""" 15. Subclassing models You can subclass another model to create a copy of it that behaves slightly differently. """ from django.core import meta # From the "Bare-bones model" example from django.models.basic import Article # From the "Adding __repr__()" example from django.models.repr import Article as ArticleWithRepr # From the "Specifying ordering" example from django.models.ordering import Article as ArticleWithOrdering # This uses all fields and metadata from Article and # adds a "section" field. class ArticleWithSection(Article): section = meta.CharField(maxlength=30) class META: module_name = 'subarticles1' # This uses all fields and metadata from Article but # removes the "pub_date" field. class ArticleWithoutPubDate(Article): class META: module_name = 'subarticles2' remove_fields = ('pub_date',) # This uses all fields and metadata from Article but # overrides the "pub_date" field. class ArticleWithFieldOverride(Article): pub_date = meta.DateField() # overrides the old field, a DateTimeField class META: module_name = 'subarticles3' # No need to add remove_fields = ('pub_date',) # This uses all fields and metadata from ArticleWithRepr and # makes a few additions/changes. class ArticleWithManyChanges(ArticleWithRepr): section = meta.CharField(maxlength=30) is_popular = meta.BooleanField() pub_date = meta.DateField() # overrides the old field, a DateTimeField class META: module_name = 'subarticles4' # This uses all fields from ArticleWithOrdering but # changes the ordering parameter. class ArticleWithChangedMeta(ArticleWithOrdering): class META: module_name = 'subarticles5' ordering = ('headline', 'pub_date') # These two models don't define a module_name. class NoModuleNameFirst(Article): section = meta.CharField(maxlength=30) class NoModuleNameSecond(Article): section = meta.CharField(maxlength=30) API_TESTS = """ # No data is in the system yet. >>> subarticles1.get_list() [] >>> subarticles2.get_list() [] >>> subarticles3.get_list() [] # Create an ArticleWithSection. >>> from datetime import date, datetime >>> a1 = subarticles1.ArticleWithSection(headline='First', pub_date=datetime(2005, 8, 22), section='News') >>> a1.save() >>> a1 >>> a1.id 1 >>> a1.headline 'First' >>> a1.pub_date datetime.datetime(2005, 8, 22, 0, 0) # Retrieve it again, to prove the fields have been saved. >>> a1 = subarticles1.get_object(pk=1) >>> a1.headline 'First' >>> a1.pub_date datetime.datetime(2005, 8, 22, 0, 0) >>> a1.section 'News' # Create an ArticleWithoutPubDate. >>> a2 = subarticles2.ArticleWithoutPubDate(headline='Second') >>> a2.save() >>> a2 >>> a2.id 1 >>> a2.pub_date Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'ArticleWithoutPubDate' object has no attribute 'pub_date' # Retrieve it again, to prove the fields have been saved. >>> a2 = subarticles2.get_object(pk=1) >>> a2.headline 'Second' >>> a2.pub_date Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'ArticleWithoutPubDate' object has no attribute 'pub_date' # Create an ArticleWithFieldOverride. >>> a3 = subarticles3.ArticleWithFieldOverride(headline='Third', pub_date=date(2005, 8, 22)) >>> a3.save() >>> a3 >>> a3.id 1 >>> a3.pub_date datetime.date(2005, 8, 22) # Retrieve it again, to prove the fields have been saved. >>> a3 = subarticles3.get_object(pk=1) >>> a3.headline 'Third' >>> a3.pub_date datetime.date(2005, 8, 22) # Create an ArticleWithManyChanges. >>> a4 = subarticles4.ArticleWithManyChanges(headline='Fourth', section='Arts', ... is_popular=True, pub_date=date(2005, 8, 22)) >>> a4.save() # a4 inherits __repr__() from its parent model (ArticleWithRepr). >>> a4 Fourth # Retrieve it again, to prove the fields have been saved. >>> a4 = subarticles4.get_object(pk=1) >>> a4.headline 'Fourth' >>> a4.section 'Arts' >>> a4.is_popular == True True >>> a4.pub_date datetime.date(2005, 8, 22) # Test get_list(). >>> subarticles1.get_list() [] >>> subarticles2.get_list() [] >>> subarticles3.get_list() [] >>> subarticles4.get_list() [Fourth] # Create a couple of ArticleWithChangedMeta objects. >>> a5 = subarticles5.ArticleWithChangedMeta(headline='A', pub_date=datetime(2005, 3, 1)) >>> a5.save() >>> a6 = subarticles5.ArticleWithChangedMeta(headline='B', pub_date=datetime(2005, 4, 1)) >>> a6.save() >>> a7 = subarticles5.ArticleWithChangedMeta(headline='C', pub_date=datetime(2005, 5, 1)) >>> a7.save() # Ordering has been overridden, so objects are ordered # by headline ASC instead of pub_date DESC. >>> subarticles5.get_list() [A, B, C] >>> nomodulenamefirsts.get_list() [] >>> nomodulenameseconds.get_list() [] """