.. _topics-db-aggregation: ============= Aggregation ============= .. versionadded:: 1.1 .. currentmodule:: django.db.models The topic guide on :ref:`Django's database-abstraction API >> Book.objects.all() What we need is a way to calculate summary values over the objects that belong to this ``QuerySet``. This is done by appending an ``aggregate()`` clause onto the ``QuerySet``:: >>> from django.db.models import Avg >>> Book.objects.all().aggregate(Avg('price')) {'price__avg': 34.35} The ``all()`` is redundant in this example, so this could be simplified to:: >>> Book.objects.aggregate(Avg('price')) {'price__avg': 34.35} The argument to the ``aggregate()`` clause describes the aggregate value that we want to compute - in this case, the average of the ``price`` field on the ``Book`` model. A list of the aggregate functions that are available can be found in the :ref:`QuerySet reference `. ``aggregate()`` is a terminal clause for a ``QuerySet`` that, when invoked, returns a dictionary of name-value pairs. The name is an identifier for the aggregate value; the value is the computed aggregate. The name is automatically generated from the name of the field and the aggregate function. If you want to manually specify a name for the aggregate value, you can do so by providing that name when you specify the aggregate clause:: >>> Book.objects.aggregate(average_price=Avg('price')) {'average_price': 34.35} If you want to generate more than one aggregate, you just add another argument to the ``aggregate()`` clause. So, if we also wanted to know the maximum and minimum price of all books, we would issue the query:: >>> Book.objects.aggregate(Avg('price'), Max('price'), Min('price')) {'price__avg': 34.35, 'price__max': Decimal('81.20'), 'price__min': Decimal('12.99')} Generating aggregates for each item in a QuerySet ================================================= The second way to generate summary values is to generate an independent summary for each object in a ``Queryset``. For example, if you are retrieving a list of books, you may want to know how many authors contributed to each book. Each Book has a many-to-many relationship with the Author; we want to summarize this relationship for each book in the ``QuerySet``. Per-object summaries can be generated using the ``annotate()`` clause. When an ``annotate()`` clause is specified, each object in the ``QuerySet`` will be annotated with the specified values. The syntax for these annotations is identical to that used for the ``aggregate()`` clause. Each argument to ``annotate()`` describes an aggregate that is to be calculated. For example, to annotate Books with the number of authors:: # Build an annotated queryset >>> q = Book.objects.annotate(Count('authors')) # Interrogate the first object in the queryset >>> q[0] >>> q[0].authors__count 2 # Interrogate the second object in the queryset >>> q[1] >>> q[1].authors__count 1 As with ``aggregate()``, the name for the annotation is automatically derived from the name of the aggregate function and the name of the field being aggregated. You can override this default name by providing an alias when you specify the annotation:: >>> q = Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')) >>> q[0].num_authors 2 >>> q[1].num_authors 1 Unlike ``aggregate()``, ``annotate()`` is *not* a terminal clause. The output of the ``annotate()`` clause is a ``QuerySet``; this ``QuerySet`` can be modified using any other ``QuerySet`` operation, including ``filter()``, ``order_by``, or even additional calls to ``annotate()``. Joins and aggregates ==================== So far, we have dealt with aggregates over fields that belong to the model being queries. However, sometimes the value you want to aggregate will belong to a model that is related to the model you are querying. When specifying the field to be aggregated in an aggregate functions, Django will allow you to use the same :ref:`double underscore notation ` that is used when referring to related fields in filters. Django will then handle any table joins that are required to retrieve and aggregate the related value. For example, to find the price range of books offered in each store, you could use the annotation:: >>> Store.objects.annotate(min_price=Min('books__price'), max_price=Max('books__price')) This tells Django to retrieve the Store model, join (through the many-to-many relationship) with the Book model, and aggregate on the price field of the book model to produce a minimum and maximum value. The same rules apply to the ``aggregate()`` clause. If you wanted to know the lowest and highest price of any book that is available for sale in a store, you could use the aggregate:: >>> Store.objects.aggregate(min_price=Min('books__price'), max_price=Max('books__price')) Join chains can be as deep as you require. For example, to extract the age of the youngest author of any book available for sale, you could issue the query:: >>> Store.objects.aggregate(youngest_age=Min('books__authors__age')) Aggregations and other QuerySet clauses ======================================= ``filter()`` and ``exclude()`` ------------------------------ Aggregates can also participate in filters. Any ``filter()`` (or ``exclude()``) applied to normal model fields will have the effect of constraining the objects that are considered for aggregation. When used with an ``annotate()`` clause, a filter has the effect of constraining the objects for which an annotation is calculated. For example, you can generate an annotated list of all books that have a title starting with "Django" using the query:: >>> Book.objects.filter(name__startswith="Django").annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')) When used with an ``aggregate()`` clause, a filter has the effect of constraining the objects over which the aggregate is calculated. For example, you can generate the average price of all books with a title that starts with "Django" using the query:: >>> Book.objects.filter(name__startswith="Django").aggregate(Avg('price')) Filtering on annotations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annotated values can also be filtered. The alias for the annotation can be used in ``filter()`` and ``exclude()`` clauses in the same way as any other model field. For example, to generate a list of books that have more than one author, you can issue the query:: >>> Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).filter(num_authors__gt=1) This query generates an annotated result set, and then generates a filter based upon that annotation. Order of ``annotate()`` and ``filter()`` clauses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When developing a complex query that involves both ``annotate()`` and ``filter()`` clauses, particular attention should be paid to the order in which the clauses are applied to the ``QuerySet``. When an ``annotate()`` clause is applied to a query, the annotation is computed over the state of the query up to the point where the annotation is requested. The practical implication of this is that ``filter()`` and ``annotate()`` are not transitive operations -- that is, there is a difference between the query:: >>> Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).filter(book__rating__gt=3.0) and the query:: >>> Publisher.objects.filter(book__rating__gt=3.0).annotate(num_books=Count('book')) Both queries will return a list of Publishers that have at least one good book (i.e., a book with a rating exceeding 3.0). However, the annotation in the first query will provide the total number of all books published by the publisher; the second query will only include good books in the annotated count. In the first query, the annotation precedes the filter, so the filter has no effect on the annotation. In the second query, the filter preceeds the annotation, and as a result, the filter constrains the objects considered when calculating the annotation. ``order_by()`` -------------- Annotations can be used as a basis for ordering. When you define an ``order_by()`` clause, the aggregates you provide can reference any alias defined as part of an ``annotate()`` clause in the query. For example, to order a ``QuerySet`` of books by the number of authors that have contributed to the book, you could use the following query:: >>> Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).order_by('num_authors') ``values()`` ------------ Ordinarily, annotations are generated on a per-object basis - an annotated ``QuerySet`` will return one result for each object in the original ``Queryset``. However, when a ``values()`` clause is used to constrain the columns that are returned in the result set, the method for evaluating annotations is slightly different. Instead of returning an annotated result for each result in the original ``QuerySet``, the original results are grouped according to the unique combinations of the fields specified in the ``values()`` clause. An annotation is then provided for each unique group; the annotation is computed over all members of the group. For example, consider an author query that attempts to find out the average rating of books written by each author: >>> Author.objects.annotate(average_rating=Avg('book__rating')) This will return one result for each author in the database, annotate with their average book rating. However, the result will be slightly different if you use a ``values()`` clause:: >>> Author.objects.values('name').annotate(average_rating=Avg('book__rating')) In this example, the authors will be grouped by name, so you will only get an annotated result for each *unique* author name. This means if you have two authors with the same name, their results will be merged into a single result in the output of the query; the average will be computed as the average over the books written by both authors. The annotation name will be added to the fields returned as part of the ``ValuesQuerySet``. Order of ``annotate()`` and ``values()`` clauses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As with the ``filter()`` clause, the order in which ``annotate()`` and ``values()`` clauses are applied to a query is significant. If the ``values()`` clause precedes the ``annotate()``, the annotation will be computed using the grouping described by the ``values()`` clause. However, if the ``annotate()`` clause precedes the ``values()`` clause, the annotations will be generated over the entire query set. In this case, the ``values()`` clause only constrains the fields that are generated on output. For example, if we reverse the order of the ``values()`` and ``annotate()`` clause from our previous example:: >>> Author.objects.annotate(average_rating=Avg('book__rating')).values('name') This will now yield one unique result for each author; however, only the author's name and the ``average_rating`` annotation will be returned in the output data. Aggregating annotations ----------------------- You can also generate an aggregate on the result of an annotation. When you define an ``aggregate()`` clause, the aggregates you provide can reference any alias defined as part of an ``annotate()`` clause in the query. For example, if you wanted to calculate the average number of authors per book you first annotate the set of books with the author count, then aggregate that author count, referencing the annotation field:: >>> Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).aggregate(Avg('num_authors')) {'num_authors__avg': 1.66}