# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import copy
from django.forms import Select
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from .base import WidgetTest
class SelectTest(WidgetTest):
widget = Select()
nested_widget = Select(choices=(
('outer1', 'Outer 1'),
('Group "1"', (('inner1', 'Inner 1'), ('inner2', 'Inner 2'))),
def test_render(self):
self.check_html(self.widget, 'beatle', 'J', choices=self.beatles, html=(
def test_render_none(self):
If the value is None, none of the options are selected.
self.check_html(self.widget, 'beatle', None, choices=self.beatles, html=(
def test_render_label_value(self):
If the value corresponds to a label (but not to an option value), none
of the options are selected.
self.check_html(self.widget, 'beatle', 'John', choices=self.beatles, html=(
def test_render_selected(self):
Only one option can be selected (#8103).
choices = [('0', '0'), ('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3'), ('0', 'extra')]
self.check_html(self.widget, 'choices', '0', choices=choices, html=(
def test_constructor_attrs(self):
Select options shouldn't inherit the parent widget attrs.
widget = Select(
attrs={'class': 'super', 'id': 'super'},
choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)],
self.check_html(widget, 'num', 2, html=(
def test_compare_to_str(self):
The value is compared to its str().
self.widget, 'num', 2,
choices=[('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3')],
self.widget, 'num', '2',
choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)],
self.widget, 'num', 2,
choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)],
def test_choices_constuctor(self):
widget = Select(choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)])
self.check_html(widget, 'num', 2, html=(
def test_choices_constructor_generator(self):
If choices is passed to the constructor and is a generator, it can be
iterated over multiple times without getting consumed.
def get_choices():
for i in range(5):
yield (i, i)
widget = Select(choices=get_choices())
self.check_html(widget, 'num', 2, html=(
self.check_html(widget, 'num', 3, html=(
def test_choices_constuctor_and_render(self):
If 'choices' is passed to both the constructor and render(), then
they'll both be in the output.
widget = Select(choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)])
self.check_html(widget, 'num', 2, choices=[(4, 4), (5, 5)], html=(
def test_choices_escaping(self):
choices = (('bad', 'you & me'), ('good', mark_safe('you > me')))
self.check_html(self.widget, 'escape', None, choices=choices, html=(
def test_choices_unicode(self):
self.widget, 'email', 'ŠĐĆŽćžšđ',
choices=[('ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', 'ŠĐabcĆŽćžšđ'), ('ćžšđ', 'abcćžšđ')],
def test_choices_optgroup(self):
Choices can be nested one level in order to create HTML optgroups.
self.check_html(self.nested_widget, 'nestchoice', None, html=(
def test_choices_select_outer(self):
self.check_html(self.nested_widget, 'nestchoice', 'outer1', html=(
def test_choices_select_inner(self):
self.check_html(self.nested_widget, 'nestchoice', 'inner1', html=(
def test_deepcopy(self):
__deepcopy__() should copy all attributes properly (#25085).
widget = Select()
obj = copy.deepcopy(widget)
self.assertIsNot(widget, obj)
self.assertEqual(widget.choices, obj.choices)
self.assertIsNot(widget.choices, obj.choices)
self.assertEqual(widget.attrs, obj.attrs)
self.assertIsNot(widget.attrs, obj.attrs)