import datetime from django.db import models from django.test import TestCase from django.test.utils import isolate_apps from .models import InternationalArticle class SimpleTests(TestCase): def test_international(self): a = InternationalArticle.objects.create( headline="Girl wins €12.500 in lottery", pub_date=datetime.datetime(2005, 7, 28), ) self.assertEqual(str(a), "Girl wins €12.500 in lottery") @isolate_apps("str") def test_defaults(self): """ The default implementation of __str__ and __repr__ should return instances of str. """ class Default(models.Model): pass obj = Default() # Explicit call to __str__/__repr__ to make sure str()/repr() don't # coerce the returned value. self.assertIsInstance(obj.__str__(), str) self.assertIsInstance(obj.__repr__(), str) self.assertEqual(str(obj), "Default object (None)") self.assertEqual(repr(obj), "<Default: Default object (None)>") obj2 = Default(pk=100) self.assertEqual(str(obj2), "Default object (100)") self.assertEqual(repr(obj2), "<Default: Default object (100)>")