import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from http import cookies from django.http import HttpResponse from django.test import SimpleTestCase from django.test.utils import freeze_time from django.utils.http import http_date from django.utils.timezone import utc class SetCookieTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_near_expiration(self): """Cookie will expire when a near expiration time is provided.""" response = HttpResponse() # There's a timing weakness in this test; The expected result for # max-age requires that there be a very slight difference between the # evaluated expiration time and the time evaluated in set_cookie(). If # this difference doesn't exist, the cookie time will be 1 second # larger. The sleep guarantees that there will be a time difference. expires = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=10) time.sleep(0.001) response.set_cookie('datetime', expires=expires) datetime_cookie = response.cookies['datetime'] self.assertEqual(datetime_cookie['max-age'], 10) def test_aware_expiration(self): """set_cookie() accepts an aware datetime as expiration time.""" response = HttpResponse() expires = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=10)).replace(tzinfo=utc) time.sleep(0.001) response.set_cookie('datetime', expires=expires) datetime_cookie = response.cookies['datetime'] self.assertEqual(datetime_cookie['max-age'], 10) def test_create_cookie_after_deleting_cookie(self): """Setting a cookie after deletion clears the expiry date.""" response = HttpResponse() response.set_cookie('c', 'old-value') self.assertEqual(response.cookies['c']['expires'], '') response.delete_cookie('c') self.assertEqual(response.cookies['c']['expires'], 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') response.set_cookie('c', 'new-value') self.assertEqual(response.cookies['c']['expires'], '') def test_far_expiration(self): """Cookie will expire when a distant expiration time is provided.""" response = HttpResponse() response.set_cookie('datetime', expires=datetime(2028, 1, 1, 4, 5, 6)) datetime_cookie = response.cookies['datetime'] self.assertIn( datetime_cookie['expires'], # assertIn accounts for slight time dependency (#23450) ('Sat, 01 Jan 2028 04:05:06 GMT', 'Sat, 01 Jan 2028 04:05:07 GMT') ) def test_max_age_expiration(self): """Cookie will expire if max_age is provided.""" response = HttpResponse() set_cookie_time = time.time() with freeze_time(set_cookie_time): response.set_cookie('max_age', max_age=10) max_age_cookie = response.cookies['max_age'] self.assertEqual(max_age_cookie['max-age'], 10) self.assertEqual(max_age_cookie['expires'], http_date(set_cookie_time + 10)) def test_httponly_cookie(self): response = HttpResponse() response.set_cookie('example', httponly=True) example_cookie = response.cookies['example'] self.assertIn('; %s' % cookies.Morsel._reserved['httponly'], str(example_cookie)) self.assertIs(example_cookie['httponly'], True) def test_unicode_cookie(self): """HttpResponse.set_cookie() works with unicode data.""" response = HttpResponse() cookie_value = '清風' response.set_cookie('test', cookie_value) self.assertEqual(response.cookies['test'].value, cookie_value) class DeleteCookieTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_default(self): response = HttpResponse() response.delete_cookie('c') cookie = response.cookies['c'] self.assertEqual(cookie['expires'], 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') self.assertEqual(cookie['max-age'], 0) self.assertEqual(cookie['path'], '/') self.assertEqual(cookie['secure'], '') self.assertEqual(cookie['domain'], '') def test_delete_cookie_secure_prefix(self): """ delete_cookie() sets the secure flag if the cookie name starts with __Host- or __Secure- (without that, browsers ignore cookies with those prefixes). """ response = HttpResponse() for prefix in ('Secure', 'Host'): with self.subTest(prefix=prefix): cookie_name = '__%s-c' % prefix response.delete_cookie(cookie_name) self.assertEqual(response.cookies[cookie_name]['secure'], True)