mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 09:10:50 +00:00
Removed a few gratuitous lambdas.
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,9 +46,12 @@ from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect
IS_POPUP_VAR = '_popup'
TO_FIELD_VAR = '_to_field'
# returns the <ul> class for a given radio_admin field
get_ul_class = lambda x: 'radiolist%s' % (' inline' if x == HORIZONTAL else '')
def get_ul_class(radio_style):
return 'radiolist' if radio_style == VERTICAL else 'radiolist inline'
class IncorrectLookupParameters(Exception):
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ def date_hierarchy(cl):
month_lookup = cl.params.get(month_field)
day_lookup = cl.params.get(day_field)
link = lambda d: cl.get_query_string(d, [field_generic])
link = lambda filters: cl.get_query_string(filters, [field_generic])
if not (year_lookup or month_lookup or day_lookup):
# select appropriate start level
@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ from django.contrib.sites.models import get_current_site
mask_password = lambda p: "%s%s" % (p[:UNMASKED_DIGITS_TO_SHOW], "*" * max(len(p) - UNMASKED_DIGITS_TO_SHOW, 0))
def mask_password(password):
shown = password[:UNMASKED_DIGITS_TO_SHOW]
masked = "*" * max(len(password) - UNMASKED_DIGITS_TO_SHOW, 0)
return shown + masked
class ReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget(forms.Widget):
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_by_path as get_storage
from django.utils.module_loading import import_by_path
# Callable with the same interface as the storage classes i.e. accepts a
# 'request' object. It is wrapped in a lambda to stop 'settings' being used at
# the module level
default_storage = lambda request: get_storage(settings.MESSAGE_STORAGE)(request)
def default_storage(request):
Callable with the same interface as the storage classes.
This isn't just default_storage = import_by_path(settings.MESSAGE_STORAGE)
to avoid accessing the settings at the module level.
return import_by_path(settings.MESSAGE_STORAGE)(request)
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import OrderedDict
import re
from bisect import bisect
from collections import OrderedDict
import warnings
from django.apps import apps
@ -13,10 +12,9 @@ from django.db.models.fields.proxy import OrderWrt
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.utils.encoding import force_text, smart_text, python_2_unicode_compatible
from django.utils.text import camel_case_to_spaces
from django.utils.translation import activate, deactivate_all, get_language, string_concat
# Calculate the verbose_name by converting from InitialCaps to "lowercase with spaces".
get_verbose_name = lambda class_name: re.sub('(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))', ' \\1', class_name).lower().strip()
DEFAULT_NAMES = ('verbose_name', 'verbose_name_plural', 'db_table', 'ordering',
'unique_together', 'permissions', 'get_latest_by',
@ -109,7 +107,7 @@ class Options(object):
# First, construct the default values for these options.
self.object_name = cls.__name__
self.model_name = self.object_name.lower()
self.verbose_name = get_verbose_name(self.object_name)
self.verbose_name = camel_case_to_spaces(self.object_name)
# Store the original user-defined values for each option,
# for use when serializing the model definition
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ if six.PY2:
# people rely on it being here.
from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode # NOQA
# Capitalizes the first letter of a string.
capfirst = lambda x: x and force_text(x)[0].upper() + force_text(x)[1:]
capfirst = allow_lazy(capfirst, six.text_type)
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ capfirst = allow_lazy(capfirst, six.text_type)
re_words = re.compile(r'<.*?>|((?:\w[-\w]*|&.*?;)+)', re.U | re.S)
re_tag = re.compile(r'<(/)?([^ ]+?)(?:(\s*/)| .*?)?>', re.S)
re_newlines = re.compile(r'\r\n|\r') # Used in normalize_newlines
re_camel_case = re.compile(r'(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))')
def wrap(text, width):
@ -420,3 +422,11 @@ def slugify(value):
value = re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', value).strip().lower()
return mark_safe(re.sub('[-\s]+', '-', value))
slugify = allow_lazy(slugify, six.text_type)
def camel_case_to_spaces(value):
Splits CamelCase and converts to lower case. Also strips leading and
trailing whitespace.
return re_camel_case.sub(r' \1', value).strip().lower()
@ -154,12 +154,10 @@ def setup(verbosity, test_labels):
if not test_labels:
module_found_in_labels = True
match = lambda label: (
module_label == label or # exact match
module_label.startswith(label + '.') # ancestor match
module_found_in_labels = any(match(l) for l in test_labels_set)
module_found_in_labels = any(
# exact match or ancestor match
module_label == label or module_label.startswith(label + '.')
for label in test_labels_set)
if module_found_in_labels:
if verbosity >= 2:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user