diff --git a/docs/templates_python.txt b/docs/templates_python.txt
index 5d27618525..8ac2effd45 100644
--- a/docs/templates_python.txt
+++ b/docs/templates_python.txt
@@ -743,6 +743,164 @@ Python 2.4 and above::
If you leave off the ``name`` argument, as in the second example above, Django
will use the function's name as the tag name.
+Shortcut for simple tags
+Many template tags take a single argument -- a string or a template variable
+reference -- and return a string after doing some processing based solely on
+the input argument and some external information. For example, the
+``current_time`` tag we wrote above is of this variety: we give it a format
+string, it returns the time as a string.
+To ease the creation of the types of tags, Django provides a helper function,
+``simple_tag``. This function, which is a method of
+``django.template.Library``, takes a function that accepts one argument, wraps
+it in a ``render`` function and the other necessary bits mentioned above and
+registers it with the template system.
+Our earlier ``current_time`` function could thus be written like this::
+ # This version of do_current_time takes only a single argument and returns
+ # a string.
+ def do_current_time(token):
+ try:
+ # Splitting by None == splitting by spaces.
+ tag_name, format_string = token.contents.split(None, 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires an argument" % token.contents[0]
+ if not (format_string[0] == format_string[-1] and format_string[0] in ('"', "'")):
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag's argument should be in quotes" % tag_name
+ return datetime.datetime.now().strftime(self.format_string[1:-1])
+ register.simple_tag(do_current_time)
+In Python 2.4, the decorator syntax also works::
+ @simple_tag
+ def do_current_time(token):
+ ...
+Inclusion tags
+Another type of template tag that is sometimes useful is when you want to
+display some data that is computed at render time in a template fragment. For
+example, in Django's admin interface, there is a line of buttons along the
+bottom of the `create/edit record` screen. These buttons always look the same,
+but the link targets change depending upon the object being edited. So they
+are a perfect example for using a small template that is filled in with
+details from the current object. To save typing, it would also be nice if we
+could wrap this whole display up in a single tag (in the admin templates this
+is the ``submit_row`` tag).
+We call these sorts of tags `inclusion tags`. In your template, you pass in
+any appropriate arguments and the tag uses those arguments, together with the
+current context to render a template and include the result in the output.
+Writing inclusion tags is probably best demonstrated by example. We will write
+a tag that outputs a list of choices for a Poll object, such as was created in
+the tutorials_. We will use this tag like this::
+ {{ show_results poll }}
+and the output will be something like this::
+ - First choice
+ - Second choice
+ - Third choice
+First, we define the function which takes the argument and produces a
+dictionary of data for the result. The important point here is we only need to
+return a dictionary, not anything more complex. This will be used to substitue
+for values in the template fragment, just as when templates are used
+ def show_results(poll):
+ choices = poll.choice_set.all()
+ return {'choices': choices}
+We also need to create the template that is used to render the output. This
+template is a fixed feature of the tag: the tag writer specifies it, not the
+template designer. In our case, the template is very simple::
+ {% for choice in choices %}
+ - {{ choice }}
+ {% endfor %}
+Now we can create the inclusion tag. Suppose the above template is in a file
+called ``results.html`` in a directory that is searched by the template
+loader. We register our new tag similarly to a normal tag.
+ # Here, register is a django.template.Library instance, as before
+ register.inclusion_tag('results.html')(show_results)
+As always, Python 2.4 decorator syntax works as well, so we could have
+ @inclusion_tag('results.html')
+ def show_results(poll):
+ ...
+when first creating the function.
+In some cases, an inclusion tag might require a large number of arguments to
+display itself properly. In essence, it would depend largely on the current
+context it was being rendered with. We can make these sorts of tags easier to
+write by telling the ``inclusion_tag`` function that the whole context
+should be passed in as an argument to the function. This will be done
+invisibly as far as the template tag user is concerned: they will not need to
+do anything to pass in the context.
+For example, suppose we are writing an inclusion tag that will always be used
+in a context that contains ``home_link`` and ``home_title`` variables that
+point back to the main page. We can write a tag that is used like this::
+ {{ jump_link }}
+and renders this::
+ Jump directly to Home
+The tag function is almost as simple as before. This time it takes no
+arguments except the ``context`` (and the parameter `must` be called
+``context`` in this case; the special parameter named is used internally by
+Django to fill in the values correctly).
+ # The first argument *must* be called "context" here.
+ def jump_link(context):
+ return {
+ 'link': context['home_link'],
+ 'title': context['home_title'],
+ }
+Our template is very simple again::
+ Jump directly to {{ title }}.
+Assuming the template is in a file called ``link.html``, we register this new
+tag as follows::
+ register.inclusion_tag('link.html', takes_context = True)(jump_link)
+The ``takes_context`` parameter here defaults to *False*. When it is set to
+*True*, our tag is passed the implicit context as in this example. That is the
+only difference between this case and our previous use of ``inclusion_tag``.
+.. _tutorials: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/tutorial1/#creating-models
Setting a variable in the context