from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction from django.test import TestCase, skipIfDBFeature, skipUnlessDBFeature from .fields import MyWrapper from .models import Bar, Business, CustomAutoFieldModel, Employee, Foo class BasicCustomPKTests(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.dan = Employee.objects.create( employee_code=123, first_name="Dan", last_name="Jones", ) cls.fran = Employee.objects.create( employee_code=456, first_name="Fran", last_name="Bones", ) = Business.objects.create(name="Sears"), cls.fran) def test_querysets(self): """ Both pk and custom attribute_name can be used in filter and friends """ self.assertSequenceEqual(Employee.objects.filter(pk=123), [self.dan]) self.assertSequenceEqual(Employee.objects.filter(employee_code=123), [self.dan]) self.assertSequenceEqual( Employee.objects.filter(pk__in=[123, 456]), [self.fran, self.dan], ) self.assertSequenceEqual(Employee.objects.all(), [self.fran, self.dan]) self.assertQuerySetEqual( Business.objects.filter(name="Sears"), ["Sears"], lambda b: ) self.assertQuerySetEqual( Business.objects.filter(pk="Sears"), [ "Sears", ], lambda b:, ) def test_querysets_related_name(self): """ Custom pk doesn't affect related_name based lookups """ self.assertSequenceEqual(, [self.fran, self.dan], ) self.assertQuerySetEqual( self.fran.business_set.all(), [ "Sears", ], lambda b:, ) def test_querysets_relational(self): """ Queries across tables, involving primary key """ self.assertSequenceEqual( Employee.objects.filter(business__name="Sears"), [self.fran, self.dan], ) self.assertSequenceEqual( Employee.objects.filter(business__pk="Sears"), [self.fran, self.dan], ) self.assertQuerySetEqual( Business.objects.filter(employees__employee_code=123), [ "Sears", ], lambda b:, ) self.assertQuerySetEqual( Business.objects.filter(employees__pk=123), [ "Sears", ], lambda b:, ) self.assertQuerySetEqual( Business.objects.filter(employees__first_name__startswith="Fran"), [ "Sears", ], lambda b:, ) def test_get(self): """ Get can accept pk or the real attribute name """ self.assertEqual(Employee.objects.get(pk=123), self.dan) self.assertEqual(Employee.objects.get(pk=456), self.fran) with self.assertRaises(Employee.DoesNotExist): Employee.objects.get(pk=42) # Use the name of the primary key, rather than pk. self.assertEqual(Employee.objects.get(employee_code=123), self.dan) def test_pk_attributes(self): """ pk and attribute name are available on the model No default id attribute is added """ # pk can be used as a substitute for the primary key. # The primary key can be accessed via the pk property on the model. e = Employee.objects.get(pk=123) self.assertEqual(, 123) # Or we can use the real attribute name for the primary key: self.assertEqual(e.employee_code, 123) with self.assertRaisesMessage( AttributeError, "'Employee' object has no attribute 'id'" ): def test_in_bulk(self): """ Custom pks work with in_bulk, both for integer and non-integer types """ emps = Employee.objects.in_bulk([123, 456]) self.assertEqual(emps[123], self.dan) self.assertEqual( Business.objects.in_bulk(["Sears"]), { "Sears":, }, ) def test_save(self): """ custom pks do not affect save """ fran = Employee.objects.get(pk=456) fran.last_name = "Jones" self.assertSequenceEqual( Employee.objects.filter(last_name="Jones"), [self.dan, fran], ) class CustomPKTests(TestCase): def test_custom_pk_create(self): """ New objects can be created both with pk and the custom name """ Employee.objects.create(employee_code=1234, first_name="Foo", last_name="Bar") Employee.objects.create(pk=1235, first_name="Foo", last_name="Baz") Business.objects.create(name="Bears") Business.objects.create(pk="Tears") def test_unicode_pk(self): # Primary key may be Unicode string. Business.objects.create(name="jaźń") def test_unique_pk(self): # The primary key must also be unique, so trying to create a new object # with the same primary key will fail. Employee.objects.create( employee_code=123, first_name="Frank", last_name="Jones" ) with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError): with transaction.atomic(): Employee.objects.create( employee_code=123, first_name="Fred", last_name="Jones" ) def test_zero_non_autoincrement_pk(self): Employee.objects.create(employee_code=0, first_name="Frank", last_name="Jones") employee = Employee.objects.get(pk=0) self.assertEqual(employee.employee_code, 0) def test_custom_field_pk(self): # Regression for #10785 -- Custom fields can be used for primary keys. new_bar = Bar.objects.create() new_foo = Foo.objects.create(bar=new_bar) f = Foo.objects.get( self.assertEqual(f, new_foo) self.assertEqual(, new_bar) f = Foo.objects.get(bar=new_bar) self.assertEqual(f, new_foo) self.assertEqual(, new_bar) # SQLite lets objects be saved with an empty primary key, even though an # integer is expected. So we can't check for an error being raised in that # case for SQLite. Remove it from the suite for this next bit. @skipIfDBFeature("supports_unspecified_pk") def test_required_pk(self): # The primary key must be specified, so an error is raised if you # try to create an object without it. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError): with transaction.atomic(): Employee.objects.create(first_name="Tom", last_name="Smith") def test_auto_field_subclass_create(self): obj = CustomAutoFieldModel.objects.create() self.assertIsInstance(, MyWrapper) @skipUnlessDBFeature("can_return_rows_from_bulk_insert") def test_auto_field_subclass_bulk_create(self): obj = CustomAutoFieldModel() CustomAutoFieldModel.objects.bulk_create([obj]) self.assertIsInstance(, MyWrapper)