirs(UPLOAD_TO, exist_ok=True) tests = [ "../test.txt", "../test.txt", ] for file_name in tests: with self.subTest(file_name=file_name): payload = client.FakePayload() payload.write( "\r\n".join( [ "--" + client.BOUNDARY, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="my_file"; ' 'filename="%s";' % file_name, "Content-Type: text/plain", "", "file contents.\r\n", "\r\n--" + client.BOUNDARY + "--\r\n", ] ), ) r = { "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": client.MULTIPART_CONTENT, "PATH_INFO": "/upload_traversal/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "wsgi.input": payload, } response = self.client.request(**r) result = response.json() self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(result["file_name"], "test.txt") self.assertIs( os.path.exists(os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, "test.txt")), False, ) self.assertIs( os.path.exists(os.path.join(UPLOAD_TO, "test.txt")), True, ) @override_settings(MEDIA_ROOT=MEDIA_ROOT) class DirectoryCreationTests(SimpleTestCase): """ Tests for error handling during directory creation via _save_FIELD_file (ticket #6450) """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() os.makedirs(MEDIA_ROOT, exist_ok=True) cls.addClassCleanup(shutil.rmtree, MEDIA_ROOT) def setUp(self): self.obj = FileModel() @unittest.skipIf( sys.platform == "win32", "Python on Windows doesn't have working os.chmod()." ) @override_settings( STORAGES={ DEFAULT_STORAGE_ALIAS: { "BACKEND": "", } } ) def test_readonly_root(self): """Permission errors are not swallowed""" os.chmod(MEDIA_ROOT, 0o500) self.addCleanup(os.chmod, MEDIA_ROOT, 0o700) with self.assertRaises(PermissionError): "foo.txt", SimpleUploadedFile("foo.txt", b"x"), save=False ) def test_not_a_directory(self): default_storage.delete(UPLOAD_TO) # Create a file with the upload directory name with SimpleUploadedFile(UPLOAD_TO, b"x") as file:, file) self.addCleanup(default_storage.delete, UPLOAD_TO) msg = "%s exists and is not a directory." % UPLOAD_TO with self.assertRaisesMessage(FileExistsError, msg): with SimpleUploadedFile("foo.txt", b"x") as file:"foo.txt", file, save=False) class MultiParserTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_empty_upload_handlers(self): # We're not actually parsing here; just checking if the parser properly # instantiates with empty upload handlers. MultiPartParser( { "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data; boundary=_foo", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "1", }, StringIO("x"), [], "utf-8", ) def test_invalid_content_type(self): with self.assertRaisesMessage( MultiPartParserError, "Invalid Content-Type: text/plain" ): MultiPartParser( { "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/plain", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "1", }, StringIO("x"), [], "utf-8", ) def test_negative_content_length(self): with self.assertRaisesMessage( MultiPartParserError, "Invalid content length: -1" ): MultiPartParser( { "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data; boundary=_foo", "CONTENT_LENGTH": -1, }, StringIO("x"), [], "utf-8", ) def test_bad_type_content_length(self): multipart_parser = MultiPartParser( { "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data; boundary=_foo", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "a", }, StringIO("x"), [], "utf-8", ) self.assertEqual(multipart_parser._content_length, 0) def test_sanitize_file_name(self): parser = MultiPartParser( { "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data; boundary=_foo", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "1", }, StringIO("x"), [], "utf-8", ) for file_name in CANDIDATE_TRAVERSAL_FILE_NAMES: with self.subTest(file_name=file_name): self.assertEqual(parser.sanitize_file_name(file_name), "hax0rd.txt") def test_sanitize_invalid_file_name(self): parser = MultiPartParser( { "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data; boundary=_foo", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "1", }, StringIO("x"), [], "utf-8", ) for file_name in CANDIDATE_INVALID_FILE_NAMES: with self.subTest(file_name=file_name): self.assertIsNone(parser.sanitize_file_name(file_name))