When all values of a field with a db_default are DatabaseDefault, which
is the case most of the time, there is no point in specifying explicit
DEFAULT for all INSERT VALUES as that's what the database will do anyway
if not specified.
In the case of PostgreSQL doing so can even be harmful as it prevents
the usage of the UNNEST strategy and in the case of Oracle, which
doesn't support the usage of the DEFAULT keyword, it unnecessarily
requires providing literal db defaults.
Thanks Lily Foote for the review.
Made deserialize_db_from_string() do not sort dependencies.
deserialize_db_from_string() doesn't use natural keys, so there is no
need to sort dependencies in serialize_db_to_string(). Moreover,
sorting models cause issues for circular dependencies.
deserialize_db_from_string() loads the full serialized database
contents, which might contain forward references and cycles. That
caused IntegrityError because constraints were checked immediately.
Now, it loads data in a transaction with constraint checks deferred
until the end of the transaction.
Several database backends struggle with binary data. This change
minimizes the risk of unrelated tests failures when binary fields
trigger errors.
Forward-port of 2e4bcb9b from stable/1.7.x.
Queries can contain binary data undecodable with utf-8. In this
case, using the 'replace' errors mode when decoding seems like
an acceptable representation of the query.
Thanks Marcel Ryser for the report.