""" Runs through a reST file looking for old-style literals, and helps replace them with new-style references. """ import re import sys import shelve refre = re.compile(r'``([^`\s]+?)``') ROLES = ( 'attr', 'class', "djadmin", 'data', 'exc', 'file', 'func', 'lookup', 'meth', 'mod' , "djadminopt", "ref", "setting", "term", "tfilter", "ttag", # special "skip" ) ALWAYS_SKIP = [ "NULL", "True", "False", ] def fixliterals(fname): with open(fname) as fp: data = fp.read() last = 0 new = [] storage = shelve.open("/tmp/literals_to_xref.shelve") lastvalues = storage.get("lastvalues", {}) for m in refre.finditer(data): new.append(data[last:m.start()]) last = m.end() line_start = data.rfind("\n", 0, m.start()) line_end = data.find("\n", m.end()) prev_start = data.rfind("\n", 0, line_start) next_end = data.find("\n", line_end + 1) # Skip always-skip stuff if m.group(1) in ALWAYS_SKIP: new.append(m.group(0)) continue # skip when the next line is a title next_line = data[m.end():next_end].strip() if next_line[0] in "!-/:-@[-`{-~" and all(c == next_line[0] for c in next_line): new.append(m.group(0)) continue sys.stdout.write("\n"+"-"*80+"\n") sys.stdout.write(data[prev_start+1:m.start()]) sys.stdout.write(colorize(m.group(0), fg="red")) sys.stdout.write(data[m.end():next_end]) sys.stdout.write("\n\n") replace_type = None while replace_type is None: replace_type = raw_input( colorize("Replace role: ", fg="yellow") ).strip().lower() if replace_type and replace_type not in ROLES: replace_type = None if replace_type == "": new.append(m.group(0)) continue if replace_type == "skip": new.append(m.group(0)) ALWAYS_SKIP.append(m.group(1)) continue default = lastvalues.get(m.group(1), m.group(1)) if default.endswith("()") and replace_type in ("class", "func", "meth"): default = default[:-2] replace_value = raw_input( colorize("Text <target> [", fg="yellow") + default + colorize("]: ", fg="yellow") ).strip() if not replace_value: replace_value = default new.append(":%s:`%s`" % (replace_type, replace_value)) lastvalues[m.group(1)] = replace_value new.append(data[last:]) with open(fname, "w") as fp: fp.write("".join(new)) storage["lastvalues"] = lastvalues storage.close() # # The following is taken from django.utils.termcolors and is copied here to # avoid the dependancy. # def colorize(text='', opts=(), **kwargs): """ Returns your text, enclosed in ANSI graphics codes. Depends on the keyword arguments 'fg' and 'bg', and the contents of the opts tuple/list. Returns the RESET code if no parameters are given. Valid colors: 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white' Valid options: 'bold' 'underscore' 'blink' 'reverse' 'conceal' 'noreset' - string will not be auto-terminated with the RESET code Examples: colorize('hello', fg='red', bg='blue', opts=('blink',)) colorize() colorize('goodbye', opts=('underscore',)) print(colorize('first line', fg='red', opts=('noreset',))) print('this should be red too') print(colorize('and so should this')) print('this should not be red') """ color_names = ('black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white') foreground = dict([(color_names[x], '3%s' % x) for x in range(8)]) background = dict([(color_names[x], '4%s' % x) for x in range(8)]) RESET = '0' opt_dict = {'bold': '1', 'underscore': '4', 'blink': '5', 'reverse': '7', 'conceal': '8'} text = str(text) code_list = [] if text == '' and len(opts) == 1 and opts[0] == 'reset': return '\x1b[%sm' % RESET for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): if k == 'fg': code_list.append(foreground[v]) elif k == 'bg': code_list.append(background[v]) for o in opts: if o in opt_dict: code_list.append(opt_dict[o]) if 'noreset' not in opts: text = text + '\x1b[%sm' % RESET return ('\x1b[%sm' % ';'.join(code_list)) + text if __name__ == '__main__': try: fixliterals(sys.argv[1]) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print('')