mirror of https://github.com/django/django.git synced 2024-12-22 17:16:24 +00:00

Refs #35058 -- Made OGRGeomType aware of additional WKB geometry types.

This commit increases OGRGeomType's knowledge of WKB types and allows
for improved error messages when Django doesn't yet have a corresponding
class to wrap a given type.
This commit is contained in:
David Smith 2023-12-22 17:21:08 +00:00 committed by Mariusz Felisiak
parent 7c26dbf6ef
commit 21b0b23a67
4 changed files with 134 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -123,7 +123,9 @@ class OGRGeometry(GDALBase):
self.srs = srs
# Setting the class depending upon the OGR Geometry Type
self.__class__ = GEO_CLASSES[self.geom_type.num]
if (geo_class := GEO_CLASSES.get(self.geom_type.num)) is None:
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported geometry type: {self.geom_type}")
self.__class__ = geo_class
# Pickle routines
def __getstate__(self):

View File

@ -16,9 +16,57 @@ class OGRGeomType:
5: "MultiLineString",
6: "MultiPolygon",
7: "GeometryCollection",
8: "CircularString",
9: "CompoundCurve",
10: "CurvePolygon",
11: "MultiCurve",
12: "MultiSurface",
15: "PolyhedralSurface",
16: "TIN",
17: "Triangle",
100: "None",
101: "LinearRing",
102: "PointZ",
1008: "CircularStringZ",
1009: "CompoundCurveZ",
1010: "CurvePolygonZ",
1011: "MultiCurveZ",
1012: "MultiSurfaceZ",
1013: "CurveZ",
1014: "SurfaceZ",
1015: "PolyhedralSurfaceZ",
1016: "TINZ",
1017: "TriangleZ",
2001: "PointM",
2002: "LineStringM",
2003: "PolygonM",
2004: "MultiPointM",
2005: "MultiLineStringM",
2006: "MultiPolygonM",
2007: "GeometryCollectionM",
2008: "CircularStringM",
2009: "CompoundCurveM",
2010: "CurvePolygonM",
2011: "MultiCurveM",
2012: "MultiSurfaceM",
2015: "PolyhedralSurfaceM",
2016: "TINM",
2017: "TriangleM",
3001: "PointZM",
3002: "LineStringZM",
3003: "PolygonZM",
3004: "MultiPointZM",
3005: "MultiLineStringZM",
3006: "MultiPolygonZM",
3007: "GeometryCollectionZM",
3008: "CircularStringZM",
3009: "CompoundCurveZM",
3010: "CurvePolygonZM",
3011: "MultiCurveZM",
3012: "MultiSurfaceZM",
3015: "PolyhedralSurfaceZM",
3016: "TINZM",
3017: "TriangleZM",
1 + wkb25bit: "Point25D",
2 + wkb25bit: "LineString25D",
3 + wkb25bit: "Polygon25D",

View File

@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ wkt_regex = _lazy_re_compile(
r"[ACEGIMLONPSRUTYZ0-9,.+() -]+)$",

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class OGRGeomTest(SimpleTestCase, TestDataMixin):
with self.assertRaises(GDALException):
with self.assertRaises(GDALException):
# Equivalence can take strings, ints, and other OGRGeomTypes
self.assertEqual(OGRGeomType(1), OGRGeomType(1))
@ -635,3 +635,82 @@ class OGRGeomTest(SimpleTestCase, TestDataMixin):
def test_empty_point_to_geos(self):
p = OGRGeometry("POINT EMPTY", srs=4326)
self.assertEqual(p.geos.ewkt, p.ewkt)
def test_geometry_types(self):
tests = [
("Point", 1, True),
("LineString", 2, True),
("Polygon", 3, True),
("MultiPoint", 4, True),
("Multilinestring", 5, True),
("MultiPolygon", 6, True),
("GeometryCollection", 7, True),
("CircularString", 8, False),
("CompoundCurve", 9, False),
("CurvePolygon", 10, False),
("MultiCurve", 11, False),
("MultiSurface", 12, False),
# 13 (Curve) and 14 (Surface) are abstract types.
("PolyhedralSurface", 15, False),
("TIN", 16, False),
("Triangle", 17, False),
("Linearring", 2, True),
# Types 1 - 7 with Z dimension have 2.5D enums.
("Point Z", -2147483647, True), # 1001
("LineString Z", -2147483646, True), # 1002
("Polygon Z", -2147483645, True), # 1003
("MultiPoint Z", -2147483644, True), # 1004
("Multilinestring Z", -2147483643, True), # 1005
("MultiPolygon Z", -2147483642, True), # 1006
("GeometryCollection Z", -2147483641, True), # 1007
("CircularString Z", 1008, False),
("CompoundCurve Z", 1009, False),
("CurvePolygon Z", 1010, False),
("MultiCurve Z", 1011, False),
("MultiSurface Z", 1012, False),
("PolyhedralSurface Z", 1015, False),
("TIN Z", 1016, False),
("Triangle Z", 1017, False),
("Point M", 2001, False),
("LineString M", 2002, False),
("Polygon M", 2003, False),
("MultiPoint M", 2004, False),
("MultiLineString M", 2005, False),
("MultiPolygon M", 2006, False),
("GeometryCollection M", 2007, False),
("CircularString M", 2008, False),
("CompoundCurve M", 2009, False),
("CurvePolygon M", 2010, False),
("MultiCurve M", 2011, False),
("MultiSurface M", 2012, False),
("PolyhedralSurface M", 2015, False),
("TIN M", 2016, False),
("Triangle M", 2017, False),
("Point ZM", 3001, False),
("LineString ZM", 3002, False),
("Polygon ZM", 3003, False),
("MultiPoint ZM", 3004, False),
("MultiLineString ZM", 3005, False),
("MultiPolygon ZM", 3006, False),
("GeometryCollection ZM", 3007, False),
("CircularString ZM", 3008, False),
("CompoundCurve ZM", 3009, False),
("CurvePolygon ZM", 3010, False),
("MultiCurve ZM", 3011, False),
("MultiSurface ZM", 3012, False),
("PolyhedralSurface ZM", 3015, False),
("TIN ZM", 3016, False),
("Triangle ZM", 3017, False),
for test in tests:
geom_type, num, supported = test
with self.subTest(geom_type=geom_type, num=num, supported=supported):
if supported:
g = OGRGeometry(f"{geom_type} EMPTY")
self.assertEqual(g.geom_type.num, num)
type_ = geom_type.replace(" ", "")
msg = f"Unsupported geometry type: {type_}"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TypeError, msg):
OGRGeometry(f"{geom_type} EMPTY")