========================================== How to implement a custom template backend ========================================== Custom backends --------------- Here's how to implement a custom template backend in order to use another template system. A template backend is a class that inherits ``django.template.backends.base.BaseEngine``. It must implement ``get_template()`` and optionally ``from_string()``. Here's an example for a fictional ``foobar`` template library:: from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist, TemplateSyntaxError from django.template.backends.base import BaseEngine from django.template.backends.utils import csrf_input_lazy, csrf_token_lazy import foobar class FooBar(BaseEngine): # Name of the subdirectory containing the templates for this engine # inside an installed application. app_dirname = "foobar" def __init__(self, params): params = params.copy() options = params.pop("OPTIONS").copy() super().__init__(params) self.engine = foobar.Engine(**options) def from_string(self, template_code): try: return Template(self.engine.from_string(template_code)) except foobar.TemplateCompilationFailed as exc: raise TemplateSyntaxError(exc.args) def get_template(self, template_name): try: return Template(self.engine.get_template(template_name)) except foobar.TemplateNotFound as exc: raise TemplateDoesNotExist(exc.args, backend=self) except foobar.TemplateCompilationFailed as exc: raise TemplateSyntaxError(exc.args) class Template: def __init__(self, template): self.template = template def render(self, context=None, request=None): if context is None: context = {} if request is not None: context["request"] = request context["csrf_input"] = csrf_input_lazy(request) context["csrf_token"] = csrf_token_lazy(request) return self.template.render(context) See `DEP 182`_ for more information. .. _template-debug-integration: Debug integration for custom engines ------------------------------------ The Django debug page has hooks to provide detailed information when a template error arises. Custom template engines can use these hooks to enhance the traceback information that appears to users. The following hooks are available: .. _template-postmortem: Template postmortem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The postmortem appears when :exc:`~django.template.TemplateDoesNotExist` is raised. It lists the template engines and loaders that were used when trying to find a given template. For example, if two Django engines are configured, the postmortem will appear like: .. image:: _images/postmortem.png Custom engines can populate the postmortem by passing the ``backend`` and ``tried`` arguments when raising :exc:`~django.template.TemplateDoesNotExist`. Backends that use the postmortem :ref:`should specify an origin <template-origin-api>` on the template object. Contextual line information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If an error happens during template parsing or rendering, Django can display the line the error happened on. For example: .. image:: _images/template-lines.png Custom engines can populate this information by setting a ``template_debug`` attribute on exceptions raised during parsing and rendering. This attribute is a :class:`dict` with the following values: * ``'name'``: The name of the template in which the exception occurred. * ``'message'``: The exception message. * ``'source_lines'``: The lines before, after, and including the line the exception occurred on. This is for context, so it shouldn't contain more than 20 lines or so. * ``'line'``: The line number on which the exception occurred. * ``'before'``: The content on the error line before the token that raised the error. * ``'during'``: The token that raised the error. * ``'after'``: The content on the error line after the token that raised the error. * ``'total'``: The number of lines in ``source_lines``. * ``'top'``: The line number where ``source_lines`` starts. * ``'bottom'``: The line number where ``source_lines`` ends. Given the above template error, ``template_debug`` would look like:: { "name": "/path/to/template.html", "message": "Invalid block tag: 'syntax'", "source_lines": [ (1, "some\n"), (2, "lines\n"), (3, "before\n"), (4, "Hello {% syntax error %} {{ world }}\n"), (5, "some\n"), (6, "lines\n"), (7, "after\n"), (8, ""), ], "line": 4, "before": "Hello ", "during": "{% syntax error %}", "after": " {{ world }}\n", "total": 9, "bottom": 9, "top": 1, } .. _template-origin-api: Origin API and 3rd-party integration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Django templates have an :class:`~django.template.base.Origin` object available through the ``template.origin`` attribute. This enables debug information to be displayed in the :ref:`template postmortem <template-postmortem>`, as well as in 3rd-party libraries, like the :pypi:`Django Debug Toolbar <django-debug-toolbar>`. Custom engines can provide their own ``template.origin`` information by creating an object that specifies the following attributes: * ``'name'``: The full path to the template. * ``'template_name'``: The relative path to the template as passed into the template loading methods. * ``'loader_name'``: An optional string identifying the function or class used to load the template, e.g. ``django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader``. .. _DEP 182: https://github.com/django/deps/blob/main/final/0182-multiple-template-engines.rst